
Assessment of the rating of the regions of Uzbekistan by a set of socio-economic indicators with respect to living standards (2019).

No Regions Indicators of living standards of population Average income of territories Gross rating indicator (place) according to living standards of territories’ population
Average gross income per capita Average monthly salary Average pension amount Number of small businesses per 1,000 population Employment rate
Thousand Uzbek sum Place Thousand Uzbek sum Place Thousand Uzbek sum Place Unity Place % Place
1 Karakalpakstan Republic 7,753.1 14 2,172.8 4 643.8 6 11.6 8 62.9 13
2 Andijan region 9,671.2 6 2,115.2 5 552.1 14 11.4 9 69.6 5
3 Bukhara region 12,723.5 3 2,107.1 6 654.6 5 14.9 5 70.7 3
4 Jizzakh region 9,366.9 7 1,932.9 10 581.4 11 15.6 4 61.6 14
5 Navoi region 16,372.4 2 2,962.2 2 830.0 2 18.1 2 69.2 6
6 Namangan region 8,035.1 12 1,876.8 13 554.8 13 10.0 11 63.8 12
7 Samarkand region 9,105.4 9 1,909.5 11 624.7 7 9.7 12 66.3 7
8 Surkhandarya region 8,658.6 11 1,874.8 14 599.2 9 8.3 13 65.2 9
9 Syrdarya region 9,188.1 8 1,971.9 7 657.6 4 17.9 3 70.5 4
10 Tashkent region 10,401.5 5 2,555.6 3 694.8 3 14.9 5 71.4 2
11 Fergana region 7,907.4 13 1892.2 12 579.0 12 12.2 6 66.0 8
12 Khorezm region 10,821.1 4 1,960.9 8 605.3 8 10.8 10 64.6 11
13 Kashkadarya region 8,830.2 10 1,952.3 9 589.8 10 11.7 7 64.8 10
14 Tashkent city 20,037.5 1 3,379.5 1 844.7 1 28.8 1 77.5 1
No Regions Indicators of living standards of population
Ratio of employed and underemployed population in economy Paid services per capita Retail turnover per capita Consumer price index Provision of housing for population
Ratio Place Thousand Uzbek sum Place Thousand Uzbek sum Place % Place m2/person Place
1 Karakalpakstan Republic 0.62 11 2,964.0 11 2,990 14 14.6 3 19.0 4 8.8 9
2 Andijan region 0.73 6 3,141.6 6 4,023.1 7 15.4 7 10.5 13 7.8 7
3 Bukhara region 0.76 3 4,275.4 4 5,383.4 4 15.9 10 16.0 6 4.9 4
4 Jizzakh region 0.58 12 3,058.6 9 4,286.3 5 15.5 8 14.1 10 9.0 10
5 Navoi region 0.74 5 4,904.9 2 6,710.6 2 12.9 1 22.2 2 2.6 2
6 Namangan region 0.64 9 2,675.5 14 3,564.2 11 15.1 5 15.3 7 10.7 14
7 Samarkand region 0.65 8 3,196.9 5 3,586.6 10 13.9 2 15.2 8 7.9 8
8 Surkhandarya region 0.64 9 2,873.2 12 4,227.4 6 14.6 3 12.8 12 9.8 13
9 Syrdarya region 0.77 2 3,128.1 7 3,259.3 12 16.0 11 14.9 9 6.7 5
10 Tashkent region 0.75 4 4,705.7 3 5,968.9 3 15.3 6 15.3 7 4.1 3
11 Fergana region 0.67 7 3,034.2 10 3,635 9 15.0 4 13.4 11 9.2 11
12 Khorezm region 0.65 8 3,065.0 8 3,656 8 15.0 4 24.1 1 7.0 6
13 Kashkadarya region 0.63 10 2,691.1 13 3,238.7 13 15.8 9 16.9 5 9.6 12
14 Tashkent city 0.85 1 25,703.0 1 14,832.7 1 16.6 12 21.6 3 2.3 1
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4 razy w roku
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Geosciences, Geography