
The Internet has brought along many important changes in recent years, both in terms of the manufacturing and marketing of products or services, and in terms of human relations that have undergone significant changes, due to the ease with which the travel agencies today access unlimited audiences. With the evolution of mankind and the introduction of technology in most fields of activity, the lifestyle of people has changed, so they choose more and more often to buy vacations online.

The aim of this paper is to analyse how the brand, from a customer-based perspective, is a key resource for the company when the consumer automatically associates a product with the image of a particular brand. In this sense, we conducted quantitative marketing research that has as main objectives: measuring the importance of the digital brand for deciding to purchase tourism products: measuring the frequency of using the Interne in purchasing a tourism service; the impact of brand elements on Romanian consumers.

This paper is very topical, in the context in which many activities in different fields have focused on the online environment. The research results can raise the interest of both individuals and travel agencies that want the development of their brand in the digital environment.
