Uneingeschränkter Zugang

A Theoretical Framework for Interrogating the Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Education


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have become increasingly important in modern society and are poised to play an increasingly prominent role in education. This paper seeks to provide a theoretical framework for interrogating the integration of AI in education spaces. The paper argues that the eventual response of educators to recent developments in artificial intelligence is eerily like the earlier cycles of integrating ICT in education and, decades earlier, calculators into mathematics instruction. Premised on the argument that there are similarities between the calculator revolution in mathematics education and the ICT revolution in education several decades ago and the current ongoing developments in artificial intelligence, this paper offers a theoretical lens. The theoretical lens is composed of the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework, Technology Acceptance Model, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Socio-technical system theory, and Diffusion of Innovation theory. The paper concludes that despite spatial differences between the ICT revolution and the artificial intelligence revolution, there are shared similarities warranting adoption of a similar theoretical lens. Furthermore, factors that were considered pivotal in the integration of ICT are still relevant to the revolution of artificial intelligence.