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The development of student feedback literacy through peer feedback in the online learning environment


Figure 1

Features of Student Feedback Literacy (used with permission)
Features of Student Feedback Literacy (used with permission)

Figure 2

The model of the study
The model of the study

Students’ perceived change or development in their perspectives on feedback, decision-making abilities, feelings, and efforts

Theme Code Appreciating feedback Making judgments Managing affect Taking action
Change or development Frequency Students’ remarks Frequency Students’ remarks Frequency Students’ remarks Frequency Students’ remarks

Yes 36 We learnt to appreciate feedback (S50) 35 Brainstorming on where to add to or omit from the assignment improved our ability both to think and make decisions (S6) 25 The critical feedback made us unhappy at first. Later, we got over it when we realized that this is good for making our assignment better (S7) 50 We reviewed (the assignments) as a group and negative feedback was predominant. Frankly, I realized that the critical feedback of our friends encouraged our group. We were able to say “Okay, no problem, we got this job.” (S13)

No 15 No, there has not been any change (S2)I had already had a positive view, there has not been any change in my point of view (S27) 13 No, there hasn’t. Because we did not do any activities on this. Feedback was given to us and we changed or did not change them. It was a routinized process (S19) 14 There has not been a change (S35) 3 It has affected negatively (S2)It has not affected at all. I was aware of our mistakes (S14)

Partly 1 Yes, partially (S42) 1 Yes. Partially, it has happened by (our) seeing the mistakes (S42)

Wilcoxon signed-rank test results for assessment of draft 1 and draft 3

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Z p
Draft 3-Draft 1 Negative Ranks 0 ,00 ,00 -3,517 ,000
Positive Ranks 16 8,50 136,00
Ties 2
Total 18

The frequency of the peer feedback messages in the affective, cognitive and metacognitive categories

Dimension Category Frequency Examples
Affective Supporting 132 “The assignment is well done. Above all, thanks.”
Opposing 6 “There are quite a lot of deficiencies. Most necessary things are ignored.”

Cognitive Direct correction 64 “Pay attention to punctuation and spelling rules!”.“More simple words could have been used. For example, words like negation, extravagance, understate, equanimity are not comprehendible to all.”
Personal opinion 86 “The content could have been more comprehensive.”“There are too many images.”
Guidance 214 “Some headings suitable for the introduction are in different places. A title suitable for section three is at the beginning. You should be careful about these.”

Metacognitive Evaluating 3 “None of the references are from Turkey. We are not sure how important this is, but Turkish studies could have been referred to for goodness of our country.”
Reflecting 1 “By looking at the other assignments, the shortcomings of this work can easily be seen. We recommend our mates to fix them with this method.”

Irrelevant comments 3 “No problem.”
Total 509

Pre and post-test results on receiving or giving peer feedback

Students’ views Pre-test Post-test
Undecided 19 5
Negative 4 1
Positive 30 47

Perceived effect or contribution of feedback to students’ perspectives, decision-making abilities and feelings

Theme Appreciating feedback Making judgments Managing affect
Effect or contribution Code Frequency Students’ remarks Code Frequency Students’ remarks Code Frequency Students’ remarks
Quality of assignment 34 Receiving peer feedback helped us improve our assignment a lot (S15) Being open to different perspectives 18 Although peer feedback sounds scary at first, peer feedback becomes much more positive when we overcome the fear of criticism and realize that we are human beings and cannot do everything in the best way (S47) Managing the emotions 6 Receiving feedback is important for being open to criticism and being respectful of different opinions. I believe it contributes to better management of our emotions (S1)
Personal development 12 In this process, we tried to improve ourselves by learning many issues. I can say that it will bring great benefit to my future education life (S24) Working collaboratively 15 Peer feedback helped us mix many ideas and find the right thing. What I understood in this study is that it can be more efficient when many people have different opinions on a subject (S39) Flexibility or maturity 7 I learned to see the comments in a more objective and impartial way. Earlier, critical comments might have upset me, but this is not the case anymore. I think I am approaching more professionally (S23)
Learning 3 The process had many stages and we gained new experiences and competencies at every stage. It was useful as we learnt different subjects (S18) Being objective 4 Thanks to the feedback (we received), my ability to approach impartially has improved (S23)
Inefficient 3 I don’t see it necessary (S42) Empathy 3 I understood the importance of being able to empathize. I understood that feedbacks are important for our friends to really carry their assignment to a more qualified point and it is necessary to be sensitive and thoughtful at this point (S1)
Critical thinking 3 I believe that my ability to read and interpret a assignment with a critical eye and to give suggestions without difficulty has improved (S15)

Descriptive statistics regarding assessment of draft 1 and draft 3

Drafts N* Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum
Draft 1 18 57,8944 19,38999 23,60 85,05
Draft 3 18 68,8250 16,93220 23,60 87,00
Częstotliwość wydawania:
2 razy w roku
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Social Sciences, Education, Curriculum and Pedagogy, other