
Figure 1:

Survival of steinernematids infective juveniles in ammonium-acetate pH solutions 24 hr post incubation at 25°C. (A) Steinernema khoisanae, (B) S. tophus, (C) S. beitlechemi, (D) S. glaseri, (E) S. carpocapsae (ScCxrd), (F) S. carpocapsae (ScAll), (G) S. carpocapsae (ScItalian), (H) S. biddulphi, (I) S. innovationi, (J) S. feltiae, and (K) S. riobrave. Within each graph, bars (mean ± SE of individual observations) with different letters indicate significant differences at the 5% test level.
Survival of steinernematids infective juveniles in ammonium-acetate pH solutions 24 hr post incubation at 25°C. (A) Steinernema khoisanae, (B) S. tophus, (C) S. beitlechemi, (D) S. glaseri, (E) S. carpocapsae (ScCxrd), (F) S. carpocapsae (ScAll), (G) S. carpocapsae (ScItalian), (H) S. biddulphi, (I) S. innovationi, (J) S. feltiae, and (K) S. riobrave. Within each graph, bars (mean ± SE of individual observations) with different letters indicate significant differences at the 5% test level.

Figure 2:

Survival of heterorhabditids infective juveniles in ammonium-acetate pH solutions 24 hr post incubation at 25°C. (A) Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (HbHb), (B) H. bacteriophora (SGI151), (C) H. bacteriophora (SASRI75), (D) H. bacteriophora (SGI245), (E) H. bacteriophora (HbVS), and (F) H. indica. Within each graph, bars (mean ± SE of individual observations) with different letters indicate significant differences at the 5% test level.
Survival of heterorhabditids infective juveniles in ammonium-acetate pH solutions 24 hr post incubation at 25°C. (A) Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (HbHb), (B) H. bacteriophora (SGI151), (C) H. bacteriophora (SASRI75), (D) H. bacteriophora (SGI245), (E) H. bacteriophora (HbVS), and (F) H. indica. Within each graph, bars (mean ± SE of individual observations) with different letters indicate significant differences at the 5% test level.

Figure 3:

Survival of steinernematids infective juveniles in citrate-phosphate pH solutions 24 hr post incubation at 25°C. (A) Steinernema khoisanae, (B) S. tophus, (C) S. beitlechemi, (D) S. glaseri, (E) S. carpocapsae (ScCxrd), (F) S. carpocapsae (ScAll), (G) S. carpocapsae (ScItalian), (H) S. biddulphi, (I) S. innovationi, (J) S. feltiae, and (K) S. riobrave. Within each graph, bars (mean ± SE of individual observations) with different letters indicate significant differences at the 5% test level.
Survival of steinernematids infective juveniles in citrate-phosphate pH solutions 24 hr post incubation at 25°C. (A) Steinernema khoisanae, (B) S. tophus, (C) S. beitlechemi, (D) S. glaseri, (E) S. carpocapsae (ScCxrd), (F) S. carpocapsae (ScAll), (G) S. carpocapsae (ScItalian), (H) S. biddulphi, (I) S. innovationi, (J) S. feltiae, and (K) S. riobrave. Within each graph, bars (mean ± SE of individual observations) with different letters indicate significant differences at the 5% test level.

Figure 4:

Survival of heterorhabditids infective juveniles in citrate-phosphate pH solutions post incubation at 25°C. (A) Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (HbHb), (B) H. bacteriophora (SGI151), (C) H. bacteriophora (SASRI75), (D) H. bacteriophora (SGI245), (E) H. bacteriophora (HbVS), and (F) H. indica. Within each graph, bars (mean ± SE of individual observations) with different letters indicate significant differences at the 5% test level.
Survival of heterorhabditids infective juveniles in citrate-phosphate pH solutions post incubation at 25°C. (A) Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (HbHb), (B) H. bacteriophora (SGI151), (C) H. bacteriophora (SASRI75), (D) H. bacteriophora (SGI245), (E) H. bacteriophora (HbVS), and (F) H. indica. Within each graph, bars (mean ± SE of individual observations) with different letters indicate significant differences at the 5% test level.

Percentage survival of different entomopathogenic nematode populations at each of 10 pH levels post 24 hr exposure to ammonium-acetate or citrate-phosphate pH solutions.

 pH levels 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
S. khoisanae 334 20.75a 87.75a 86.50abc 82.50abcd 77.75abc 69.50bcd 59.50bcde 33.25cdef 0.00b 0.00a
S. carpocapsae (ScCxrd) 0.00a 86.33a 96.75a 98.75ab 99.00a 100a 95.50a 94.75ab 1.75b 0.00a
S. beitlechemi 197 19.50a 69.00abc 71.50bc 72.25bcde 65.00cde 62.00d 40.75e 30.25cdef 6.00ab 0.00a
S. glaseri SG4-8 0.00a 73.00abc 83.67abc 84.00abcd 68.33cd 92.67a 83.00abc 35.00cde 0.00b 0.00a
S. tophus 352 23.50a 76.25abc 81.75abc 63.75de 79.75abc 85.67abc 59.00bcde 37.25cd 0.00b 0.00a
S. carpocapsae (ScAll) 0.00a 52.50bc 93.25a 98.25ab 95.50ab 99.50a 99.75a 98.25a 12.75a 0.00a
S. carpocapsae (ScItalian) 0.25a 74.25abc 91.50ab 100a 94.75a 99.00a 99.50a 82.25ab 1.75b 0.00a
S. biddulphi 246 15.25a 63.50abc 69.25c 66.25de 64.00cde 54.25d 47.75de 16.50def 2.50ab 0.00a
S. innovationi 160 22.25a 78.00ab 79.75abc 61.00de 48.75de 57.50d 59.75bcde 23.00def 2.50ab 0.00a
S. feltiae FSN 0.00a 51.75bc 70.75bc 95.25abc 95.25ab 99.50a 99.75a 61.25bc 0.75b 0.00a
S. riobrave 355 8.00a 48.00cd 78.50abc 94.25abc 93.00ab 97.50a 80.75abcd 75.50ab 0.00b 0.00a
H. bacteriophora (HbHb) 0.00a 9.00e 31.25d 66.50de 85.25abc 84.00abc 86.00ab 14.50def 0.00b 0.00a
H. indica HIHOM1 0.00a 18.50e 19.75de 45.50ef 74.50bc 96.75a 98.75a 10.00def 0.00b 0.00a
H. bacteriophora (SASRI75) 3.75a 4.00e 3.75e 24.50f 51.25de 55.25d 35.75e 0.00f 0.00b 0.00a
H. bacteriophora (SGI151) 5.00a 12.25e 19.50de 77.50abcd 44.25e 64.75cd 49.75cde 15.00def 0.00b 0.00a
H. bacteriophora (SGI245) 1.67a 22.67de 33.33d 68.33cde 68.00cd 65.00cd 55.00bcde 0.00f 0.00b 0.00a
H. bacteriophora (HbVS) 0.00a 8.50e 31.25d 45.75ef 85.00abc 90.25ab 99.00a 0.67ef 0.00b 0.00a
 LSD (0.05) 25.85 29.00 20.97 26.97 22.49 21.58 35.03 34.67 10.37 0.00
 pH levels 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
S. khoisanae 334 0.00e 63.25e 64.00d 67.75e 76.75fg 78.00f 81.50def 81.50cd 71.75cde 18.75ef
S. carpocapsae (ScCxrd) 85.75a 93.25ab 100a 100a 99.75a 99.75a 100a 100a 97.75ab 100a
S. beitlechemi 197 2.75e 69.25de 73.25cd 75.25de 79.50efg 80.25ef 86.50bcdef 82.75bcd 76.25bcde 24.00def
S. glaseri SG4-8 27.75de 93.00ab 97.75ab 88.50abcd 94.50abc 98.00ab 93.00abcd 95.50ab 78.50abcd 7.25f
S. tophus 352 1.25e 82.50abcd 83.50abcd 87.75abcd 90.00abcde 91.50abcde 95.50ab 93.50abc 92.50abc 23.00def
S. carpocapsae (ScAll) 73.00ab 100a 99.75a 99.75a 100a 98.50ab 100a 99.75a 99.50a 100a
S. carpocapsae (ScItalian) 69.50ab 97.25ab 99.25ab 95.00abc 100a 99.75a 97.00ab 99.75a 100a 98.50a
S. biddulphi 246 1.50e 73.75cde 71.00cd 83.75bcd 92.75abcd 85.50cdef 91.25abcde 90.25abc 75.75bcde 48.75cde
S. innovationi 160 0.00e 73.00cde 83.50abcd 68.00e 71.75g 85.75cdef 82.25cdef 87.00abc 86.25abc 45.50cde
S. feltiae FSN 0.00e 85.00abcd 95.50ab 92.50abc 96.25ab 97.25abc 99.25ab 98.00a 96.25ab 88.00ab
S. riobrave 355 33.25cd 99.25a 100a 99.00a 99.50a 100a 96.50ab 99.50a 99.75a 60.00bc
H. bacteriophora (HbHb) 61.00abc 91.00abc 96.25ab 93.75abc 94.75abc 94.75abcd 94.50abc 93.50abc 55.25e 0.00f
H. indica HIHOM1 46.50abc 98.25ab 97.25ab 99.25a 97.50ab 99.50a 98.00ab 95.25ab 71.00cde 0.67f
H. bacteriophora (SASRI75) 66.50ab 80.00bcde 78.00bcd 83.75bcd 87.00bcdef 84.00def 73.75f 73.00d 77.25bcde 54.50cd
H. bacteriophora (SGI151) 64.25ab 85.00abcd 88.50abc 90.00abcd 82.25defg 86.75bcdef 87.50abcde 82.50bcd 82.75abcd 30.00cdef
H. bacteriophora. (SGI245) 77.75a 84.75abcd 88.25abc 81.50cde 82.75cdefg 81.75ef 78.50ef 83.25bcd 84.75abcd 42.50cde
H. bacteriophora (HbVS) 34.00cd 96.50ab 99.50a 98.25ab 98.00ab 97.50abc 97.75ab 98.00a 64.00de 1.00f
 LSD (0.05) 30.13 18.76 21.27 15.09 12.04 12.13 12.76 13.42 22.19 32.11

List of entomopathogenic nematode populations that were tested for pH tolerance.

Isolate Populations
S. biddulphi* SGI246
S. beitlechemi* SGI197
S. khoisanae* R334
S. tophus* R352
S. innovationi* SGI60
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora* SGI151; SASRI75; SGI245
Steinernema carpocapsae^ ScItalian; ScAll; ScCxrd
S. glaseri^ Sg4-8
S. riobrave^ Sr355
S. feltiae^ SfSN
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora^ HbHb; HbVS
H. indica^ HIHOM1
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Volume Open
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Life Sciences, other