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Bolus Feeding Via Gastric Versus Oral Routes in Very Preterm Neonates


Correlations (r2) between the feeding methods and three outcome variables.

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. LOH 1
2. DOL to reach 2200g of BW 0.87* 1
3. DOL when gavage feeding was started 0.36* 0.37* 1 0.40*
4. DOL when nipple feed was started 0.88* 0.81* 0.38* 1 0.83
5. DOL of full gavage & nipple feeds 0.83* 0.80* 1
6. DOL of full nipple feeds 0.88* 0.86* 0.39* 0.84* 0.84* 1

Maternal and neonatal clinical characteristics. (Data presented as mean (SD) for numerical and number (%) for categorical variables).

Variables n = 127
Gestational age (weeks) 30.6 (1.9)
Birthweight (grams) 1,482 (43.9)
Male 65 (51.2)
Non-Caucasian 84 (66.1)
Apgar at five minutes of life 7.8 (1.2)
Total number of days on antibiotics 5.2 (4.8)
Oxygen or positive pressure therapy 102 (80.3)
PDA 18 (14.2)
NEC 2 (1.6)
Maternal hypertension 43 (34.5)
Maternal diabetes mellitus 14 (10.9)
Antenatal steroids 117 (92.1)
Antenatal magnesium sulfate 108 (85.7)
Antenatal antibiotics 74 (64.2)
NPO days 4.7 (4.2)
Total days on intravenous fluids-nutrition 18.1 (13.49)
DOL when any feeding was started 3.4 (1.97)
DOL when gastric bolus feeding was started 3.6 (2.18)
DOL when nipple feeding was started 14.2 (14.52)
GA, when nipple feeding was started 32.4 (1.18)
DOL when full nipple feeding was achieved 25.7 (18.96)
Colostrum intake 80 (62.9)
Maternal breast milk intake 93 (73.2)
Daily weight gain 22.6 (6.85)
Length of hospitalization (days) (LOH) 44.8 (20.7)
Days to reach 2200 grams of body weight (Wt22) 36.1 (17.8)
Day of life when full feeding achieved (gastric and nipple feeding combined) (FEN) 18.8 (12.3)

Associations between clinical and nutrition supplementation variables with DOL to achieve full enteral feeding (FEN) via linear regression analysis.

Variable Univariate B (SE) Multivariate B (SE)
Gestational age (weeks) −5.39 (0.33)*** −1.06 (0.52)*
Birthweight (g) −0.03 (0.002)*** <0.001 (0.002)
Male gender 0.92 (2.47)
Non-Caucasian ethnicity −0.85 (2.60)
Apgar score at five minutes of life −4.45 (0.90) *** 0.24 (0.45)
Days on antibiotics 22.53 (3.05) *** 1.87 (1.95)
Oxygen or positive pressure therapy 15.52 (3.44) *** −3.45 (1.89)
PDA 14.81 (3.47) *** 1.44 (1.78)
NPO days 15.12 (1.94) *** 4.30 (1.23)**
Colostrum intake 6.66 (2.63) *** −1.63 (1.17)
Maternal breast milk intake 4.98 (2.91)
Total days on intravenous fluid-nutrition 35.48 (1.90)*** 14.48 (2.97)***
DOL when gastric bolus feed started 2.60 (0.52)*** 0.29 (0.36)
DOL when nipple feeding started 0.81 (0.05)*** 0.22 (0.07)**
GA, when nipple feeding was started −0.57 (1.05)
DOL of achieving full nipple feeding 0.62 (0.04)*** 0.14 (0.06)*
Daily weight gain (grams) −3.73 (10.31)
Intercept 27.29 (17.52)

Associations between clinical and nutrition supplementation variables with number of days to reach 2,200 g (Wt22) via linear regression analysis.

Variable Univariate B (SE) Multivariate B (SE)
Gestational age −7.28 (0. 15)** −0.13 (0.49)
Birthweight (g) −0.04 (0.001)*** −0.03 (0.002)***
Male gender 1.08 (3.18)
Non-Caucasian ethnicity 0.94 (3.36)
Apgar score at five minutes of life −4.84 (1.25)*** −0.34 (0.43)
Days on antibiotics 22.24 (4.48) *** 1.26 (1.83)
Oxygen or positive pressure therapy 21.89 (4.81)*** −0.36 (1.89)
PDA 22.10 (4.81)*** 0.24 (1.77)
NPO days 12.54 (2.88)*** 1.98 (1.15)
Colostrum intake 10.80 (3.65) *** 0.25 (1.16)
Maternal breast milk intake 7.59 (4.06)
Total days on intravenous fluid-nutrition 40.84 (3.14)*** 2.69 (2.81)
DOL when OG bolus feed was started 2.88 (0.69)*** 0.37 (0.33)
DOL when nipple feeding started 1.12 (0.07)*** 0.07 (0.08)
GA, when nipple feeding was started −0.47 (1.35)
DOL of achieving full nipple feeding 0.87 (0.05)*** 0.19 (0.06)**
Daily weight gain (g) 6.67 (13.15)
Intercept 76.56 (16.69)***

Associations between clinical and nutrition supplementation variables and the length of hospitalization (LOH) via linear regression analysis.

Variable Univariate B (SE) Multivariate B (SE)
Gestational age (weeks) −8.84 (0.55)*** −0.87 (0.77)
Birthweight (g) −0.04 (0.003)*** −0.02 (0.003)***
Male gender 3.27 (3.69)
Non-Caucasian ethnicity 3.92 (3.89)
Apgar at five minutes of life −4.99 (1.47)** 1.10 (0.67)
Days on antibiotics 32.39 (4.92)*** 6.57 (2.89)*
Oxygen or positive pressure therapy 24.99 (5.31) *** −0.3 (2.65)
PDA 23.87 (5.36) *** −0.68 (2.51)
Colostrum intake 12.26 (4.04) *** 1.29 (1.90)
Maternal breast milk intake 8.90 (4.50) * −0.87 (2.04)
NPO days 38.67 (5.17)*** 1.07 (3.89)
Total days on intravenous fluid-nutrition 48.63 (3.54)*** 5.08 (4.44)
DOL gastric bolus feed started 3.25 (0.81)*** −0.33 (0.52)
DOL when nipple feeding was started 1.37 (0.08)*** 0.29 (0.12)*
GA when nipple feeding was started −0.39 (1.57)
DOL when full nipple feeding achieved 1.05 (0.05)*** 0.38 (0.10)***
Daily weight gain (g) 16.09 (15.25)
Intercept 60.07 (26.35)*