Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Alimentaria's Cover Image

Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Alimentaria

The Journal of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania
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The submitted papers should not be considered for publication by other journals. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining the permission of co-authors and of the authorities of institutes, if needed, for publication, the Editorial Board disclaiming any responsibility. Submission must be made by e-mail ( only, using either the LaTeX style and sample file at the address: or a Word format. Beside the source LaTeX or Word file a .pdf format of the paper is needed, too. References should be listed alphabetically. Illustrations should be given in Encapsulated Postcript (.eps) format. Authors are encouraged to submit papers not exceeding 15 pages, but no more than 10 pages are preferable. One issue is offered to each author free of charge. No reprints are available.


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