Open Access

Harmonizing Virtual Currency Use in the EU: The Evolution and Impact of MiCA Regulation


This article analyses the regulatory framework for virtual currencies in the European Union, tracing the development from several national laws to the comprehensive Markets in Crypto-assets (MiCA) regulation. At first, EU member states had different methods for regulating virtual currencies, creating a fragmented regulatory landscape that posed difficulties for market integrity, consumer protection, and cross-border transactions. This article covers the many regulatory responses before MiCA, explores the reasons for regulatory harmonization, and delves into the legislative process that resulted in the creation and proposal of MiCA. We examine how MiCA tackles the deficiencies of past regulations and its impact on standardizing virtual currency processes throughout the EU. MiCA's importance rests in its ability to provide a cohesive legal structure that harmonizes innovation with the requirements of financial stability and consumer safeguarding. This article explores how MiCA will influence member states' laws and the virtual currency market, providing insight into the future of EU financial regulation in the digital era.