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Naše gospodarstvo/Our economy

Journal of contemporary issues in economics and business
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Naše gospodarstvo/Our economy – Journal of Contemporary Issues in Economics and Business (NGOE) is a quarterly, double-blind peer reviewed international scientific journal, focusing on economics and business sciences. Scientific articles and review papers provide new insights into the research topics of both disciplines. The journal aims to provide a venue for high quality theoretical and empirical articles that significantly contribute to the disciplines of economic and business sciences.

NGOE promotes particularly the publication of articles that address issues in the following areas of economics and business sciences: Business Economics, Economic Growth and Development, Economic Policy, Economic Theory, Econometrics and Statistics, Financial Economics, History of Economic Thought, International Economics, Labour Economics, Political Economy, Public Finance, Social Policy, Social Economics, Sustainable Economics, Accounting, Auditing, Banking and Finance, Change Management, Corporate Law, Corporate Social Responsibility, Crisis Management, Decision Making, Education Management, Entrepreneurship, Ethics in Business, Health Management, Human Resource Management, Information Management, Innovation Management, International Business, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Marketing, Operations Management, Organizational Behaviour, Organizational Development, Portfolio Management, Product Development Management, Production Management, Project Management, Public Administration, Risk Management, Services Management, Strategic Management, Systems Theory, Taxation, Tourism Management, Sustainable Business.

Why Subscribe and Read

The articles published in NGOE aim to synthesise and integrate the advanced knowledge of economics and business research, to promote the enrichment and integration of ideas among the areas of economics and business sciences.

Why Submit

Published continuously since 1955, NGOE is moving towards higher publication standards and we have taken important steps towards reaching global readership. We maintain a rapid review and publication process. The double-blind peer review process takes between five and seven weeks on average.

Publication Charges

There is no article processing charges (APC) nor article submission charges.

Peer review process

The aim of the peer review process is to ensure that high-quality and original research is published. All articles published in the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Economics and Business Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy (NGOE) are peer-reviewed and all papers submitted follow the procedure outlined below.

Initial paper evaluation

All papers submitted for publication consideration in NGOE are first evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief. Papers which fall outside the aims and scope of the journal or fail to meet the requirements of a scientific research will either be rejected at this initial point or returned to the author for revision. Papers are never accepted by the Editor-in-Chief without the reports of two reviewers, at least.

Plagiarism checking

Papers that pass the initial evaluation stage are subject to a similarity/plagiarism scanning by using a plagiarism screening program. Any paper with a similarity percentage (excluding references) greater than 25 % will be rejected. Manuscripts that pass the initial evaluation stage and have a similarity rate below 25 % proceed to the referee process. All submitted papers are subject to anti-plagiarism control in the iThenticate system.

Peer review

NGOE employs double-anonymous reviewing, where both the referee and author remain anonymous throughout the process.

Instructions for reviewers

The primary objective of the reviewer's evaluation is to provide sufficient and unambiguous answers to the following questions and also recommendations for possible changes and improvements to the paper:

  • does the title match the subject of the paper and does the subject of the paper correspond with the area of
    interest of the journal (according to "Aims and Scope"),
  • is the Abstract correct, i.e. short but presenting the main results of the researches and conclusions based on
    these results,
  • does the Introduction present the subject and the objective of the researches correctly,
  • are the implemented methods used properly and is the research material sufficient,
  • are the results described, analyzed, commented on and presented correctly, without repetitions of data in
    tables and diagrams,
  • is the discussion presented correctly, based on actual knowledge and with the use of properly chosen
    scientific literature (as recent as possible),
  • do the conclusions generalize the obtained results and provide recommendations, which are appropriately
    prepared on the basis of results and are not merely the repetition of those results,
  • does the paper introduce new and interesting information and does it have sufficient impact and add to the
    knowledge base.

The formal evaluation of the paper should include answers to the following questions:

  • whether the layout and contents of tables and graphs is readable and convenient for recipients
  • is the information in tables not repeated in graphs and vice versa,
  • are there no reservations about the length of the paper, its linguistic correctness, the method of citation of
    the literature and usage of units, etc.?

Reviewers' evaluation

Papers are sent to at least two reviewers assigned by the Editor-in-Chief or Co-editor. The reviewers are chosen according to their expertise. Reviewers are asked to evaluate the manuscript’s originality, methodology, contribution to the literature, presentation of results and support for the conclusions, and appropriate referencing of previous relevant studies. Reviewers may either recommend accepting the manuscript, rejecting the manuscript or may require a revision for content and/or technical issues. When making a final recommendation, the reviewers should clearly state whether the paper is suitable for publication in journal. In the case of a positive answer, the reviewers indicate whether:

  • it might be accepted without changes,
  • it might be accepted after minor changes, suggested by the reviewer in the manuscript or in his/her
  • it might be accepted after major changes (please indicate them).

The detailed evaluation criteria are outlined in the Paper Review Form.
If the reviews are positive they are sent for the reviews to the corresponding author. For a paper to be accepted for publication, two positive reviews are required. In case one reviewer's report is negative while the other is positive, the paper is forwarded to a third reviewer for additional evaluation. When a revision is required by the reviewer, the author(s) are to consider the critical observations and suggestions offered by the referees, and a revised paper should be submitted within a set deadline, otherwise it will be assumed to have been withdrawn. Reviewers may request more than one revision of a paper.

Final evaluation

Based on the corrected versions of the paper and the answers to the reviews the Editors take the final decision as to whether to publish the paper or not.
Proofs are sent to the corresponding author and should be returned within the set deadline.
Every year a list of Reviewers collaborating with the Editors of the NGOE is shown on the Journal's website when all four issues of the journal have been sent to print.

The data on society or institution responsible for the journal and the country where it is based:

University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia

Publication Frequency

NGOE is published quarterly.

Plagiarism Prevention Policy

Original unpublished scientific papers which have not been submitted for publication elsewhere can be submitted to NGOE. The editorial board is participating in a growing community of Similarity Check System's users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.


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