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Socio-Environmental Vulnerability of Water in the Estuary of the Metropolitan Region of Santos (Brazil)


Fig. 1

Location of the SSEC area. Red polygons limit areas of high vulnerability; cyan markers show localities of six water sample collection points (3 in Santos (ST1-3) and 3 in São Vicente (SV1-3)); orange lines represent artificial drainage canals; yellow markers define natural channels entry to the estuary in the municipalities of Santos (ST) and São Vicente (SV).Source: Google Earth, adapted by the author, 2018.SSEC – Santos and São Vicente Estuarine Complex.
Location of the SSEC area. Red polygons limit areas of high vulnerability; cyan markers show localities of six water sample collection points (3 in Santos (ST1-3) and 3 in São Vicente (SV1-3)); orange lines represent artificial drainage canals; yellow markers define natural channels entry to the estuary in the municipalities of Santos (ST) and São Vicente (SV).Source: Google Earth, adapted by the author, 2018.SSEC – Santos and São Vicente Estuarine Complex.

Housing growth clusters (GAGRNH) and territorial (GAGRm2).

Type Growth clusters
Dwellings (GAGRNH) Territorial (GAGRm2) Features
1 + + Invasions and reinvasions
2 + Verticalisation and densification
3 + Demobilisation and pre-invasion
4 Demobilisation

Housing and territorial growth clusters.

Type NH m2 Qty VN GAGRNH (% p.a.) GAGRm2 (% p.a.)
1 + + 51 8.94 5.73
2 + 12 7.25 −1.94
3 + 3 −3.01 1.47
4 8 −4.54 −8.48
SAG 74 5.60 0.09
BSMR 599 6.07 (*)

Number of VNs in growth clusters, housing and territorial growth rates correlated with collection points.

Cluster st1 st2 st3 sv3 sv2 sv1
1 (+/+) 14 2 8 16 3 8
2 (+/−) 3 1 2 3 1 2
3 (−/+) 2 1
4 (−/−) 3 3 1 1
NH (2005) 9,170 1,986 3,471 6,888 3,308 5,758
NH (2018) 15,172 4,846 5,012 20,633 3,659 12,768
GAGRNH 3.95% p.a. 7.10% p.a. 2.87% p.a. 8.81% p.a. 0.78% p.a. 6.32% p.a.
New invasions 4 0 4 11 2 5

Sewage flow and PL released in SSEC in 2005 and 2018.

County IN051 (m3 · month−1) IN053 (m3 · month−1) Total (m3 · month−1) HD Number of irregular dwellings Flow rate (m3 · month−1) Polluting load (tonnes · month−1)
2005 2018 2005 2018 2005 2018
Cubatão 17 20 37 5,674 2,935 90,784 86,876 20 19
Guarujá 22 21 43 12,818 22,887 215,342 787,313 47 170
Santos 8 45 53 3,826 7,275 137,736 308,460 30 67
São Vicente 19 19 38 8,263 29,042 125,598 882,877 27 191
SAG 16 26 42 30,581 62,090 636,085 2,086,224 137 451
BSMR 11 18 30 54,343 116,941 782,539 2,806,584 169 606

Identification of the channels of Santos and São Vicente and collection points in SSEC.

County Coordinates (UTM) Distance from mouth of Santos (km) Distance from mouth of São Vicente (km)
st1 369,107 E 7,347,706 S 3.1 31.9
st2 367,145 E 7,350,411 S 6.2 31.8
st3 366,363 E 7,353,172 S 9.0 26.0
sv3 355,832 E 7,347,793 S 21.4 13.6
sv2 355,575 E 7,349,873 S 27.3 7.7
sv1 358,418 E 7,352,163 S 29.7 5.3

Water quality measurements in non-conformity (“1” in yellow cells) with CONAMA 357.

Year 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011
Station-Season st1-S st1-W st2-S st2-W st3-S st3-W sv1-S sv1-W sv2-S sv2-W sv3-S sv3-W Total
DO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
PTOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
NH4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
TOC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
Ecotox. 0
Chlorophyll 1 1
Enterococcus 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
Total 2011 3 3 4 3 5 3 1 3 3 4 6 4 42
Year 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017
Station-Season st1-S st1-W st2-S st2-W st3-S st3-W sv1-S sv1-W sv2-S sv2-W sv3-S sv3-W Total
DO 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
PTOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12
NH4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
TOC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
Ecotox. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12
Chlorophyll 1 1 1 3
Enterococcus 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Total 2017 5 3 5 3 6 3 6 4 6 3 7 5 56


Id UTM (E;S) County VN Area – 2005 (m2) HD 2005 Area – 2018 (m2) HD 2018 GAGRNH (%/a.a) GAGRm2 (%/a.a)
1 352,171; 7,355,944 Cubatão Vila Esperança 655,700 2,534 827,979 1,342 −4.77% 1.81%
2 354,036; 7,356,544 Cubatão Costa Muniz 177,500 401 58,848 0 −100.00% −8.14%
3 357,356; 7,353,247 Cubatão V, Pescadores 2,877,100 1,520 282,143 1,064 −2.71% −16.36%
4 351,666; 7,358,099 Cubatão Pinhal do Miranda 289,900 1,118 178,154 204 −12.27% −3.68%
5 355,328; 7,358,445 Cubatão Beira Rio 0 0 8,555 40 1.43% 1.43%
6 353,475; 7357,148 Cubatão Vila Noel 0 0 36,219 161 1.43% 1.43%
7 354,069; 7,352,270 Cubatão Ilha Caraguata (*) 25,200 101 23,016 124 1.59% −0.69%
8 351,701; 7,354,366 Cubatão Vale Novo 0 0 33,977 70 1.43% 1.43%
9 371,803; 7,347,426 Guarujá Morro da Cachoeira 47,600 113 118,224 879 17.09% 7.25%
10 372,895; 7,348,238 Guarujá V, Edna/Selma (*) 141,500 1,025 330,442 1,631 3.64% 6.74%
11 372,663; 7,347,696 Guarujá Vila Zilda (*) 152,300 692 187,999 952 2.48% 1.63%
12 371,578; 7,347,426 Guarujá Cachoeira (*) 333,000 2,574 354,186 2,094 −1.58% 0.48%
13 367,440; 7,345,505 Guarujá S,C,Navegantes (*) 200,000 867 216,434 1,268 2.97% 0.61%
14 369,025; 7,345,200 Guarujá V,Ligia (*) 88,000 746 135,823 875 1.23% 3.39%
15 369,541; 7,346,461 Guarujá Vila Funchal I e II 0 0 18,157 174 1.43% 1.43%
16 370,508, 7,346,983 Guarujá Mangue Seco I e II 54,700 220 61,668 371 4.10% 0.93%
17 369,809; 7,344,955 Guarujá LAS PALMAS 28,700 51 117,179 286 14.18% 11.43%
18 369,250 ; 7,347,791 Guarujá Sitio Conceiçãozinha 251,700 1,083 216,780 2,865 7.77% −1.14%
19 369,150; 7,353,976 Guarujá Monte Cabrão 56,300 70 36,636 74 0.43% −3.25%
20 366,852; 7,354,530 Guarujá Ilha Diana (Santos) 18,500 54 24,593 98 4.69% 2.21%
21 366,926; 7,351,960 Guarujá Santense 6,600 43 2,063 90 5.85% −8.56%
22 366,272; 7,345,243 Guarujá Praia do Góes 34,700 72 34,044 255 10.22% −0.15%
23 372,238; 7347,471 Guarujá M,Engenho (*) 200,800 724 96,717 775 0.53% −5.46%
24 367,237; 7,350,687 Guarujá Prainha (*) 344,700 1,394 427,672 4,043 8.54% 1.67%
25 367,737; 7,350,122 Guarujá Marezinha (*) 104,800 549 108,853 713 2.03% 0.29%
26 369,250; 7,352,352 Guarujá Vargea Gde (*) 0 0 55,748 141 1.43% 1.43%
27 368,724; 7,352,046 Guarujá Favela do Caixão 55,800 519 49,697 1,593 9.01% −0.89%
28 369,457; 7,352,130 Guarujá Santa Madalena 50,100 295 19,850 69 −10.57% −6.87%
29 369,076; 7,351,376 Guarujá Vila do Padre 14,500 112 30,851 71 −3.45% 5.98%
30 369,183; 7,351,072 Guarujá Atlântica 0 0 89,573 344 1.43% 1.43%
31 369,411; 7,350,801 Guarujá Área Verde 0 0 64,191 757 1.43% 1.43%
32 369,498; 7,350,937 Guarujá N,Republica (*) 30,400 189 74,243 330 4.38% 7.11%
33 369,721; 7,350,436 Guarujá T, Acaraú (*) 41,800 183 114,735 362 5.39% 8.08%
34 369,892; 7,350,251 Guarujá Chaparral (*) 87,000 519 86,634 546 0.39% −0.03%
35 370,162; 7,349,928 Guarujá República 0 0 44,808 257 1.43% 1.43%
36 370,005; 7,349,703 Guarujá Rubro Negro 0 0 15,414 80 1.43% 1.43%
37 372,238; 7347,471 Guarujá M,Engenho (*) 200,800 724 96,717 775 0.53% −5.46%
38 358,191; 7,353,923 Santos V, Criadores (*) 52,500 177 77,979 178 0.04% 3.09%
39 358,838; 7,351,402 Santos V,Gilda (*) 242,700 1,249 302,807 2,521 5.55% 1.72%
40 361,203; 7,352,804 Santos V, Alemoa (*) 119,900 768 105,480 559 −2.41% −0.98%
41 360,911; 7,352,779 Santos V, Alemoa 2 (*) 0 0 95,310 468 1.43% 1.43%
42 362,351; 7,352,311 Santos S, Maria - gleba I e II 186,700 459 65,966 238 −4.93% −7.69%
43 359,669; 7,352,179 Santos Ilheu Baixo (*) 0 0 54,021 74 1.43% 1.43%
44 361,615; 7,352,375 Santos Chico de Paula (*) 11,700 61 1,496 48 −1.83% −14.63%
45 361,540; 7,352,251 Santos Igreja (*) 0 0 9,147 92 1.43% 1.43%
46 361,369; 7,351,767 Santos Cam,Part, S,Jorge (*) 0 0 11,433 57 1.43% 1.43%
47 361,032; 7,351,226 Santos Vila Ayrton Senna 0 0 10,873 71 1.43% 1.43%
48 359,203; 7,353,017 Santos Jd, Bom Retiro (*) 0 0 68,120 65 1.43% 1.43%
49 359,542; 7,352,940 Santos Lot, S,Manoel (*) 0 0 148,857 289 1.43% 1.43%
50 363,098; 7,352,460 Santos Cam, Maria Rosa (*) 0 0 1,487 54 1.43% 1.43%
51 363,894; 7,352,491 Santos Pacheco (*) 99,100 459 201,161 1,010 6.25% 5.60%
52 363,119; 7,352,625 Santos Penha (*) 0 0 1,676 63 1.43% 1.43%
53 362,486; 7352,498 Santos Pantanal (*) 59,100 320 78,047 819 7.50% 2.16%
54 359,313; 7,352,562 Santos S,Manoel (*) 115,000 333 81,895 669 5.51% −2.58%
55 358,378; 7,351,880 S,Vicente Sambaiatuba (*) 336,500 810 319,237 4,050 13.18% −0.40%
56 348,685; 7,345,198 S,Vicente Fazendinha (*) 0 0 843,962 2,947 1.43% 1.43%
57 357,551; 7,350,217 S,Vicente Começa (b) 0 0 15,689 802 1.43% 1.43%
58 356,468; 7,347,982 S,Vicente México 70 (*) 625,400 3,216 737,058 4,795 3.12% 1.27%
59 351,905; 7,347,424 S,Vicente Quarentenário Publ, 722,500 1,522 690,601 1,178 −1.95% −0.35%
60 351,149; 7,346,496 S,Vicente Rio Negro (*) 482,900 272 682,454 1,525 14.18% 2.70%
61 352,667; 7,349,766 S,Vicente Vila Feliz 23,100 202 59,145 1,293 15.35% 7.50%
62 359,256; 7,350,595 S,Vicente Miau 0 0 28,949 598 1.43% 1.43%
63 358,756; 7,350,726 S,Vicente Charme (a) 0 0 63,838 2,124 1.43% 1.43%
64 357,122; 7,351,254 S,Vicente Dq Caixeta (*) 181,500 814 158,896 2,624 9.42% −1.02%
65 357,004; 7,351,005 S,Vicente Dique do Fátima 24,000 149 29,756 1,690 20.54% 1.67%
66 357,182; 7,349,308 S,Vicente Fepasa (*) 24,400 164 25,128 1,091 15.69% 0.23%
67 352,454; 7,350,385 S,Vicente V,Nova Mariana (*) 36,200 94 88,225 635 15.83% 7.09%
68 358,276, 7,350,041 S,Vicente Sá Catarina Moraes 112,200 680 122,538 1,261 4.87% 0.68%
69 358,441; 7,346,206 S,Vicente Japuí 0 0 49,500 411 1.43% 1.43%
70 358,031; 7,349,821 S,Vicente V,S,Bernardo (*) 0 0 18,330 339 1.43% 1.43%
71 358,378; 7,351,880 S,Vicente Rio d’Avó 61,200 340 184,499 945 8.18% 8.86%
72 360,661; 7,349,014 S,Vicente Carrefour (Horto) 0 0 8,337 116 1.43% 1.43%
73 360,991; 7,349,339 S,Vicente Bananal (Horto) 0 0 15,178 251 1.43% 1.43%
74 350,670; 7,347,240 S,Vicente Jd, Rio Branco 0 0 71,370 367 1.43% 1.43%
Total – Study area 9,885,500 29,857 10,144,527 61,385 5.70% 0.20%
RMBS 54,343 116,941 6.59%

Concentration of total coliforms in waterways urban effluent to beaches.

County 2005 2017
Cubatão (*) 101 101
Guarujá (*) to 103 to 105
Santos (*) 104 to 105 103 to 106
São Vicente (*) 104 to 105 103 to 106
Bertioga 103 103 to 104
Mongaguá 103 to 104 103
Itanhaém 103 to 104 103
Praia Grande 104 to 105 103 to 106
Peruíbe 102 to 103 103 to 104

Formal and non-conforming population (NH) between 2005 and 2018 in SAG municipalities.

Population (residents) GAGR (% p.a.) NH (AGEM) NH (SABESP) GAGRNH (% p.a.)
2005 2014 2018 2005/2018 2005/2014 2005 2018 2005/2018
Santos 418,610 423,779 432,957 0.26 0.14 8,018 15,732 5.32
Cubatão 113,271 123,785 129,760 1.05 0.99 8,620 2,935 −7.95
São Vicente 317,459 346,492 363,173 1.04 0.98 8,992 29,079 9.45
Guarujá 276,945 303,397 318,107 1.07 1.02 19,300 39,345 5.63
SAG 1,126,285 1,197,501 1,243,997 0.77 0.68 30,581 62,090 5.60
BSMR 1,567,581 1,750,990 1,848,654 1.28 1.24 54,343 116,941 6.07


City VN (qty) Number of irregular dwellings * (qty) Examples
Bertioga 46 8,525 Boraceia
Cubatão 8 2,935 Vila Esperança
Guarujá 73 39,345 Cachoeira
Itanhaém 29 4,985 Iemanjá
Mongaguá 27 2,910 Cachoeira V. São Paulo
Peruibe 7 658 Recreio Santista
Praia Grande 53 12,772 Samambaia
Santos 120 + 206 tenements 15,732 Dq.Vila Gilda, Pantanal
São Vicente 30 29,079 Fazendinha
RMBS 599 116,941
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Geosciences, Geography