
Successful cyber defence in the challenging cyber conflict environment depends on many factors but a crucial one is the use of a resilient system for cyber defence which is highly interoperable with those of partner countries and organisations. This paper presents a methodology of developing information systems capabilities resilient and interoperable in cyber conflict environment. The applied approach for defining the system design of information infrastructure is based on NATO models. For the architectural configuration, the NATO Technical Reference Model is applied and the NATO Common Operating Environment Component Model (NCOECM) is used for defining the information infrastructure components of the system design. NATO Technical Reference Model defines system services necessary for the information infrastructure of organizations. Functionalities needed by users and based on system services are also identified using reference models like workstations, servers, terminals and others, which are connected in an integrated information infrastructure. By implementing the proposed methodology a model of architectural configuring of an information infrastructure component has been developed – the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Server functional configuration.