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The Reserve Price Optimization for Publishers on Real-Time Bidding on-Line Marketplaces with Time-Series Forecasting


Figure 1

Online advertising ecosystem (Source: Own elaboration)
Online advertising ecosystem (Source: Own elaboration)

Figure 2

Line plot of Coverage time series for low, medium and high Coverage AdUnits (Source: Own computations)
Line plot of Coverage time series for low, medium and high Coverage AdUnits (Source: Own computations)

Figure 3

Coverage time series decomposition for a sample AdUnit (Source: Own computations)
Coverage time series decomposition for a sample AdUnit (Source: Own computations)

Figure 4

An interactive dashboard with recommendations based on Coverage forecasting (Source: Own elaboration)
An interactive dashboard with recommendations based on Coverage forecasting (Source: Own elaboration)

Evaluation of time series forecasting models (Source: Own elaboration)

Baseline (persistance)11.20
Facebook Prophet (Medium and High Coverage)6.71