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The climate change movement and political parties: Mechanisms of social media and interaction during the 2019 electoral period in Finland


Figure 1

Network analysis of MPs’ tweet mentions of “ilmastolakko” or “#nytonpakko”, 2019Comments: MPs are presented as colour-coded triangles: darker green = Green League; pink = Left Alliance; light green = Centre Party; red = Social Democrats; light blue = National Coalition Party; yellow = Finns Party. The mentioned users are orange squares if they are activists and coloured circles corresponding to the colours assigned to MP parties if they are politicians not serving as MPs or grey circles if they are private individuals. Black circles represent hashtags.
Network analysis of MPs’ tweet mentions of “ilmastolakko” or “#nytonpakko”, 2019Comments: MPs are presented as colour-coded triangles: darker green = Green League; pink = Left Alliance; light green = Centre Party; red = Social Democrats; light blue = National Coalition Party; yellow = Finns Party. The mentioned users are orange squares if they are activists and coloured circles corresponding to the colours assigned to MP parties if they are politicians not serving as MPs or grey circles if they are private individuals. Black circles represent hashtags.

Figure 2

Support for prioritising protecting the environment over economic growth and loss of jobsComments: Graph shows agreement or disagreement with the following statement: “Protecting the environment should be given priority, even if it causes slower economic growth and some loss of jobs”.Source: Savolainen et al., 2020
Support for prioritising protecting the environment over economic growth and loss of jobsComments: Graph shows agreement or disagreement with the following statement: “Protecting the environment should be given priority, even if it causes slower economic growth and some loss of jobs”.Source: Savolainen et al., 2020

Figure 3

Support for the government prioritising what climate scientists say over public opinionComments: Graph shows agreement or disagreement with the following statement: “The governments should act on what climate scientists say even if the majority of people are opposed”.Source: Savolainen et al., 2020
Support for the government prioritising what climate scientists say over public opinionComments: Graph shows agreement or disagreement with the following statement: “The governments should act on what climate scientists say even if the majority of people are opposed”.Source: Savolainen et al., 2020

Social media posts mentioning “Ilmastolakko” or “#nytonpakko”, 1 January–31 December 2019

Source Posts
Twitter 78,887
Facebook 3,471
Internet forums 2,629
Instagram 2,006
News comments 532
Blogs 531
YouTube 19
Google+ 1
Total 88,076

Number of climate protests in Helsinki, 2019

Climate protests Large-scale climate protests
January 2 0
February 1 0
March 4 2
April 9 3
May 20 2
June 2 0
July 4 1
August 0 0
September 5 1
October 2 0
November 1 0
December 0 0
Total 50 9

Number of MPs and MEPs by political party

Party MPs 2015–2018 MPs 2019– MEPs 2014–2018 MEPs 2019–
Centre Party 48 31 3 2
National coalition Party 38 38 3 3
Social Democratic Party 35 40 2 2
Blue Reform Party 17 0 0 0
Finns Party 17 39 2 2
Green League 15 20 1 2
Left Alliance 12 16 1 1
Swedish People's Party 10 10 1 1
Christian Democrats 5 5 0 0
Movement Now 2 1 0 0
Seven Star Movement 1 0 0 0

MP tweets mentioning “ilmastolakko” or “#nytonpakko” before and after elections, 2019

Party Number of tweets before elections Monthly average of tweets before elections Number of tweets after elections Monthly average of tweets after elections
Green League 349 99.7 141 16.6
Left Alliance 112 32.0 37 4.4
Social Democratic Party 39 11.1 11 1.3
Centre Party 36 10.3 35 4.1
National Coalition Party 28 8.0 55 6.5
Swedish People's Party 13 3.7 5 0.6
Finns Party 6 1.7 16 1.9
Total 584 166.9 303 35.6

MP tweets mentioning “elections” and “ilmastolakk” or “#nytonpakko” before Finnish parliamentary elections

Party Number %
Green League 134 38.4
Left Alliance 38 33.9
Social Democratic Party 8 20.5.
Centre Party 9 25.0
National coalition Party 13 46.4
Swedish people's Party 4 30.8
Finns Party 1 16.7
Total 207 35.4