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One Belt, One Road Initiative and Its Geostrategic Significance for Eastern Europe

   | Jul 26, 2018


[1] In mid-2016, a communiqué was released by the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences indicating that the English official name of the 一带一路 [yi dai yi lu] had been revised. Known until then as the One Belt One Road Initiative, it is now referred to as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). For further reference, please see Una Aleksandra BērziņaČerenkova, "BRI Instead of OBOR - China Edits the English Name of its Most Ambitious International Project", in Latvian Institute of International Affairs, July 28, 2016, (accessed December 9, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[2] Maximilian Mayer, "China's Rise as Eurasian Power: The Revival of the Silk Road and Its Consequences", in Rethinking the Silk Road. China's Belt and Road Initiative and Emerging Eurasian Relations, ed. Maximilian Mayer, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 2.10.1007/978-981-10-5915-5_1Search in Google Scholar

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[5] Maximilian Mayer, "China's Rise as Eurasian Power: The Revival of the Silk Road and Its Consequences", 6.Search in Google Scholar

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[9] Maximilian Mayer, "China's Rise as Eurasian Power: The Revival of the Silk Road and Its Consequences", 2.Search in Google Scholar

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[11] Government of the People's Republic of China, The National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Commerce (with State Council authorization), Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, 2015, Beijing, March 28, 2015, (accessed December 3, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

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[14] Peter Ferdinand, "Westward ho - the China dream and “One Belt, One Road”. Chinese foreign policy under Xi Jinping", in China's Relations with Central and Eastern Europe. From "Old Comrades" to New Partners, ed. Weiqing Song (London, New York: Routledge, 2018), 22.10.4324/9781315226644-2Search in Google Scholar

[15] For further reference, please see Maximilian Mayer, "China's Rise as Eurasian Power: The Revival of the Silk Road and Its Consequences", in Rethinking the Silk Road. China's Belt and Road Initiative and Emerging Eurasian Relations, ed. Maximilian Mayer (Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), 7; and Yang Minghong, "Understanding the One Belt One Road Initiative: China's Perspective", in China's One Belt One Road. Initiative, Challenges and Prospects, eds. Bal Krishan Sharma and Nivedita Das Kundu (New Delhi: Vij Books India Private Limited, 2016), 10-13.Search in Google Scholar

[16] For further reference, please see Maximilian Mayer, "China's Rise as Eurasian Power: The Revival of the Silk Road and Its Consequences", 7-8.Search in Google Scholar

[17] For further reference, please see Maximilian Mayer, "China's Rise as Eurasian Power…", 3-4.Search in Google Scholar

[18] Peter Ferdinand, "Westward ho - the China dream and “One Belt, One Road”. Chinese foreign policy under Xi Jinping", 18.Search in Google Scholar

[19] For further reference, please see Andreea Brînză, "Yiwu-Londra: un nou drum de fier al mătăsii pe panoplia OBOR", The Romanian Institute for the Study of the Asia-Pacific, January 4, 2017, (accessed December 1, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[20] Peter Ferdinand, "Westward ho - the China dream and “One Belt, One Road”. Chinese foreign policy under Xi Jinping", 18.Search in Google Scholar

[21] For further reference, please see Peter Ferdinand, "Westward ho - the China dream and “One Belt, One Road”. Chinese foreign policy under Xi Jinping", in China's Relations with Central and Eastern Europe. From "Old Comrades" to New Partners, ed. Weiqing Song (London, New York: Routledge, 2018), 18.Search in Google Scholar

[22] Bogdan Góralczyk, "China's interests in Central and Eastern Europe: enter the dragon", European View 16, no. 1 (2017): 154.10.1007/s12290-017-0427-9Search in Google Scholar

[23] Lai Suetyi, "Understanding Europe's Interest in China's Belt and Road Initiative", Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, May 10, 2017, (accessed December 1, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[24] Id est, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Launched in 2013, the Chinaled AIIB is a key institution concerning the BRI. For further reference, please see Lai Suetyi, "Understanding Europe's Interest in China's Belt and Road Initiative", Carnegie- Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, May 10, 2017, (accessed December 1, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[25] Lai Suetyi, "Understanding Europe's Interest in China's Belt and Road Initiative".Search in Google Scholar

[26] Philippe Le Corre, "Chinese Investments in European Countries: Experiences and Lessons for the “Belt and Road” Initiative", in Rethinking the Silk Road. China's Belt and Road Initiative and Emerging Eurasian Relations, ed. Maximilian Mayer (Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), 162.10.1007/978-981-10-5915-5_10Search in Google Scholar

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[28] Peter Ferdinand, "Westward ho - the China dream and “One Belt, One Road”. Chinese foreign policy under Xi Jinping", 23.Search in Google Scholar

[29] François Godement and Abigaël Vasselier, "China at the Gates: A New Power Audit of EU-China Relations", Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, December 1, 2017, (accessed December 12, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[30] Sebastien Goulard, "France, Italy, and China's 'Belt and Road' Initiative", The Diplomat, March 7, 2017, (accessed December 12, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[31] Wolfgang Röhr, "Berlin Looking Eastward: German Views of and Expectations from the New Silk Road", in China's Relations with Central and Eastern Europe. From "Old Comrades" to New Partners, ed. Weiqing Song (London, New York: Routledge, 2018), 227.10.1007/978-981-10-5915-5_14Search in Google Scholar

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[33] For further reference, please see Philippe Le Corre, "Chinese Investments in European Countries: Experiences and Lessons for the “Belt and Road” Initiative", 165-171.Search in Google Scholar

[34] Government of Romania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Participarea secretarului de stat pentru afaceri bilaterale globale, Monica Gheorghiță, la reuniunea coordonatorilor naționali ai Cooperării China - Europa Centrală şi de Est (16+1), Bucharest, October 11, 2017, (accessed December 2, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[35] For further reference, please see Richard Turcsányi, "Central and Eastern Europe’s courtship with China: Trojan horse within the EU?", in EU-Asia at a Glance, European Institute for Asian Studies, January, 2014, (accessed April 12, 2017); and Dragan Pavlićević, "China in Central and Eastern Europe: 4 Myths", The Diplomat, June 16, 2016, (accessed December 12, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[36] The Three Seas Initiative is also known as the Baltic, Adriatic, Black Sea (BABS) Initiative. BABS is a forum of the EU's CEE component.Search in Google Scholar

[37] Iulia Monica Oehler-Șincai and Liu Minru, "Sino-Romanian relations under the New World Order", in China's Relations with Central and Eastern Europe. From "Old Comrades" to New Partners, ed. Weiqing Song (London, New York: Routledge, 2018), 171.10.4324/9781315226644-11Search in Google Scholar

[38] For further reference, please see The Romanian Institute for the Study of the Asia- Pacific, "Summitul China-CEE: România nu a prins trenul de pe Drumul Mătăsii", December 2, 2015, (accessed November 30, 2017); and The Romanian Institute for the Study of the Asia-Pacific, "One Belt, One Road își face drum prin Ungaria",, June 23, 2015 (accessed November 30, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[39] Iulia Monica Oehler-Șincai and Liu Minru, op. cit., 187.Search in Google Scholar

[40] Idem.Search in Google Scholar

[41] Ibidem.Search in Google Scholar

[42] For further reference, please see Iulia Monica Oehler-Șincai and Liu Minru,” Sino-Romanian Relations under the New World Order”, in W. Song, China's Relations with Central and Eastern Europe, Routledge, NY, 2017, 175-176.Search in Google Scholar

[43] Iulia Monica Oehler-Șincai and Liu Minru, op. cit., 171.Search in Google Scholar

[44] Ibidem, 175.Search in Google Scholar

[45] Idem.Search in Google Scholar

[46] For further references, please see Government of Romania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, România va găzdui prima conferință ministerială și târgul în domeniul energiei în cadrul formatului de cooperare China - Statele Europei Centrale și de Est („16+1”), Bucharest, November 6, 2017, (accessed December 13, 2017); Participarea secretarului de stat pentru afaceri bilaterale globale, Monica Gheorghiță, la reuniunea coordonatorilor naționali ai Cooperării China - Europa Centrală şi de Est (16+1), Bucharest, October 11, 2017, (accessed December 12, 2017); România va organiza la București Forumul partidelor politice din formatul Cooperării China - Europa Centrală şi de Est (16+1), Bucharest, July 11, 2017, (accessed December 12, 2017); Participarea secretarului de stat Alexandru Victor Micula la reuniunea coordonatorilor naţionali ai Forumului de cooperare China - Europa Centrală şi de Est (16+1), Bucharest, October 14, 2016, (accessed December 12, 2017); Consultări bilaterale între secretarul de stat pentru afaceri globale, Daniela Gîtman, și ministrul asistent al afacerilor externe din Republica Populară Chineză, Liu Haixing, Bucharest, September 23, 2016, (accessed December 12, 2017); Întrevederea secretarului de stat Daniela Gîtman cu delegația Comisiei pentru afaceri externe a Adunării Naționale Populare a R. P. Chineze, Bucharest, July 12, 2016, (accessed December 12, 2017); Participarea secretarului de stat Alexandru Victor Micula la reuniunea coordonatorilor naţionali ai Cooperării China - Europa Centrală şi de Est, Bucharest, June 27, 2016, (accessed December 12, 2017); Întrevederea secretarului de stat Radu Podgorean cu o delegaţie de lucru a MAE chinez pentru cooperarea „16+1”, Bucharest, January 19, 2016, (accessed December 12, 2017); Participarea secretarului de stat Radu Podgorean la reuniunea coordonatorilor naționali ai formatului de cooperare R. P. Chineză-Europa Centrală și de Est, Bucharest, October 28, 2015, (accessed December 12, 2017); Participarea secretarului de stat Radu Podgorean la reuniunea coordonatorilor naţionali ai Cooperării China - state din Europa Centrală și de Est, Bucharest, July 13, 2015, (accessed December 12, 2017); and Participarea secretarului de stat Radu Podgorean la reuniunea coordonatorilor naţionali din Forumul de cooperare China - ECE, Bucharest, May 13, 2014, (accessed December 12, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[47] ∗∗∗, "Summitul China-CEE: România nu a prins trenul de pe Drumul Mătăsii", The Romanian Institute for the Study of the Asia-Pacific, December 2, 2015, (accessed December 2, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[48] Idem.Search in Google Scholar

[49] Iulia Monica Oehler-Șincai and Liu Minru, op. cit., 193.Search in Google Scholar

[50] Ibidem, 193.Search in Google Scholar

[51] For further reference, please see Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, About 16+1, 2016, (accessed May 19, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[52] For further reference, please see "The Bucharest Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries", Xinhua News Agency, January 26, 2015, /hdxw1/t1410529.htm (accessed May 19, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[53] Janne Suokas, "Romania seeks to join Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank", GB Times, June 3, 2016, (accessed February 16, 2017).Search in Google Scholar

[54] Iulia Monica Oehler-Șincai and Liu Minru, op. cit., 188.Search in Google Scholar
