Otwarty dostęp

Socialisation into interprofessional teams: A mixed-methods study among early health professional learners who engaged in a teams and teamwork module / Sozialisierung in interprofessionellen Teams: Eine Mixed-Methods-Studie zum Effekt eines Team- und Teamwork-Moduls bei Auszubildenden im Gesundheitswesen


Students' perceived socialisation to IPE teams pre- to post-module measured by ISVS by health profession (n=192).

Ability to work with others Values Comfort
Pre-Module Score Post-Module Score P-value Pre-Module Score Post-Module Score P-value Pre-Module Score Post-Module Score P-value
Nursing 4.59 5.55 <0.001 4.72 5.55 <0.001 4.63 5.63 <0.001
Kinesiology 4.82 5.92 <0.001 4.73 6.01 <0.001 4.77 5.97 <0.001
Physical Therapy 4.99 5.59 <0.001 5.24 4.99 0.27 4.97 5.89 <0.001
All schools 4.79 5.7 <0.001 4.87 5.56 <0.001 4.78 5.83 <0.001

Characteristics of the student participants (n=221).

Demographic variable Count (%)
Gender Female 154 (70%)
Male 67 (30%)
Race/Ethnicity White 172 (79%)
Asian 11 (45%)
Hispanic or Latino 12 (5%)
Black or African American 7 (3%)
2 or More 3 (1%)
American Indian or Alaska Native 1 (0.5%)
Not indicated 15 (7%)
Discipline Nursing 86 (39%)
Kinesiology 78 (35%)
Physical therapy 57 (26%)
Education Graduate 57 (26%)
Undergraduate 164 (74%)

Students perceived socialisation to IPE teams pre- to post-module measured by ISVS (n=192).

ISVS Item Pre-Module Score Post-Module Score P-value
I am aware of my preconceived ideas when entering team discussions 4.42 5.23 <0.001
I feel able to act as a fully collaborative member of the team I have gained an enhanced awareness of my own role on a team 4.69 5.69 <0.001
I am able to share and exchange ideas in a team discussion 5.15 6.08 <0.001
I have gained an enhanced perception of myself as someone who engages in inter-professional practice 4.42 5.52 <0.001
I feel comfortable in describing my professional role to another team member 4.63 5.63 <0.001
I am able to negotiate more openly with others within a team 4.68 5.64 <0.001
I have gained an enhanced awareness of roles of other professionals on a team 4.3 5.23 <0.001
I feel comfortable in accepting responsibility delegated to me within a team 5.25 5.97 <0.001
I have gained greater appreciation for the importance of a team approach 5.14 5.75 <0.001
I feel able to act as a fully collaborative member of the team 5.16 6.08 <0.001
I am comfortable sharing decision making with other professionals on a team 5.03 5.97 <0.001
I have gained more realistic expectations of other professionals on a team 4.55 5.5 <0.001
I have gained an appreciation for the benefits in interprofessional teamwork 5.12 5.76 <0.001

Main themes and related excerpts from the students after reflection on ‘what would you change next time you worked on an interprofessional team?’ (n=192 individual students).

Themes Count (percent) Excerpts from Reflection
Communication/Listening 87 (45%) Next time I work on a team I would try to find the easiest form of communication as soon as possible because email was not the most efficient way to reach my teammates when they were available to meet. We found that exchanging phone numbers was far more helpful for communication.
I will be a more active listener.
I will let others speak first. Sometimes I talk a lot and I think I should let others speak more.
I will enforce a better level of communication and take initiative.
Maybe discussion from more facets. We were all very much in agreement, so we didn't come from many different angles.
Make time to discuss ideas that oppose our own ideas to get a better sense of how others may feel and react to the rules we decided upon.
Preparation/Organisation 48 (25%) Review the assignment individually to allow for a more efficient meeting.
Assign what we want to have done prior to the beginning of the meeting.
I will be sure I am more prepared next time.
Come more prepared to talk about the issue at hand. None of us really looked at the information prior so it took a little longer to get started because we had to read it prior to starting.
Ensure each team member is prepared for the meeting.
Establish everything we have to do before the next team meeting and confirm that everyone has completed what they have to do.
Team Familiarity/Team Building 35 (18%) I will make sure to ask people about themselves instead of just jumping into the work so that way I will be able to make more personal connections that would also help the group.
Next time I work on a team, I will make sure to do a brief introduction for the group.
Maybe next time we will spend a little bit more time getting to know each other better.
Learning who my team members are and what their backgrounds are before meeting.
It would be helpful to increase team connection by having introductions and casual conversations aside from the group assignment. By knowing each other more personally, group members can have increased communication and respect for each other.
Next time I work with a team, I will make sure to include casual conversation, such as asking how everyone is doing or how everyone's day has been. This casual conversation will help the team feel more friendly and open, helping with communication skills.

Main themes and related excerpts from students after being asked to reflect on the key moments that impacted their team's development (n=55 teams).

Themes Count (% of Teams) Excerpts from Reflection
Getting to know each other 23 (42%) At the beginning of last week, we took time to get to know each other, which helped promote a collaborative environment.
Allowing everyone to contribute 17 (31%) All of us sharing our viewpoints and listening to each other's viewpoints have positively impacted our team's development.
First team meeting 12 (22%) At the end of the first meeting, we all began to feel more comfortable sharing our ideas with each other, and we think this really helped us become a better working team.
Reflection assignments/activities 8 (15%) Reflecting on our performance during the previous assignment and today helped to impact our team's development.
Meeting attendance 8 (15%) A key moment that impacted our team's development was when a team member did not show up to contribute to the meeting this week. We worked well together the first time to delegate roles but had to compromise because one member did not show up the second time. As a result of the member's absence, this ultimately impacted our reasoning and team development.
Responsibility (as a team) to schedule meetings 5 (9%) This activity was helpful for our team because not everyone was able to meet last week.It was more difficult to coordinate times to meet. We think it influenced our team's development because it was challenging to find times, and it taught us more about each other's personalities. We learned patience and understanding and how to coordinate with a team with different schedules because of this exercise.
Round robin exercise 4 (7%) Sharing our perceptions of each other's strengths and weaknesses (i.e. round robin exercise) allowed for honesty and self-reflection between team members, which helped make us more comfortable with each other.
Angielski, Niemiecki
Częstotliwość wydawania:
Volume Open
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, other