
At the beginning of the 20th century visual artists found in the art the perfect field to experiment with different materials, combinations of new shapes and proportions to create new artistic currents. But this new trend has questioned the relation of classical arts with its perennial values which can not be overlooked, however radical the desire of young artists to “break” definitively with the past. Thus, in this new artistic context, many of the old art flagship techniques have been questioned and, as is always the case for predicting the “future of art”, the new artistic tendencies are absolutized and others are considered obsolete and declared “death”. The best known example is that of Marcel Duchamp, who, along with his famous ready-made exhibitions, strongly supported the death of art. Finally, the great creators of the past century felt at one point the need to relate to established art in order to better understand the “place” occupied by the generation of new artistic revolutions.