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Radiation impact of ashes from the combustion of bottom sediments in a municipal sewage treatment plant, Czajka, located in Warsaw, Poland



The “Czajka” Sewage Treatment Plant (Fig. 1) processes many liquid pollutants generated in the Warsaw agglomeration. The incineration plant, located in the “Czajka” plant, is one of the largest facilities of this type in Poland. Approximately 500 tons of sewage sludge is produced daily in the “Czajka” plant. The combustion process carried out in the incineration plant reduces their amount by 10 times. However, the annual amount of waste is so large that there is an urgent need to solve the problem of its disposal.

Fig. 1.

Schematic of the “Czajka” sewage treatment plant located in Warsaw, Poland.

The sewage sludge incineration system of the incineration plant consists of two independent technological lines that operate in a continuous mode. Each of them is equipped with a separate furnace with a recuperator, a heat recovery boiler, and a three-stage purification system. The installation has a capacity of 24.5 t/h of wet sludge, and the incineration furnaces present use the Pyrofluid® fluidized bed technology that can burn 150 tons of dry sludge in 24 h. To manage and use the ashes produced during combustion, e.g., in agriculture as fertilizers or in construction as an additive in cement production, they should be tested, among others, for the content of radionuclides, and their levels should be assessed.

Thus, a series of fly ashes collected from the “Czajka” plant was subjected to intensive radiometric tests to accurately estimate the levels of radioactivity.

Materials and methods
Ashes sampling and composition

Totally, 17 monthly samples of fly ash, weighing ≈1 kg, were collected at the end of the thermal disposal line in the period from August 2022 to April 2023. They were homogenized by quartering, dried at 80°C for 6 h, and stored in closed polypropylene containers. Then laboratory samples weighing ≈900 g and having a density 0.77 ± 0.04 g·cm−3 were prepared for future testing.

Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) provided the average chemical composition of the tested fly ashes (Table 1). Chemical composition plays an important role during energy-efficiency calculations due to self-attenuation in the sample bulk.

Average content in mass percentage determined by the EDX technique

Element Average content in mass percentage
C, carbon 1.86
O, oxygen 33.99
Na, sodium 0.40
Mg, magnesium 1.60
Al, aluminum 13.15
Si, silicon 13.36
P, phosphorus 9.18
S, sulfur 0.92
K, potassium 1.33
Ca, calcium 13.93
Ti, titanium 0.70
Mn, manganese 0.25
Fe, iron 8.13
Cu, copper 0.43
Zn, zinc 0.75

The uncertainty of determining the content of the individual elements using the EDX method is smaller than 1%.

Radioactive equilibrium

Radioactive equilibrium refers to the state in which the activity of a radioactive parent nuclide and that of its radioactive daughter nuclide become equal. Radioactive equilibrium is named secular equilibrium and occurs in a radioactive decay chain only if the half-life (T1/2) of the daughter radionuclide (T1/2 progeny) is much shorter than the T1/2 parent of the parent radionuclide.

Let us assume that two radioactive elements compose a chain, and the first one is a parent and the second one, also radioactive, is a progeny radionuclide. Their activity varies over time in accordance with the law of decay. The activity of the progeny radionuclide Aprogeny(t) determined at time t is represented by the equation: Aprogency(t)=Aparent(1eλprogencyt) \[{{A}_{\text{progency}}}\left( t \right)={{A}_{\text{parent}}}\left( 1-{{e}^{-{{\text{ }\!\!\lambda\!\!\text{ }}_{\text{progency}}}\cdot t}} \right)\] where: Aparent is the activity of the parent radionuclide; λprogeny is the decay constant.

Determination of the natural decay series radionuclides’ activity

Determination of 238U (T1/2 = 4.468 × 109 year) activity using direct γ-ray spectrometry poses a challenge due to its long T1/2 and low γ-ray intensity. To obtain quantitative results, it is essential to use a method based on the identification of 238U decay products, such as 234Th and 234mPa [1]. 228Ra (T1/2 = 5.75 year) and its progeny radionuclide belong to the thorium decay series. It can be indicated by the activity 228Ac (T1/2 = 6.15 h). Its parent radionuclide is 228Ra. The last one is a progeny for 228Th (T1/2 = 1.9125 year), which is the starting radionuclide for the mentioned series. 232Th (T1/2 = 1.40 × 1010 year), serves as the progenitor radionuclide in the thorium decay chain. Its γ-peak at 63.81 keV is interfered with by the 234Th peak at 63.29 keV, thus avoiding direct determination of 232Th (Fig. 2). Identification of 232Th is feasible via its progeny such as 228Ac, 212Pb, and 208Tl, but this is possible only when they are in radioactive equilibrium [2]. Due to 228Ra’s distinct chemical characteristics, this equilibrium does not consistently occur in environmental samples.

Fig. 2.

Interference of radionuclides FEAPs: 232Th and 234Th, 212Pb and 214Pb, 212Pb and 228Ac based on current results.

235U (T1/2 = 7.04 × 108 year) is the starting radionuclide for the uranium–actinium decay series. The full energy absorption peaks (FEAPs) at energies of 143.77, 163.36, 185.71, and 205.31 keV could determine its radioactivity. Unfortunately, the most-intense FEAP at 185.71 keV usually interferes with the peak at 186.21 keV, resulting in the disintegration of 226Ra (Fig. 3). Thus, it is advised to determine 235U based on other noninterfering FEAPs, which are less intensive. After determining the 235U activity, we indirectly determine the part of the considered net peak area that belongs to 226Ra and next calculate its activity. However, this is not the only possible way to determine the mentioned radionuclides’ activity [3].

Fig. 3.

Interference of 235U and 226Ra FEAPs based on current results.

The determination of 210Pb radioactivity is done directly via the γ-peak at the comparatively low energy of 46.54 keV. The determination of 228Th radioactivity from the radionuclides 212Pb and 208Tl is utilized. For the analysis, the γ-peak of 212Pb at 238.63 keV is predominantly recommended. 208Tl radioactivity is usually easy to obtain. Radionuclides like 7B, 137Cs, and 40K do not belong to the natural decay series. The initial two radionuclides can be identified using the software that typically comes with a modern γ-spectrometer. During the determination of 40K radioactivity, it is considered that its main spectrometric line of 1460.82 keV interferes with the line of 1459.14 keV related to 228Ac disintegration (Fig. 4). Based on 228Ac activity, one can calculate the contribution to the peak area at 1460.82 keV coming from this radionuclide. The rest of the peak area is related to 40K activity [4].

Fig. 4.

Interference of 40K and 228Ac FEAPs based on current results.

Gamma ray spectrometry

Photons were detected using an high purity germanium (HPGe) detector (coaxial, p-type, relative efficiency 33.8%, full width at half maximum (FWHM) (Eγ = 1332.5 keV) = 1.73 keV, serial number b20227, type GC3018, Canberra made), which was stored in a 100 mm Pb + 1 mm Cu shielding house and has a numerical characteristic provided by the manufacturer that allowed for mathematical energy-efficiency calibration. The multichannel analyzer Inspector and Genie2000 software were used to acquire γ-spectra and calculate the net peak area. We measured the samples and the background radiation for 24 h. Based on the nuclear data [5] and the energy-efficiency calibration result, radionuclide activity was computed in a spreadsheet, accounting for any potential FEAP interference.

Mathematical energy-effi ciency calibration

The Laboratory Sourceless Calibration Software (LabSOCS®) was utilized for the numerical modeling of the photon transit within the sample and detector volume and for the mathematical energy-efficiency calibration. Geometry Composer® was utilized to describe the measurement geometry. Next, a logarithmic polynomial up to the fifth degree interpolated the pair consisting of photon energy and the corresponding registration efficiency (see Eq. (2)). lnEff(Eγ)=i=0nAixi;x=lnBEγ \[\ln Eff\left( {{E}_{\text{ }\!\!\gamma\!\!\text{ }}} \right)=\sum\limits_{i=0}^{n}{{{A}_{i}}\cdot {{x}^{i}};x=\ln \frac{B}{{{E}_{\text{ }\!\!\gamma\!\!\text{ }}}}}\] where: Eγ – photon’s energy; Eff(Eγ) – registration efficiency of photons with energy Eγ; and Ai, and B are the interpolation coefficients. In our case, the fourth-degree polynomial fit was best suited to the results.

Validation of the radiometric process

For the validation of the radiometry in terms of its effectiveness, the analytical tool integrated absolute full energy peak efficiency (IAFEPE) integral of the efficiency function Eff (Eγ) over the detection energy range (EminEmax) was adopted [6] Eq. (3). IAFEPE=EminEmaxEff(Eγ)dEγ \[\text{IAFEPE}=\int_{{{E}_{\min }}}^{{{E}_{\max }}}{Eff}\left( {{E}_{\text{ }\!\!\gamma\!\!\text{ }}} \right)d{{E}_{\text{ }\!\!\gamma\!\!\text{ }}}\]

Sample and measurement geometries
Simplified Marinelli beaker

The first series of measurements was completed using a simplified Marinelli beaker. The ashes were placed in the container up to 1 cm from the lid. The mean mass of the ashes was ≈480 g. The cut view of the measurement geometry is shown in Fig. 5. It also served as the input for the MCNP calculations, leading to mathematical energy-efficiency calibration.

Fig. 5.

The measurement geometries adopted for both series of measurements. Simplified beaker (on the left) and Marinelli beaker. Own drawing based on the Geometry Composer screen.

Simplified beaker

After completing the first series of measurements, the ash was withdrawn to a simplified beaker made of PVC, having a cone shape, and connected to the remaining part of the ash (Fig. 5). The mass of ashes increased to ≈660 g. Then, the beaker was suspended for 3 months, and the second series of measurements was completed. The reason for such a procedure to take place was due to the expectation of achieving a state of radioactive equilibrium for progeny radionuclides with a T1/2 >20 days.

Results and discussion

In Figs. 24, a part of the γ-spectra of a representative sample of ashes is presented.

The survey included a measurement error (0.05–3.4%), an error in determining the ashes composition (1%), and a mathematical energy-efficiency calibration error (0.1%) [7]. The measurement time and weighing error can be neglected. Hence, the resultant uncertainty is 3.5%.

The calculated IAFEPE values are as follows: IAFEPEMarinelli_beaker = 18.015 keV and IAFEPESimplified_beaker = 18.325 keV. It means that both sample geometries are comparably effective. The deterioration in the recording efficiency of the photons emitted from the simplified beaker compared to the Marinelli beaker is compensated by the increase in the mass of the sample.

Table 2 displays the specific activity of the radionuclides found in the samples. They are part of three natural decay sequences. In addition to those, we identified 7Be, 40K, and 137Cs. 40K is a naturally occurring radionuclide, 7Be is cosmogenic, and 137Cs is an artificial fission product. 137Cs was found in the recent global fallout due to nuclear tests and accidents at nuclear reactors like Windscale, Chernobyl, and Fukushima. The activities of 137Cs and 40K in environmental samples monitored by Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection (CLRP) are approximately at the same levels [8]. 7Be is produced in the solar system relatively recently and through spallation in the Earth’s atmosphere. It happens on Earth due to precipitation in the form of both rain and dry fallout. Due to the unknown time that passed between the formation and its appearance in the food chain, the found radioactivity of 7Be cannot be compared with its level in the atmosphere, surface waters, etc.

The mean value of the specific activity and its standard deviation (SD) for radionuclides detected in samples of ashes from the “Czajka” plant

Radionuclide Mean specific activity ± SD (Bq/kg)
137Cs 5 ± 2
7Be 479 ± 98
40K 417 ± 442
Uranium–radium series
234mPa 149 881 ± 97 150
210Bi 2 762 ± 2 310
234Th 446 ± 395
214Bi 4 670 ± 2 762
210Pb 286 ± 228
226Ra 41 ± 30
Thorium series
228Ac 382 ± 239
212Bi 960 ± 566
212Pb 92 ± 44
208Tl 15 ± 5
Uranium–actinium series
235U 5 ± 3

In the measured samples, we observed slightly higher levels of 226Ra and 228Ac in comparison with soil samples [8]. However, it is not advisable to compare the radioactivity of the ashes with that of any of the environmental samples. It is because the material from which the ashes are obtained undergo multiple metabolic, chemical, and physical transformations in food chains.

The specific activities of the samples are very similar after their long-term storage. However, this is not the case with 7Be, which simply disintegrates due to its relatively short T1/2. The distribution of specific activity for radionuclides is very wide, ranging from a few becquerels for 235U to tenths of a megabecquerel for 234mPa. The reason for the relatively high 234mPa concentrations is unknown. However, its short T1/2 makes the potential radiation hazard negligible.

A large variability in the content of each radionuclide was also observed. The monthly distribution of radioactivity was chaotic and does not reflect a seasonal dependence. Thus, we operate with mean values and the SD.


The ashes from the “Czajka” plant cannot be considered as environmental samples. The elements including those belonging to natural decay chains enter various food chains many times. Thus, their concentrations are unknown and difficult for interpretation. The concentrations of most radionuclides are different that those usually observed in environmental samples [8]. Their specific activity changes from a few parts of Bq/kg to tenths of MBq/kg. The expected dispersion of activity between the samples was up to several dozen percentage. No seasonal changes were observed across the entire series of measurements.

Fly ashes from the “Czajka” incinerator can be added to building materials or used as artificial fertilizers without causing a significant increase in radiation exposure.

Thus, one can assume the option that radiation hazards due to the utilization of ashes because of burning bottom sediments from sewage treatment plants can be neglected.

Neither the Marinelli beaker nor the simplified beaker ensured the tightness of the sample. In this way, part of the radon radionuclides could have been released from the containers. Thus, the radiative equilibrium was not entirely preserved.

Częstotliwość wydawania:
4 razy w roku
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, other