
Figure 1

Fish landing area at Balayan Bay and Tayabas Bays, southern Luzon, Philippines, for fish sample collection.
Fish landing area at Balayan Bay and Tayabas Bays, southern Luzon, Philippines, for fish sample collection.

Figure 2

Light microscopic images of representative marine ascaridoid larvae collected from Decapterus spp. A and D, anterior part of the body, ventral view, showing the larval tooth (T), esophagus (E), and ventriculus (V); B and E (inset), detailed larval tooth (T); C and F, conical tail showing or lacking a mucron (M), respectively.
Light microscopic images of representative marine ascaridoid larvae collected from Decapterus spp. A and D, anterior part of the body, ventral view, showing the larval tooth (T), esophagus (E), and ventriculus (V); B and E (inset), detailed larval tooth (T); C and F, conical tail showing or lacking a mucron (M), respectively.

Figure 3

Prevalence (%) and mean intensity (worms/host ± SD) of marine ascaridoid larvae across the three Decapterus spp. (N = 371) collected from Tayabas Bay and Balayan Bay, southern Luzon, Philippines.
Prevalence (%) and mean intensity (worms/host ± SD) of marine ascaridoid larvae across the three Decapterus spp. (N = 371) collected from Tayabas Bay and Balayan Bay, southern Luzon, Philippines.

Figure 4

Prevalence (%) and mean intensity (worms/host ± SD) of marine ascaridoid larvae across the three Decapterus spp. (N = 371) collected from Tayabas Bay and Balayan Bay, southern Luzon, Philippines.
Prevalence (%) and mean intensity (worms/host ± SD) of marine ascaridoid larvae across the three Decapterus spp. (N = 371) collected from Tayabas Bay and Balayan Bay, southern Luzon, Philippines.

Figure 5

Aggregated distribution of marine ascaridoid larval parasites from (A) pooled Decapterus spp. samples, (B) Decapterus maruadsi, (C) Decapterus tabl, and (D) Decapterus macrosoma from Tayabas Bay and Balayan Bay, southern Luzon, Philippines.
Aggregated distribution of marine ascaridoid larval parasites from (A) pooled Decapterus spp. samples, (B) Decapterus maruadsi, (C) Decapterus tabl, and (D) Decapterus macrosoma from Tayabas Bay and Balayan Bay, southern Luzon, Philippines.

Figure 6

Intra- and interspecific sequence variations in Anisakidae and Raphidascarididae obtained in the GenBank and sample isolate sequences. (A) 18S rRNA and (B) 5.8S-ITS2-28S regions.
Intra- and interspecific sequence variations in Anisakidae and Raphidascarididae obtained in the GenBank and sample isolate sequences. (A) 18S rRNA and (B) 5.8S-ITS2-28S regions.

Figure 7

ML phylogenetic tree of Anisakidae and Raphidascarididae inferred from 628 nucleotide positions of the 18S rRNA gene using the TrNef + G model of DNA substitution and rooted on Ascaris lumbricoides (U94366). Values on nodes represent ML/NJ bootstrap percentages of 1,000 bootstrap samples; values <50% are not shown. Scale bar represents five nucleotide substitutions of 1,000 nucleotides. Sequences from this study are highlighted. ML, maximum-likelihood; NJ, neighbor-joining.
ML phylogenetic tree of Anisakidae and Raphidascarididae inferred from 628 nucleotide positions of the 18S rRNA gene using the TrNef + G model of DNA substitution and rooted on Ascaris lumbricoides (U94366). Values on nodes represent ML/NJ bootstrap percentages of 1,000 bootstrap samples; values <50% are not shown. Scale bar represents five nucleotide substitutions of 1,000 nucleotides. Sequences from this study are highlighted. ML, maximum-likelihood; NJ, neighbor-joining.

Figure 8

ML phylogenetic tree of Anisakidae and Raphidascarididae inferred from 460 nucleotide positions from the partial sequence of the 5.8S, whole sequence of the ITS2, and partial sequence of 28S rRNA gene using the HKY + G model of DNA substitution and rooted on Raphidascaris (Sprentascaris) andersoni. Values on nodes represent ML/NJ bootstrap percentages of 1,000 bootstrap samples; values <50% are not shown. Scale bar represents two nucleotide substitutions of 10 nucleotides. Sequences from this study are highlighted. ITS2, internal transcribed spacer 2; ML, maximum-likelihood.
ML phylogenetic tree of Anisakidae and Raphidascarididae inferred from 460 nucleotide positions from the partial sequence of the 5.8S, whole sequence of the ITS2, and partial sequence of 28S rRNA gene using the HKY + G model of DNA substitution and rooted on Raphidascaris (Sprentascaris) andersoni. Values on nodes represent ML/NJ bootstrap percentages of 1,000 bootstrap samples; values <50% are not shown. Scale bar represents two nucleotide substitutions of 10 nucleotides. Sequences from this study are highlighted. ITS2, internal transcribed spacer 2; ML, maximum-likelihood.

GenBank sequences of close species matches used for phylogeny construction.

Ascaridoid species Host Habitat Geographical Origin ITS2 18S rRNA
Anisakis pegreffii Trachinus radiatus Marine Tunisia MT820022 -
Anisakis pegreffii Conger myriaster Marine China - MF072697
Anisakis pegreffii Caretta Marine Italy - EF180082
Anisakis simplex Globicephala melaena Marine Norway AY826723 -
Anisakis simplex Scomber japonicus Marine Japan LC621351 -
Anisakis simplex Carcharhinus sorrah Marine China - MF072711
Anisakis typica Tursiops aduncus Marine Egypt HF911524 -
Anisakis typica Bottlenose dolphin Marine China KF673776 -
Anisakis typica Rastrelliger kanagurta Marine Thailand AB432909 -
Anisakis typica Stenella longirostris Marine Brazil AY826724 -
Anisakis typica Katsuwonus pelamis Marine Indonesia KC928262 -
Anisakis typica Sotalia fluviatilis Marine Brazil EU327686 -
Anisakis ziphidarum Pagellus bogaraveo Marine Portugal JN005767 -
Anisakis ziphidarum Hoplostethus cadenati Marine Mauritius EU718473 -
Anisakis ziphidarum Ziphius cavirostris Marine South Africa AY826725 -
Contracaecum eudyptulae Eudyptula minor Marine Australia - EF180072
Contracaecum microcephalum NM NM NM - AY702702
Contracaecum multipapillatum NM NM NM - U94370
Hysterothylacium aduncum Zoarces viviparus Marine Denmark JX845137 -
Hysterothylacium aduncum Dolphin fish Marine South Korea HQ702733 -
Hysterothylacium aduncum Lophius litulon Marine China - MF072693
Hysterothylacium deardorffoverstreetorum Paralichthys isosceles Marine Brazil - JF718550
Hysterothylacium fortalezae NM NM NM - U94374
Hystetothylacium reliquens NM NM NM - U94376
Hystetothylacium tetrapteri Kajikia audax Marine China - MF072705
Hysterothylacium thalassini Priacanthus macracanthus Marine China - MF072702
Pseudanisakis rajae Raja pulchra Marine China - MF072707
Pseudoterranova decipiens Gadus morhua Marine Denmark KM273088 -
Pseudoterranova decipiens NM NM NM - U94380
Raphidascaroides brasiliensis Platydoras costatus Freshwater Brazil - KP726276
Raphidascaroides moraveci Platydoras armatulus Freshwater Brazil - KP726278
Raphidascaris acus Esox lucius Freshwater; brackish water Finland - DQ503460
Raphidascaris lanfredae Geophagus maximus Freshwater Brazil - KX859077
Raphidascaris longispicula NM Marine South China Sea JN102362 -
Raphidascaris longispicula Uroconger lepturus Marine China KP326546 MF072704
Raphidascaris lophii NM NM China MF422212 -
Raphidascaris lophii Lophius litulon Marine China MH211584 MF072692
Raphidascaris lophii NM Marine China JF809816 -
Terranova caballeroi NM NM NM - U94381
aRaphidascaris (Sprentascaris) andersoni Gymnogeophagus balzanii Freshwater Brazil MK141032 -
aAscaris lumbricoides NM NM NM - U94366

BLAST results for the 18S rRNA and 5.8S-ITS2-28S sequences of ascaridoid samples.

Specimen 18S rRNA 5.8S-ITS2-28S Family
accession (18S/ITS2) GenBank accession % Match GenBank accession % Match
OK659774/ OK659786 MF072704 (Raphidascaris longispicula) 99.84 MF422212 (Raphidascaris longispicula) 99.18 Raphidascarididae
OK659775/ OK659787 MF072711 (Anisakis simplex) MF072697 (Anisakis pegreffii) U94365 (Anisakis sp.) 99.52 HF911524 (Anisakis simplex) 99.88 Anisakidae
OK659776/ OK659788 MF072704 (Raphidascaris longispicula) 99.84 MF422212 (Raphidascaris longispicula) 99.79 Raphidascarididae
OK659777/ OK659789 MF072711 (Anisakis simplex) MF072697 (Anisakis pegreffii) U94365 (Anisakis sp.) 99.68 HF911524 (Anisakis simplex) 99.88 Anisakidae
OK659778/ OK659790 MF072704 (Raphidascaris longispicula) 99.52 MF422212 (Raphidascaris longispicula) 99.79 Raphidascarididae
OK659779/ OK659791 MF072704 (Raphidascaris longispicula) 99.52 MF422212 (Raphidascaris longispicula) 99.59 Raphidascarididae
OK659780/ OK659792 MF072711 (Anisakis simplex) MF072697 (Anisakis pegreffii) U94365 (Anisakis sp.) 99.20 HF911524 (Anisakis simplex) 98.66 Anisakidae
OK659781/ OK659793 MF072711 (Anisakis simplex) MF072697 (Anisakis pegreffii) U94365 (Anisakis sp.) 99.68 HF911524 (Anisakis simplex) 98.79 Anisakidae
OK659782/ OK659794 MF072711(Anisakis simplex) MF072697 (Anisakis pegreffii) U94365 (Anisakis sp.) 99.52 HF911524 (Anisakis simplex) 99.87 Anisakidae
OK659783/ OK659795 MF072711(Anisakis simplex) MF072697 (Anisakis pegreffii) U94365 (Anisakis sp.) 99.68 HF911524 (Anisakis simplex) 98.86 Anisakidae
OK659784/ OK659796 MF072711 (Anisakis simplex) MF072697 (Anisakis pegreffii) U94365 (Anisakis sp.) 99.68 HF911524 (Anisakis simplex) 98.61 Anisakidae
OK659785/ OK659797 MF072711 (Anisakis simplex) MF072697 (Anisakis pegreffii) U94365 (Anisakis sp.) 99.68 HF911524 (Anisakis simplex) 99.87 Anisakidae

Corrected (TrNef + G) genetic distances of 18S rRNA gene and corrected (HKY + G) genetic distances of the 5.8S-ITS2-28S region of Anisakidae and Raphidascarididae nematodes.

Ascaridoid comparisons Number of pairwise comparisons 18S rRNA 5.8S-ITS2-28S region
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Intraspecific 67 (18S), 118 (ITS2) 0 0.0182098 0 0.0077422
Interspecific 494 (18S), 410 (ITS2) 0 0.04259699 0.00493606 1.8776778
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Volume Open
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Life Sciences, other