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Investigating the relationship between knowledge management and organizational agility in an industrial company


Frequency distribution of statistical samples by age

Age (Years) Frequency %
21–30 8 16.7
31–40 33 68.8
41–50 3 6.3
>50 4 8.3
Total 48 100.0

Frequency distribution of statistical samples by education

Education Frequency %
Bachelor 2 4.2
Master 40 83.3
Ph.D. 6 12.5
Total 48 100.0

Notation used in present article

Abbreviation Description
IT IT Infrastructure
KA Knowledge Application
KG Knowledge Generation
KIC Knowledge Management Infrastructure Capabilities
KMS Knowledge Management Systems
KPC Knowledge Management Process Capabilities
KR Knowledge Sharing
KS Knowledge Storage
OC Organisational Culture
OS Organisational structure

Kolmogorov–Smirnov test results

Variable Test statistics Significance level Test result
Organisational agility 0.109 0.200 Normal
Flexibility 0.123 0.200 Normal
Responsiveness 0.120 0.066 Normal
Culture 0.063 0.095 Normal
Speed 0.114 0.185 Normal
Integrity 0.147 0.521 Normal
Quality 0.096 0.092 Normal
Competence 0.138 0.172 Normal
Human resources 0.106 0.068 Normal
KM 0.191 0.796 Normal
Infrastructure 0.120 0.200 Normal
Process 0.110 0.200 Normal

Pearson correlation coefficient test results between KM and organisational agility

Variable KM
Pearson correlation coefficient Significance level
Organisational agility 0.875 0.000
Flexibility 0.767 0.000
Responsiveness 0.705 0.000
Culture 0.853 0.000
Speed 0.856 0.000
Integrity 0.810 0.000
Quality 0.535 0.000
Competence 0.714 0.000
Human resources 0.672 0.000

Frequency distribution of statistical samples by work experience

Work experience (years) Frequency %
<1 8 16.7
1–2 27 56.3
2–3 9 18.8
>3 4 8.4
Total 48 100

Classification of organisational agility assessment indicators (Swafford et al. 2006)

Indicator Components
Flexibility Production model flexibility, production system flexibility, flexible workforce, flexibility structure and methods, flexible workplace and flexible business strategy
Responsiveness Responding to changes in demand, responding to changes in the business and market environment, responding to changes in social environmental achievements and the degree of adaptation of business goals to changes
Culture of change Continuous improvement, product-related change capability, reconfiguration capability, supporting the learning environment, change management, changing organisational responsibilities and continuous monitoring of internal and external environment to identify opportunities and threats
Speed Learning to perform tasks and operations in the shortest possible time, operation time, production change time, time of the delivery of products and services, learning time and adaptation time to change
Low integrity and complexity Integration inside and outside the organisation, integration of individuals, technology and organisation, combination of technology, conflicting skills and competencies, flow of materials, products and suppliers, and facilitating change
High quality and custom production Goods and services with high volume of information and added value, quality throughout the life of the product, correct and timely decision and short development cycle time
Central competence Multi-risk capability, difficulty in copying developed business methods, skills and knowledge of increasing technologies, close communication with customers and suppliers, customer enrichment, customer incentive innovation, customer satisfaction, and cooperation and collaboration for increased competitiveness
Human resources Employee empowerment, job rotation, decision-making independence, access to knowledge and information, teamwork, multitasking teams, manpower training and development, and individual initiative

Regression model summary

Model Correlation coefficient Coefficient of determination Durbin–Watson
Regression 0.875 0.766 1.867

Coefficients of regression model variables

Variables Unstandardised coefficients Standardised coefficients T statistic Significance value
β Standard error β
Constant coefficient 0.787 0.205 3.830 0.000
KM 0.763 0.062 0.875 12.261 0.000

Agility Evaluation Questions (Comparison with the strongest competitor)

Very low Low Medium High Very high
1 The level of readiness of the company’s production system to produce various products
2 The degree of readiness of the company to change the production volume of products at the appropriate time
3 The ability of company employees to perform a variety of tasks
4 The possibility of changing the number of employees of the company in consecutive time periods
5 The degree of attention to flexibility in formulating strategies
6 The ability of the company to respond to diverse customer demands (in terms of product variety and quantity)
7 The extent of the company’s ability to respond appropriately to changes in the environment (raw material prices, government policies, etc.)
8 The extent of the company’s ability to take advantage of environmental opportunities (seasonal changes, popularity in society, etc.)
Culture of change
9 The degree of willingness of senior management for the progress of the company
10 The level of readiness and acceptance of employees for innovation in all areas of work
11 The rate of formation of appropriate training courses for employees of different levels
12 The degree of positive attitude to change in different areas of the company
13 The amount of identifying opportunities and environmental threats and exploiting them
14 The ability of company employees to quickly learn new tasks
15 The speed of action of employees in doing work
16 The ability to produce and deliver goods needed quickly to customers
17 The degree of coordination between the internal environment (employees, goals, rules, etc.) and the external environment (competitors, suppliers, market, etc.)
18 The ability of employees to exploit the technologies used by the company
19 The degree of coordination in the flow of raw materials (from warehouse to production line)
20 The degree of coordination between raw material suppliers, production process and distributors
21 The quality of manufactured products
22 The amount of necessary information about the product to customers
23 The degree of continuity of product quality during its useful life
24 The degree of ability to deal with different risks simultaneously (competitors’ pressure, demand reduction, etc.)
25 Extent of measures taken to prevent competitors from copying the designs and technologies used by the company
26 The ability of the company to form rapid cooperation with competitors and suppliers
Human Resources
27 The level of attention to employees’ opinions in decision-making
28 The degree of independence of employees in making decisions related to their work
29 Employee access rate to the required information and knowledge
30 The amount of work done by team
31 The level of attention to the individual initiative of employees in the company

Frequency distribution of statistical samples by gender

Gender Frequency %
Male 19 39.6
Female 29 60.4
Total 48 100.0

Knowledge Management Evaluation Questions (in your company)

Very low Low Medium High Very high
1 The possibility of implementing knowledge management in the company
2 Existence of a positive attitude of high-level managers towards the implementation of knowledge management
3 The degree of attention to acquire, support and develop knowledge as a tool of competitive advantage
4 The degree of attention to the values of knowledge management in the company’s programs
5 Existence of leadership and senior management interested in knowledge management
6 The degree of consistency of the company structure with the knowledge management process
7 Existence of information technology infrastructure in accordance with the goals and needs of the company and employees
8 Ability to record existing information and knowledge through information technology tools (computer databases, etc.)
9 The possibility of using computer and Internet networks to exchange information
10 Existence of training courses to develop and improve the knowledge of employees and managers of the company
11 The readiness of the company to create and accept new knowledge
12 Existence of access to experiences, technologies, advanced and new skills
13 Take appropriate measures to maintain (record) knowledge and promote innovation in the company
14 Ability to organize and codify knowledge in existing databases
15 The amount of effort to survive and maintain knowledge (after entering and acquiring it)
16 Number of seminars, learning programs and working groups to strengthen knowledge
17 The degree of ease of access to knowledge due to the proper arrangement of processes
18 Ease in the process of receiving and transmitting information (created or acquired)
19 The appropriateness of staff knowledge with their needs
20 The use of existing (known) knowledge to make decisions and achieve company goals

Classification of KM indicators

Component Indicator
OC OC is also known as a set of assumptions, rules, standards, systems and beliefs shared by employees within the organisation that affect their thinking and decision-making (Obeidat et al. 2015).
IT IT includes various hardware and software that facilitate and help in providing technological capabilities that lead to transfer of knowledge between units (Soud Jaradat and Al Maani 2014).
OS Definition of hierarchic relationships and sector boundaries of an organisation, and the necessary policies and procedures which create the conditions for managing the designated activities, roles and responsibilities (Gold et al., 2001).
KG KG involves the development of new knowledge or the replacement of the existing content of the organisation’s tacit and explicit knowledge (Chang and Lin 2015).
KS This process also includes all activities that allow knowledge to be stored, updated and easily retrieved by users (Al-Shanti 2017).
KR The process of KR helps people exchange tacit and explicit knowledge and generate new knowledge among the target people (Birasnav 2014).
KA The purpose of KA is to transform the knowledge into practical application (Dalkir 2005).

Frequency distribution of statistical samples by position

Position Frequency %
Manager 5 10.4
Employee 31 64.6
Researcher 12 25.0
Total 48 100.0

Descriptive statistical indicators of the main research variables

Variable Central orientation indicators Dispersion tendency indicators
Mean Median Variation range Variance Standard deviation
Agility 3.26 3 2.06 0.322 0.57
Flexibility 3.19 3 2.8 0.442 0.66
Responsiveness 3.14 3 2.33 0.396 0.63
Culture 3.12 3 2.4 0.43 0.66
Speed 3.03 3 2.33 0.516 0.72
Integrity 3.21 3 2.75 0.535 0.73
Quality 3.48 3.67 3 0.557 0.75
Competence 3.44 3.33 2.33 0.355 0.60
Human resources 3.46 3.4 2.2 0.366 0.61
KM 3.24 3 2.32 0.425 0.65
Infrastructure 3.27 3 2 0.336 0.58
Process 3.21 3 2.82 0.528 0.73

Analysis of variance

Sum of squares Degrees of freedom Mean square F statistic Significance value
Regression 11.604 1 11.604 150.343 0.000
Residues 3.551 46 0.0770
Total 15.155 47
Częstotliwość wydawania:
Volume Open
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Engineering, Introductions and Overviews, other