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Validity and reliability of the Greek version of Pregnancy Outcome Questionnaire (POQ)


Figure 1

Distribution histogram of the POQ scale for total sample
Distribution histogram of the POQ scale for total sample

Figure 2

Multiple scatter dot matrix of the correlation between POQ scale and age, week of pregnancy, and years of efforts to conceive
Multiple scatter dot matrix of the correlation between POQ scale and age, week of pregnancy, and years of efforts to conceive


POQ1 (R) I feel confident that my pregnancy will proceed without any particular problems.
POQ2 I'm worried that nervousness about this pregnancy can affect its outcome.
POQ3 I'm worried about my new baby 's health.
POQ4 During this pregnancy I am intensely concerned about its outcome.
POQ5 I have been reluctant to talk to others about my pregnancy.
POQ6(R) I feel that I can deal with the stress that this pregnancy causes me.
POQ7 I'm worried about whether my pregnancy will be normal or not.
POQ8 I'm afraid of being able to carry out this pregnancy.
POQ9 I feel overwhelmed by the anxieties and worries of this pregnancy.
POQ10 I'm worried about being able to take care of my new baby.
POQ11(R) I feel convinced that I have some control over the outcome of this pregnancy.
POQ12 I am intensely concerned with the thought of childbirth and the birth of my baby.
POQ13(R) I feel confident that my baby will be healthy.
POQ14 I am reluctant to make preparations for the arrival of the new baby (for example room, shopping, birth announcement).
POQ15 During this pregnancy I am extremely careful with issues, such as my weight, sex, smoking, physical activity, diet.

Frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations for the POQ scale items

POQ Items Never Sometimes Often Almost always Mean(SD)
POQ1(R)1 4(2.96%) 6(4.44%) 56(41.48%) 68(50.37%) 3.4(0.72)
POQ2 42(31.11%) 55(40.74%) 32(23.7%) 6(4.44%) 2.01(0.86)
POQ3 9(6.67%) 43(31.85%) 49(36.3%) 33(24.44%) 2.79(0.89)
POQ4 11(8.15%) 48(35.56%) 56(41.48%) 19(14.07%) 2.62(0.83)
POQ5 88(65.19%) 30(22.22%) 13(9.63%) 3(2.22%) 1.49(0.76)
POQ6(R) 0(0.00%) 13(9.63%) 49(36.3%) 72(53.33%) 3.44(0.67)
POQ7 24(17.78%) 62(45.93%) 43(31.85%) 5(3.7%) 2.22(0.78)
POQ8 56(41.48%) 55(40.74%) 19(14.07%) 4(2.96%) 1.78(0.8)
POQ9 72(53.33%) 46(34.07%) 13(9.63%) 4(2.96%) 1.62(0.78)
POQ10 47(34.81%) 52(38.52%) 30(22.22%) 5(3.7%) 1.95(0.85)
POQ11(R) 17(12.59%) 41(30.37%) 58(42.96%) 19(14.07%) 2.59(0.88)
POQ12 4(2.96%) 53(39.26%) 54(40%) 24(17.78%) 2.73(0.79)
POQ13(R) 2(1.48%) 8(5.93%) 54(40%) 71(52.59%) 3.44(0.68)
POQ14 60(44.44%) 43(31.85%) 25(18.52%) 7(5.19%) 1.84(0.9)
POQ15 1(0.74%) 20(14.81%) 49(36.3%) 65(48.15%) 3.32(0.75)

Frequencies and percentages of pregnancy-related characteristics

Variable Category n(f%)
Your pregnancy is: Singleton (onefoetus) 128(94.8%)
Multiple (two or morefoetuses) 7(5.2%)
Has there been any abnormal condition in your pregnancy so far? No 109(80.7%)
Yes 26(19.3%)
The present pregnancy is a result of: Natural conception 133(98.5%)
Assisted reproduction 2(1.5%)
Have you had a miscarriage in the past? No 104(77%)
Yes 31(23%)
If you had a miscarriage in the past, this occurred more than once? No 25(80.6%)
Yes 6(19.4%)
Reason for not achieving conception so far? Female factor 2(1.5%)
Male factor 4(3%)
No reason 129(95.5%)
How many times in total have you used an assisted reproduction method? 1 1(0.75%)
2 1(0.75%)
None 133(98.5%)
The present pregnancy is the result of which assisted reproduction method? Ovulation induction 1(0.75%)
Sperm insemination 1(0.75%)

Frequencies and percentages of the demographics of the sample

Variable Category n(f%)
Education High school / secondary education 31(23%)
Tertiary education (University / TEI) 73(54.1)
Master’s degree (completed or pursuing) 27(20%)
Doctoral degree (completed or pursuing) 4(3%)
Marital Status Single 16(11.9)
Married 112(83%)
Cohabitation agreement 6(4.4%)
Other status 1(0.7%)
Do you have other children besides the current pregnancy? No 135(100%)
Yes 0(0%)
Salary <500€ 3(2.2%)
500–1,000€ 42(31.1%)
1,000–1,500€ 31(23%)
1,500–2,000€ 26(19.3%)
2,000–3,000€ 26(19.3%)
>3,000€/month 5(3.7%)