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Tackling disabilities in young age—Policies that work


Figure 1

Inflow into work impairment by the month of entry. Young people 18-26 years of age in the period 2002–2012.Note: The figure includes only youths aged 26 or under, as older youths are not equally represented over the evaluation period in our data.
Inflow into work impairment by the month of entry. Young people 18-26 years of age in the period 2002–2012.Note: The figure includes only youths aged 26 or under, as older youths are not equally represented over the evaluation period in our data.

Figure 2

Survival curves by vocational rehabilitation program (VRP) status. Young people 18-29 years of age in the period 2002–2012.
Survival curves by vocational rehabilitation program (VRP) status. Young people 18-29 years of age in the period 2002–2012.

Figure 3

Monthly transition rates into vocational rehabilitation programs (VRPs). Young people 18-29 years of age in the period 2002–2012.
Monthly transition rates into vocational rehabilitation programs (VRPs). Young people 18-29 years of age in the period 2002–2012.

Figure 4

Monthly transition into work/education and social security, by vocational rehabilitation program (VRP) status. Young people 18-29 years of age during the period 2002–2012.
Monthly transition into work/education and social security, by vocational rehabilitation program (VRP) status. Young people 18-29 years of age during the period 2002–2012.

Figure 5

The effect of vocational rehabilitation program (VRP) on the transition to social security.Notes: FU, follow-up; WP, work practice; EDU, education/training; WS, wages subsidies. The dashed line shows the transition probability for a reference person who did not participate in any VRP, and who has been registered as work impaired for 6–10 months. The reference person is a male, aged 22–25 years, living in Eastern Norway, native-born, with no completed upper secondary education, with average parental background, by average youth unemployment.
The effect of vocational rehabilitation program (VRP) on the transition to social security.Notes: FU, follow-up; WP, work practice; EDU, education/training; WS, wages subsidies. The dashed line shows the transition probability for a reference person who did not participate in any VRP, and who has been registered as work impaired for 6–10 months. The reference person is a male, aged 22–25 years, living in Eastern Norway, native-born, with no completed upper secondary education, with average parental background, by average youth unemployment.

Figure 6

The effect of the vocational rehabilitation program (VRP) on the transition to job/ education. FU, follow-up; WP, work practice; EDU, education/training; WS, Wages Subsidies.Notes: The dashed line shows the transition probability for a reference person who does not participate in any VRP, and who has been registered as work impaired for 6–10 months. The reference person is a male, aged 22–25, living in Eastern Norway, native-born, with no completed upper secondary education, with average parental background, by average youth unemployment.
The effect of the vocational rehabilitation program (VRP) on the transition to job/ education. FU, follow-up; WP, work practice; EDU, education/training; WS, Wages Subsidies.Notes: The dashed line shows the transition probability for a reference person who does not participate in any VRP, and who has been registered as work impaired for 6–10 months. The reference person is a male, aged 22–25, living in Eastern Norway, native-born, with no completed upper secondary education, with average parental background, by average youth unemployment.

Figure 7

Yearly inflow into vocational rehabilitation program (VRP), as share of all ongoing work-impairment spells. Young people 18-29 years of age old.Note: FU, Follow-up; WP, work practice; EDU, education/training; WS wage subsidies.
Yearly inflow into vocational rehabilitation program (VRP), as share of all ongoing work-impairment spells. Young people 18-29 years of age old.Note: FU, Follow-up; WP, work practice; EDU, education/training; WS wage subsidies.

Effect of vocational rehabilitation programs (VRPs) during and after program participation on the transition to social security and job/education: Robustness tests

To social securityTo job/education
Original modelTime-varying healthBICHQICBefore 2009Original modelTime-varying healthBICHQICBefore 2009
Under treatment
After treatment

Sample means by VRP status

No programFollow-up (FU)Work practice (WP)Education/ training (EDU)Wage subsidies (WS)
Individual characteristics
   Age group (years)
   Completed upper secondary education0.3360.2490.2160.4210.324
   Activity before entering work impairment
      In education0.4050.4660.4960.4470.393
      In employment0.5360.4310.3790.5990.596
   Mean income 3 years before entering work impairment
      Labor income, BA1.4851.0610.9351.7671.620
      Nontaxable transfers, BA0.3950.3880.4030.3560.309
      Taxable transfers, BA0.2480.2680.2320.2410.282
   Parental background
      Higher-educated parents0.2210.2060.1990.2570.175
      Parents’ labor income, BA7.7237.5697.4157.9927.695
      Parents’ transfers, BA2.3032.4862.4452.1692.195
   Region of residence
      Eastern Norway0.4960.4730.4460.4990.388
      Southern Norway0.0720.0940.0810.0740.110
      Western Norway0.2420.2490.2340.2350.276
      Middle Norway0.0870.1000.1250.0780.115
      Northern Norway0.1030.0840.1130.1130.113
      Receiving health-related benefits0.5210.3730.3870.4400.255
Spell characteristics
   Duration of work impairment, months20.52429.76727.22131.27526.585
   Duration of VRP, months0.0008.8277.90913.0168.090
   Transition to work0.3810.2380.1850.2510.494
   Transition to education0.1140.0500.0590.1060.041
   Transition to permanent disability0.0640.0530.0480.0200.018
   Transition to social assistance0.0860.0380.0410.0180.026
   Transition to unemployment0.1410.0700.0650.0860.124
   Transition to unknown state0.0630.0360.0370.1120.047
   Censored due to time0.1510.2090.1760.0260.128
   Censored due to transition new VRP0.0000.3060.3890.3270.122

Effect of vocational rehabilitation programs (VRPs) during and after program participation on the transition to social security and job/education

Transition to social securityTransition to job/education
Under VRPAfter VRPUnder VRPAfter VRP
Follow-up (FU)0.034 (0.067)0.237*** (0.074)0.470*** (0.034)0.367*** (0.043)
Work practice (WP)−0.061 (0.040)0.136*** (0.045)0.251*** (0.024)0.273*** (0.028)
Training/education (EDU)−0.736*** (0.054)−0.083 (0.057)0.088*** (0.021)0.491*** (0.027)
Wage subsidies (WS)−0.598*** (0.117)−0.242 (0.169)0.691*** (0.043)0.918*** (0.069)

Complete estimation results: Transitions to vocational rehabilitation programs (VRP)

Coefficient (SE)Coefficient (SE)Coefficient (SE)Coefficient (SE)
Completed upper section education−0.048 (0.034)−0.159 (0.022)0.443 (0.018)0.142 (0.052)
Receiving health-related benefits−0.576 (0.037)−0.461 (0.023)−0.096 (0.023)−2.273 (0.061)
Non-European immigrant−0.184 (0.062)−0.210 (0.038)0.293 (0.035)−0.501 (0.110)
Female−0.350 (0.028)−0.168 (0.017)−0.065 (0.016)−1.102 (0.053)
Income last 3 years prior to work impairment
     Nontaxable transfers−0.180 (0.033)−0.059 (0.019)0.075 (0.018)−0.212 (0.059)
     Taxable transfers0.095 (0.029)0.014 (0.019)0.002 (0.018)0.232 (0.047)
     Labor income−0.075 (0.015)−0.049 (0.009)0.143 (0.007)0.058 (0.020)
Parents’ income average (7–17 years)
     Transfers0.004 (0.007)−0.027 (0.005)−0.016 (0.004)−0.032 (0.012)
     Labor income−0.004 (0.004)−0.015 (0.002)0.003 (0.002)0.010 (0.006)
     Higher-educated parents−0.219 (0.036)−0.200 (0.022)0.098 (0.019)−0.330 (0.060)
     Local youth unemployment rate0.009 (0.011)0.022 (0.006)0.015 (0.006)−0.021 (0.017)
Activity year prior to work impairment
     In education0.189 (0.032)0.115 (0.020)0.273 (0.018)0.100 (0.053)
     Employed0.007 (0.037)−0.103 (0.024)0.133 (0.021)0.402 (0.059)
Year dummies (2002 reference)
     Year 2003−0.372 (0.190)−0.431 (0.092)0.179 (0.067)−0.693 (0.211)
     Year 2004−0.129 (0.174)−0.194 (0.084)0.051 (0.066)−0.629 (0.192)
     Year 2005−0.005 (0.167)−0.359 (0.084)−0.061 (0.066)−0.109 (0.177)
     Year 20060.028 (0.166)−0.252 (0.083)−0.105 (0.066)−0.282 (0.178)
     Year 20070.259 (0.165)−0.355 (0.085)−0.056 (0.068)−0.197 (0.179)
     Year 20080.517 (0.164)−0.126 (0.084)0.077 (0.067)0.026 (0.178)
     Year 20091.571 (0.158)1.073 (0.077)1.063 (0.062)0.557 (0.174)
     Year 20101.625 (0.158)1.326 (0.076)0.892 (0.063)−0.208 (0.186)
     Year 20111.794 (0.158)1.464 (0.077)0.817 (0.063)0.290 (0.180)
     Year 20121.824 (0.159)1.586 (0.077)0.738 (0.064)0.428 (0.180)
     Year 20131.916 (0.162)1.609 (0.080)0.553 (0.069)0.656 (0.186)
     Year 20142.175 (0.168)1.690 (0.087)0.562 (0.078)0.655 (0.207)
Age category (21–24 reference)
     Age 18–20−0.177 (0.039)0.108 (0.024)−0.001 (0.025)−0.273 (0.070)
     Age 25–29−0.184 (0.034)−0.204 (0.022)−0.033 (0.019)−0.119 (0.053)
Duration of work-impairment spell (1–2 months reference)
     3–4 months−0.062 (0.057)−0.100 (0.031)0.036 (0.028)0.277 (0.104)
     5–6 months−0.081 (0.060)−0.145 (0.033)−0.087 (0.030)0.397 (0.108)
     7–10 months−0.036 (0.053)−0.301 (0.031)−0.148 (0.027)0.598 (0.096)
     11–14 months−0.038 (0.058)−0.286 (0.033)−0.080 (0.029)0.773 (0.102)
     15–18 months0.160 (0.059)−0.273 (0.036)−0.116 (0.032)0.966 (0.107)
     19–24 months0.140 (0.059)−0.256 (0.036)−0.149 (0.032)1.159 (0.106)
     25–30 months0.262 (0.064)−0.303 (0.040)−0.126 (0.036)1.261 (0.115)
     31–36 months0.278 (0.070)−0.290 (0.045)−0.167 (0.040)1.413 (0.123)
     37–48 months0.221 (0.070)−0.340 (0.045)−0.226 (0.041)1.640 (0.123)
     49+ months0.219 2 (0.083)−0.339 (0.054)−0.350 (0.051)1.776 (0.140)
Quarter (first-quarter reference)
     Quarter 20.004 (0.036)0.045 (0.022)0.443 (0.024)0.070 (0.062)
     Quarter 30.114 (0.036)0.210 (0.022)0.954 (0.021)0.265 (0.060)
     Quarter 40.327 (0.036)0.289 (0.022)0.339 (0.024)0.295 (0.061)
Region of residence (Eastern Norway reference)
     Southern Norway0.244 (0.048)0.191 (0.032)−0.013 (0.030)0.570 (0.076)
     Western Norway0.081 (0.035)0.085 (0.022)0.035 (0.019)0.273 (0.055)
     Middle Norway−0.012 (0.048)0.382 (0.028)−0.158 (0.029)0.363 (0.074)
     Northern Norway−0.202 (0.050)0.181 (0.028)0.161 (0.026)0.241 (0.075)

Complete estimation results: Transitions to outcome states

Social securityJob/education
Coefficient SECoefficient SE
Completed upper secondary education−0.398 (0.027)0.350 (0.012)
Receiving health-related benefits−1.088 (0.024)−1.438 (0.013)
Non-European immigrant−0.114 (0.040)0.121 (0.023)
Female−0.391 (0.020)0.050 (0.011)
Income last 3 years prior to work impairment0.392 (0.019)−0.120 (0.013)
Nontaxable transfers
     Taxable transfers0.040 (0.019)0.027 (0.012)
     Labor income−0.109 (0.011)0.118 (0.005)
Parents’ income average, 7–17 years
     Transfers0.025 (0.005)−0.010 (0.003)
     Labor income0.001 (0.003)0.006 (0.001)
     Higher educated parents−0.037 (0.026)−0.001 (0.013)
     Local youth unemployment rate0.000 (0.007)−0.020 (0.004)
Activity year prior to work impairment
     In education−0.231 (0.022)0.133 (0.012)
     Employed−0.232 (0.027)0.428 (0.014)
Year dummies (2002 reference)
     Year 20030.081 (0.076)−0.114 (0.040)
     Year 20040.130 (0.074)0.001 (0.038)
     Year 20050.159 (0.072)0.166 (0.037)
     Year 20060.050 (0.071)0.244 (0.037)
     Year 2007−0.150 (0.074)0.270 (0.038)
     Year 2008−0.611 (0.077)0.038 (0.038)
     Year 2009−0.861 (0.077)−0.109 (0.037)
     Year 2010−0.585 (0.073)−0.596 (0.038)
     Year 2011−0.325 (0.073)−0.384 (0.038)
     Year 2012−0.480 (0.074)−0.379 (0.039)
     Year 2013−0.559 (0.077)−0.347 (0.041)
     Year 2014−0.046 (0.079)−0.331 (0.045)
Age (21–24 reference)
     Age 18–20 years0.152 (0.027)0.035 (0.016)
     Age 25–29 years0.006 (0.024)−0.178 (0.013)
Duration of work-impairment spell (1–2 months reference)
     3–4 months−0.008 (0.038)0.077 (0.019)
     5–6 months−0.034 (0.041)0.045 (0.020)
     7–10 months−0.065 (0.037)0.006 (0.019)
     11–14 months−0.065 (0.039)−0.006 (0.021)
     15–18 months−0.043 (0.042)−0.093 (0.023)
     19–24 months0.032 (0.041)−0.070 (0.023)
     25–30 months0.118 (0.044)−0.033 (0.025)
     31–36 months0.206 (0.048)−0.020 (0.028)
     37–48 months0.567 (0.044)0.171 (0.027)
     49+ months1.138 (0.048)0.300 (0.032)
Quarter (first quarter reference)
     Quarter 2−0.024 (0.025)0.124 (0.013)
     Quarter 30.107 (0.024)0.415 (0.012)
     Quarter 40.040 (0.025)−0.031 (0.014)
Region of residence (Eastern Norway reference)
     Southern Norway0.042 (0.035)−0.048 (0.020)
     Western Norway0.062 (0.024)−0.025 (0.013)
     Middle Norway−0.017 (0.033)−0.051 (0.018)
     Northern Norway−0.114 (0.033)0.023 (0.017)