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Methodological Framework for Geodiversity Application in Geographic Education from a Case Study of Canary Islands, Spain


Fig. 1

Didactic resource in El Hierro (top) and Lanzarote-Archipelago Chinijo Geoparks (lower).
Didactic resource in El Hierro (top) and Lanzarote-Archipelago Chinijo Geoparks (lower).

Fig. 2

Location of the Canary Islands and national, natural parks and geoparks included in the study.
Location of the Canary Islands and national, natural parks and geoparks included in the study.

Fig. 3

Examples of geodiversity of Canary Islands. A – Teide stratovolcano in Tenerife, B – Las Cañadas Caldera in Tenerife, C – Eruption La Palma in 2021, D – Timanfaya eruption in Lanzarote Geopark, E – Pahoehoe lava flows and F – hornito in el Hierro Geoparks, G – Pillow lavas in Caldera de Taburiente national park in La Palma, H – Los Gigantes cliff in Tenerife and I – Ravines in La Gomera.
Examples of geodiversity of Canary Islands. A – Teide stratovolcano in Tenerife, B – Las Cañadas Caldera in Tenerife, C – Eruption La Palma in 2021, D – Timanfaya eruption in Lanzarote Geopark, E – Pahoehoe lava flows and F – hornito in el Hierro Geoparks, G – Pillow lavas in Caldera de Taburiente national park in La Palma, H – Los Gigantes cliff in Tenerife and I – Ravines in La Gomera.

Fig. 4

Types of geo-educational materials available to the public in the Canary Island parks or geoparks.
Types of geo-educational materials available to the public in the Canary Island parks or geoparks.

List of core curriculums included in the study.

National spanish curriculumsRegional curriculums
Real Decreto 126/2014, de 28 de febrero de 2014, Currículo básico de la Educación Primaria, Boletín Oficial del Estado n.º 52 (Currículo básico de la Educación Primaria – Estado, 2014).Decreto 89/2014, de 13 de agosto de 2014, Currículo de la Educación Primaria en la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias, Boletín Oficial de Canarias n.º 156 (Currículo de la Educación Primaria – Canarias, 2014).
Real Decreto 1105/2014, de 26 de diciembre de 2015, Currículo básico de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y del Bachillerato, Boletín Oficial del Estado n.º 3 (Currículo básico de la ESO y Bachillerato – Estado, 2015).Decreto 83/2016, de 4 de julio de 2016, Currículo de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Boletín Oficial de la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias, Boletín Oficial de Canarias n.º 136 (Currículo básico de la ESO y Bachillerato – Canarias, 2016).

The context of geodiversity in the Spanish and Canary Islands’ core curriculums.

Primary education – Spain (Currículo básico de la Educación Primaria, Estado, 2014)
Social sciences (sp. Ciencias sociales, Bloque 2. El mundo en que vivimos, Curso 1–6.º)
Content: The geographical diversity of Spanish landscapes: relief and hydrography; The geographical diversity of European landscapes: relief, climates and hydrography.
14.1. Defines the landscape, identifies its elements and explains the characteristics of the main landscapes of Spain and Europe, valuing their diversity (p. 19375).
Primary education – the Canary Islands (Currículo de la Educación Primaria, Canarias, 2014)
Social sciences (sp. Ciencias sociales, Bloque 2. El mundo en que vivimos, Curso 4.º)
Assessment criterion: 4. Identify and compare some of the main landscapes of the Canary Islands and the most representative of the rest of Spain on the basis of their characteristic elements and analyse the main physical and human agents that make them up, assessing their diversity and indicating examples of the positive or negative impact of human activities on them, with the aim of promoting interest in territorial conservation and sustainable development.
Content: 4. The study of the interaction between nature and human beings. The appreciation of the diversity and richness of the landscape of the Canary Islands and of the elements that shape it (volcanoes, malpaises and beaches, etc.). (p. 22027).
Social sciences (sp. Ciencias sociales, Bloque 2. El mundo en que vivimos, Curso 6.º)
Assessment criterion: 4. Identify, describe and locate on maps the main relief units of Spain and Europe, their climates and hydrographic watersheds, analysing their repercussion on the different types of landscape in order to value the diversity and richness of territory and the importance of promoting their conservation. This criterion aims to verify whether students are able to handle different cartographic models of Spain and Europe, on paper and digital support, locate the main elements of inland continental relief (plateaus, mountain ranges, mountains and plains...), coastal relief (gulfs, capes and deltas...) and island relief (ravines, calderas and malpaises...), as well as the most important rivers and lakes.), as well as the most important rivers of their hydrographic slopes and the most representative climatic zones with the aim of analysing their effects on the landscape diversity of both territories, showing attitudes in favour of their conservation and assessing the need to adopt protection measures, such as the creation of protected natural areas (national parks and nature reserves, etc.).
Contents: 1. Explaining and assessing the natural diversity of landscapes of continental and island Spain and the elements that make them up: relief, climate and hydrography. 2. Explaining and assessing the natural diversity of landscapes of Europe and their constituent elements: relief, climate and hydrography. 3. Analysing and assessing the diversity and richness of landscapes of European and Spanish mainland and island territories. The importance of their conservation as natural heritage. (p. 22047).
Social sciences (sp. Ciencias sociales, Estándares de aprendizaje evaluables)
42. Define paisaje, identifica sus elementos y explica las características de los principales paisajes de España y Europa, valorando su diversidad (p. 22056).
Secondary education - Spain (Currículo básico de la ESO y Bachillerato, Estado, 2015)
Geography and history (Geografía e Historia, Bloque 1. El medio físico, Curso 1.º ESO)
Content: The physical environment: Spain, Europe and the world: relief; hydrography; climate: landscape elements and diversity; bioclimatic zones; the natural environment: environmental areas and problems. (p. 298).
Geography (Geografía, Bloque 2. El relieve español, su diversidad geomorfológica, Curso 2.º Bachillerato)
Content: Spain and its geographical uniqueness: unity and diversity. Spanish relief and its geomorphological diversity.
Assessment criterion: 1. Distinguish the singularities of Spanish geographical space, establishing the aspects that give it unity and the elements that give rise to diversity. (p. 305).
Geography (Geografía, Bloque 3. La diversidad climática y la vegetación, Curso 2.º Bachillerato)
Assessment criterion: 7. Obtain and select information of geographical content related to the climatic diversity of Spain using available sources, whether from the Internet, social media or bibliography. (p. 305).
Geography (Geografía, Bloque 4. La hidrografía, Curso 2.º Bachillerato)
Content: Water diversity of the peninsula and islands.
Assessment criterion: 1. Explain the water diversity of the Iberian Peninsula and islands, listing and locating the different types of water elements that can be perceived by observing the landscape.
Assessable learning standards: 1.1. Identifies water diversity in Spain. (p. 306).
Secondary education – the Canary Islands (Currículo básico de la ESO y Bachillerato, Canarias, 2016)
Geography and history (Geografía e Historia, Bloque 1. El medio físico, Curso 1.º ESO)
Assessment criterion: 4, 5. Construct a global vision of the physical environment of the territory (Spanish - assessment criterion 4, Canary Islands - assessment criterion 5) and of its major bioclimatic groups, through an analysis of its characteristics and general peculiarities, and of its main environmental problems and challenges, through the use of cartographic sources, graphic, audio-visual and textual documents, etc., with the aim of understanding the territory, valuing its diversity and richness and adopting attitudes favourable to its conservation. The aim of this criterion is for students to be able to process geographical information to locate and situate on maps the main relief units and the main bioclimatic groups of territory (Spanish - assessment criterion 4, Canary Islands - assessment criterion 5), as well as describe, analyse and assess the physical, bioclimatic and hydrographic, etc., characteristics of its different natural landscapes. To do so, they will make use of a variety of sources and resources (maps, geographical and literary texts, photographs, diagrams, tables and environmental protection plans, etc.) that will allow them to explain the diversity and landscape richness of Spanish natural heritage and face its main environmental problems and challenges as responsible citizens. Furthermore, they must synthesise and integrate this information in different documents (reports, atlases, posters, infographics and leaflets, etc.), making use of ICT.
Content: 5. Appreciating natural diversity as a wealth to be protected and appreciating human action on the environment and its consequences. (p. 13–16).
The History and Geography of the Canary Islands (Historia y Geografía de Canarias, Bloque 1. Canarias, Escenario de la historia, Curso 4.º ESO)
Assessment criterion: 1. To analyse the diversity of island ecosystems that characterise the Canary Islands Archipelago, with the aim of investigating the geological processes that gave rise to the islands and the set of physical, climatic and biogeographical factors that explain the subsequent modelling of its territory, valuing the importance of its landscape diversity by means of an integrated reading of these elements in the territory.
Content: The use of appropriate sources and the development of strategies and procedures to investigate the climatic characteristics of the archipelago. A scientific, landscape and heritage assessment of climatic diversity (p. 16).
Częstotliwość wydawania:
4 razy w roku
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Geosciences, Geography