
Waste recycling is a priority area for political factors in Romania, who must identify possible solutions for the reuse of waste. Over time, many studies have been carried out to determine the economic-ecological aspects and the profitability of using waste as a substitute for raw materials. However, effective solutions in this field have not been identified in Romania, and this situation hindering the activities of specialists in the recycling sector. This paper aims to provide an overview, based on statistical data and research studies, of the environmental markets in Romania, focusing on the waste market. In order to study the key economic and ecological characteristics of the use of waste, the series of statistical data in the field - Sustainable Development - Targets for 2030, published by the National Institute of Statistics (tempo online) were processed and analyzed. Also, another purpose of the article is to highlight the positive and negative aspects in the field of waste recycling in Romania, to identify the flows that should be corrected, and opportunities that could contribute to the creation of this system to meet the European standards imposed by the European Directive.
