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Wszystkie tomy i zeszyty w tym czasopiśmie

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Printed ISSN: 2232-2825, Online ISSN: 2463-9575

The mission of the Contemporary Military Challenges (CMC) publication is to develop critical, scientific and professional thought in the fields of security, defence and military in close cooperation with the contemporary critical society at national and especially international level. Contemporary security threats require innovative, environmentally friendly, sustainable and long-term ideas that will first protect and then enable the further development of democratic political systems and the protection of human rights and freedoms, ensure gender equality, and secure future for younger generations. In order to achieve these objectives, bearing in mind that knowledge and progress are inextricably linked, CMC publishes interdisciplinary scientific and professional research papers, debates as well as technical and social science analyses concerning global security challenges, crisis management, civil-military relations, international security and defence, and the functioning and development of the armed forces. The development of (national) security systems is instrumental since each individual, state and society contributes to the international security. Individuals – with their knowledge, equipment, technology, weapons and role in the society – influence the security and future of themselves, their natural and national environment, and the energy that they use at home and in the wider social context.


The journal was first published in 1999 as Bilten Slovenske vojske (Bulletin of the Slovenian Armed Forces) by the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces. In 2011, the journal was renamed to Sodobni vojaški izzivi (Contemporary Military Challenges) to better reflect the much wider aspect of the journal.

What do we publish?

We publish papers which have not been previously published or submitted to another magazine for publication. The author is held liable for copyright infringement. If the paper has already been printed elsewhere, submitted for publication, or presented at an expert conference, the author must notify the editor, obtain the publisher’s consent (if necessary) and indicate the reasons for republishing.

Copies of Contemporary Military Challenges published in the period between 2008 and 2022 are available

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Plagiarism Policy

The editorial board is participating in a growing community of Similarity Check System's users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.

Angielski, Slovenian