
Figure 1

Chest X-Ray with abdominal shield suggestive of bilateral inhomogeneous infiltrates and a thick-walled cavity with air-fluid level in the lower zone of the right lung field.
Chest X-Ray with abdominal shield suggestive of bilateral inhomogeneous infiltrates and a thick-walled cavity with air-fluid level in the lower zone of the right lung field.

Figure 2

HRCT thorax suggestive of consolidation with air bronchogram and a cavity showing air crescent sign in the left upper lobe. Multiple areas of ground glass opacities were present in bilateral lung fields with a CT-severity score of 10/25 and CORADS 6.
HRCT thorax suggestive of consolidation with air bronchogram and a cavity showing air crescent sign in the left upper lobe. Multiple areas of ground glass opacities were present in bilateral lung fields with a CT-severity score of 10/25 and CORADS 6.

Figure 3

Antenatal Care in COVID-19 pregnancy
Antenatal Care in COVID-19 pregnancy

Figure 4

Intrapartum care in COVID-19 pregnancy
Intrapartum care in COVID-19 pregnancy

Figure 5

Postpartum care in COVID-19 pregnancy
Postpartum care in COVID-19 pregnancy

Figure 6

Management of TB-COVID co-infection in pregnancy
Management of TB-COVID co-infection in pregnancy