
Our study focuses on exploring the cognitive changes that Artificial Intelligence has on two generational cohorts: Millennials and Generation Z. Artificial Intelligence has developed so much that it can intervene in solving problems, streamlining tasks, and providing information very fast. However, there might be a risk regarding this technology that could have a negative effect on critical thinking, decisionmaking, and memory. Through our research paper, we focused on discovering if Artificial Intelligence has an impact on the cognition of two generations: Millenials and Generation Z.

For this, we used an approach in which we integrated mixed research methods, both quantitative and qualitative, to ascertain the complex interaction between AI and cognition. The results indicated that neither the educational background nor the generational differences produced significant outcomes, suggesting that both generations can integrate AI technologies into their everyday lives. Although the benefits are obvious, there are some concerns about cognitive shifts, so that, through a balanced integration of Artificial Intelligence in everyday life, we can end up capitalizing on its potential for a positive cognitive impact.

Based on the research findings, we discovered a complex connection between the use of AI among Generation Z and Millennials and cognitive changes, suggesting a uniform cognitive involvement with AI technologies among the respondents. However, certain concerns remain regarding the potential negative effects that can be represented by the addiction that it can cause, and by a certain cognitive laziness. This paper contributes to this field by highlighting the need for a balanced approach to the integration of Artificial Intelligence in educational and professional environments, advocating strategies that capitalize on the advantages of Artificial Intelligence while mitigating the negative impact on cognition
