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Comparison of Equivalent Doses Obtained with Various post-IR IRSL Dating Protocols of K-Feldspar

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Fig. 1

a) Locations of the Jingbian and Luochuan loess sections. b) Photograph of the sampling of section B at Jingbian.
a) Locations of the Jingbian and Luochuan loess sections. b) Photograph of the sampling of section B at Jingbian.

Fig. 2

Residual doses of IRSL signals stimulated at different temperatures using the SAR MET-pIRIR protocol. After 8 hr of bleaching with the solar simulator, the residual doses were reduced to ∼10 Gy for the MET-pIRIR300 signal.
Residual doses of IRSL signals stimulated at different temperatures using the SAR MET-pIRIR protocol. After 8 hr of bleaching with the solar simulator, the residual doses were reduced to ∼10 Gy for the MET-pIRIR300 signal.

Fig. 3

Standard growth curve (SGC) of the ‘MAR with heat’ protocol. The re-normalisation dose was 500 Gy. SGC curves were fitted with the single saturating exponential (SSE) function: y = y0 + A*(1-exp(-x/D0)) and the double saturating exponential (DSE) function: y = y0 + A1*(1-exp(-x/D1)) + A2*(1-exp(-x/D2)), respectively. The fitted results are shown in the graph. Note that the two SGCs only begin to diverge when the dose exceeds 2000 Gy.
Standard growth curve (SGC) of the ‘MAR with heat’ protocol. The re-normalisation dose was 500 Gy. SGC curves were fitted with the single saturating exponential (SSE) function: y = y0 + A*(1-exp(-x/D0)) and the double saturating exponential (DSE) function: y = y0 + A1*(1-exp(-x/D1)) + A2*(1-exp(-x/D2)), respectively. The fitted results are shown in the graph. Note that the two SGCs only begin to diverge when the dose exceeds 2000 Gy.

Fig. 4

De values and age versus depth relationship for section B. The SAR pIR50IR290 protocol has the youngest ages; the SAR pIR50IR290, MET-pIRIR250 and MET-pIRIR300 protocols have similar ages; and the ‘MAR with heat’ protocol has the oldest ages.
De values and age versus depth relationship for section B. The SAR pIR50IR290 protocol has the youngest ages; the SAR pIR50IR290, MET-pIRIR250 and MET-pIRIR300 protocols have similar ages; and the ‘MAR with heat’ protocol has the oldest ages.

Fig. 5

De values with different stimulation temperatures for the two SAR protocols with MET-pIRIR stimulation to 250°C or 300°C, and the ‘MAR with heat’ protocol. Note that the MAR De values always exceed the SAR De values.
De values with different stimulation temperatures for the two SAR protocols with MET-pIRIR stimulation to 250°C or 300°C, and the ‘MAR with heat’ protocol. Note that the MAR De values always exceed the SAR De values.

Fig. 6

Results of dose-recovery-like experiments for sample B-1000. (a) The growth curves of the L1/T1 and L2/T2 signals fitted with a single saturating exponential (SSE) function: y= y0+a*(1-exp(-x/D0)). (b) Regenerative doses of the first cycle are taken as unknown and recovered by the growth curve of L2/T2. The recovery ratios are plotted versus the recovery doses. Note that the recovery ratios are slightly overestimated when the doses exceed 600 Gy.
Results of dose-recovery-like experiments for sample B-1000. (a) The growth curves of the L1/T1 and L2/T2 signals fitted with a single saturating exponential (SSE) function: y= y0+a*(1-exp(-x/D0)). (b) Regenerative doses of the first cycle are taken as unknown and recovered by the growth curve of L2/T2. The recovery ratios are plotted versus the recovery doses. Note that the recovery ratios are slightly overestimated when the doses exceed 600 Gy.

Dose rates and ages of the samples using the five protocols.

Sample Water (%) K20 (%) Alpha count Dose rate (Gy/ka) Age (ka)

SAR pIR50IR290 SAR pIR200IR290 SAR MET-pIRIR250 SAR MET-pIRIR300 MAR with heat
A-570 15 ± 5 2.03 9.55 ± 0.15 3.21 ± 0.12 116 ± 12 132 ± 6 129 ± 6 \ 119 ± 6
A-1050 15 ± 5 2.19 10.83 ± 0.16 3.44 ± 0.13 179 ± 17 206 ± 13 206 ± 9 \ 217 ± 17

B-0 15 ± 5 1.95 10.14 ± 0.18 3.30 ± 0.12 165 ± 8 204 ± 19 194 ± 8 216 ± 19 260 ± 24
B-610 19.3 ± 5 2.50 11.88 ± 0.19 3.55 ± 0.13 183 ± 9 206 ± 10 212 ± 9 217 ± 15 260 ± 20
B-640 19.3 ± 5 2.40 11.85 ± 0.19 3.59 ± 0.13 171 ± 16 206 ± 9 215 ± 10 209 ± 18 251 ± 17
B-1000 15 ± 5 2.22 10.74 ± 0.18 3.43 ± 0.13 189 ± 19 240 ± 14 222 ± 11 233 ± 16 261 ± 23

De values obtained using the five protocols. In the ‘MAR with heat’ protocol, the first ‘n’ indicates the aliquots used to measure the natural signal, and the second refers to the aliquots used to measure the signal of a regenerative dose.

Sample Depth (cm) SAR pIR50IR290 SAR pIR200IR290 SAR MET-pIRIR250 SAR MET-pIRIR300 MAR with heat
De ± σ n De ± σ n De ± σ n De ± σ n De ± σ n

A-570 570 373 ± 35 7 424 ± 11 19 415 ± 9 15 \ \ 381 ± 11 12;12
A-1050 1050 615 ± 54 7 706 ± 34 8 706 ± 17 8 \ \ 747 ± 53 16;8

B-0 220 543 ± 17 6 673 ± 57 4 640 ± 13 8 712 ± 57 6 856 ± 73 24;14
B-610 830 652 ± 20 10 734 ± 21 14 753 ± 17 9 773 ± 45 6 925 ± 62 24;20
B-640 860 613 ± 51 6 741 ± 18 9 773 ± 22 7 749 ± 57 6 901 ± 51 14;10
B-1000 1190 649 ± 61 6 822 ± 35 5 762 ± 25 7 800 ± 47 6 897 ± 71 24;20

The five post-IR IRSL dating protocols used in this study. The first four are the SAR protocols with pIR50IR290, pIR200IR290, MET-pIRIR250 and MET-pIRIR300 signals, respectively. The fifth is the MAR protocol with the MET-pIRIR300 signal and a ‘cutheat to 500°C’ treatment added before the test dose, simplified as ‘MAR with heat’ (modified from Li et al. (2013)).

Step SAR pIR50/200IR290 SAR MET-pIRIR250/300 ‘MAR with heat’
Treatment Observed Treatment Observed Treatment Observed
1 Regenerative dose, Di Regenerative dose, Di Regenerative dose, Di
2 Preheat at 320°C, 60 s Preheat at 300°C or 320°C, 60 s Preheat at 320°C, 60 s
3 IRSL 200 s at 50/200°C IRSL 100 s at 50°C IRSL 100 s at 50°C
4 IRSL 200 s at 290°C Lx (290) IRSL 100 s at 100°C IRSL 100 s at 100°C
5 IRSL 100 s at 150°C IRSL 100 s at 150°C
6 IRSL 100 s at 200°C IRSL 100 s at 200°C
7 IRSL 100 s at 250°C Lx (250) IRSL 100 s at 250°C
8 IRSL 100 s at 300°C or not Lx (300) IRSL 100 s at 300°C Lx (300)
9 Cutheat to 500°C
10 Test dose, Dt Test dose, Dt Test dose, Dt
11 Preheat at 320°C, 60 s Preheat at 300°C or 320°C, 60 s Preheat at 320°C, 60 s
12 IRSL 200 s at 50/200°C IRSL 100 s at 50°C IRSL 100 s at 50°C
13 IRSL 200 s at 290°C Tx (290) IRSL 100 s at 100°C IRSL 100 s at 100°C
14 IR at 325°C, 200 s IRSL 100 s at 150°C IRSL 100 s at 150°C
15 Return to step 1 IRSL 100 s at 200°C IRSL 100 s at 200°C
16 IRSL 100 s at 250°C Tx (250) IRSL 100 s at 250°C
17 IRSL 100 s at 300°C or not Tx (300) IRSL 100 s at 300°C Tx (300)
IR at 320 or 325°C, 100 s
Return to step 1
Volume Open
Sujets de la revue:
Geosciences, other