
Figure 1

Regression analyze between BIS and SFBIA bias (BIS-SFBIA) with BMI. Data analyzed only for BMI subgroups. BIS, multifrequency bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy; BMI, body mass index; ECW, extracellular water; FFM, fat free mass; FM, fat mass; ICW, intracellular water; PA, phase angle; R, resistance; SFBIA, single-frequency bioelectrical impedance; TBW, total body water; Xc, reactance. (a) R; (b) Xc; (c) PA; (d) TBW; (e) ICW; (f) ECW; (g) FFM; (h) FM. Circle: underweight; Square: normal weight; Trapezium: overweight; Triangle: obese.
Regression analyze between BIS and SFBIA bias (BIS-SFBIA) with BMI. Data analyzed only for BMI subgroups. BIS, multifrequency bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy; BMI, body mass index; ECW, extracellular water; FFM, fat free mass; FM, fat mass; ICW, intracellular water; PA, phase angle; R, resistance; SFBIA, single-frequency bioelectrical impedance; TBW, total body water; Xc, reactance. (a) R; (b) Xc; (c) PA; (d) TBW; (e) ICW; (f) ECW; (g) FFM; (h) FM. Circle: underweight; Square: normal weight; Trapezium: overweight; Triangle: obese.

Figure 2

Regression analyze between BIS and SFBIA bias (BIS-SFBIA) with OH. Data analyzed only for CKD groups. BIS, multifrequency bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy; BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; ECW, extracellular water; FFM, fat free mass; FM, fat mass; ICW, intracellular water; PA, phase angle; R, resistance; SFBIA, single-frequency bioelectrical impedance; TBW, total body water; OH, overhydration state; Xc, reactance. (a) R; (b) Xc; (c) PA; (d) TBW; (e) ICW; (f) ECW; (g) FFM; (h) FM.
Regression analyze between BIS and SFBIA bias (BIS-SFBIA) with OH. Data analyzed only for CKD groups. BIS, multifrequency bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy; BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; ECW, extracellular water; FFM, fat free mass; FM, fat mass; ICW, intracellular water; PA, phase angle; R, resistance; SFBIA, single-frequency bioelectrical impedance; TBW, total body water; OH, overhydration state; Xc, reactance. (a) R; (b) Xc; (c) PA; (d) TBW; (e) ICW; (f) ECW; (g) FFM; (h) FM.

Descriptive data for non-CKD subjects stratified in BMI subgroups and for CKD patients stratified in PD and HD subgroups

Women (%)326259521142
Age (years)26±4.2a29±3.9a29±4.6a30±5a52±19b47±13c
(20 to 38)(20 to 40)(20 to 40)(20 to 40)(15 to 81)(20 to 76)
Weight (kg)48±4.9a64±9.4b79±9.8c98±12d68±13be72±17e
(39 to 60)(45 to 87)(59 to 109)(71 to 124)(38 to 93)(42 to 137)
BMI (kg/m2)18±0.7a22±1.8b27±1.4c34±2.7d24±3.4e26±5e
(15 to 18)(19 to 25)(25 to 30)(30 to 40)(16 to 32)(17 to 44)
OH (L)-0.1±0.4a-0.3±0.7a-0.5±0.9ab-0.8±0.9b2.1±2.2c-0.9±1.9b
(-1.2 to 0.9)(-1.9 to 1.5)(-3.1 to 2.1)(-3 to 1.8)(-0.7 to 6.2)(-5 to 6.0)
OH>1.1 L (%)00431710
OH<-1.1 L (%)0142942049
FFM (kg)34±6.3a43±11b45±13b46±13b34±6.6a38±9.7a
(26 to 51)(26 to 70)(27 to 76)(25 to 76)(24 to 56)(20 to 60)
FFMI (kg/m2)12±1.5a15±2.8b15±3.1b15±3.1b12±1.8a14±2.6a
(10 to 16)(9 to 22)(10 to 23)(9 to 23)(8 to 16)(8 to 20)
FM (kg)14±4a21±7.1b34±9.3c52±12d30±12c34±16c
(4 to 21)(3 to 37)(11 to 57)(24 to 83)(9 to 56)(2 to 99)
FMI (kg/m2)5±1.5a7±2.7b12±3.5c18±4.6d11±4.2c12±5.6c
(1 to 8)(1 to 13)(4 to 19)(8 to 29)(4 to 19)(1 to 29)
PA ()5.8±0.5a6.6±0.8b6.8±0.8b6.8±0.8b4.7±1.1c6.1±1.2a
(4.8 to 7)(4.8 to 8.2)(5.3 to 9)(5 to 8.9)(2.8 to 7.1)(3 to 9.1)
Impairment Nutritional status (%)147422333
DM (%)00001061
SAH (%)00001961
Residual Diuresis (ml)2937±680***170±330***
(50 to 2000)(0 to 2000)
(1.4 to 4.5)(1 to 2.5)
Duration of dialytic treatment33±32***63±48***
(months)2(3 to 144)(5 to 264)
Dialytic treatment >12 months (%)2182

Statistics of BIS vs SFBIA data in CKD subjects (PD and HD subgroups)

PD subgroup (n=30)
95% limits of agreement
Data analysed BIS SFBIA ICC r Biasa (%)b95%CI Biasc (%)dLower Upper
R (ohm)533±83532±830.030.041±115 (0.2±21)42 to 44 (7.5 to 8)-224226
Xc (ohm)44±1548±14-0.16-0.2-4±22 (-9±47)-12 to 4.4 (-27 to 8.4)-4840
PA () TBW (L)4.7±1.1 34±5.45.1±1 38±6.4-0.23 0.59**-0.2 0.75***-0.5±1.6 (-10±34) -4.2±4.2 (-11±11)-1.1 to 0.15 (-23 to 2.7) -5.7 to -2.6 (-16 to -7.4)-3.7 -122.7 4.1
ECW (L)17±3.319±3.20.47**0.52**-1.4±3.2 (-8.3±19)-2.6 to -0.2 (-15 to -1.4)-7.74.9
ICW (L)17±2.720±3.90.40**0.58**-2.8±3.2 (-14±16)-3.9 to -1.6 (-20 to -1.2)-93.4
FFM (kg)34±6.649±8.90.50**0.79***-15±8.3 (-36±17)-18 to -12 (-43 to -30)-311.3
FM (kg)31±1219±120.14*0.44**11±7.7 (95±257)7.7 to 13 (1.0 to 191)-4.526
HD subgroup (n=93)
95% limits of agreement
DataBISSFBIAICCrBiasa (%)b95%CI Biasc (%)dLowerUpper
R (ohm)730±128606±103-0.03-0.05124±168 (18±25)90 to 159 (13 to 23)-206454
Xc (ohm)78±2268±170.18*0.1610±25 (13±38)5.2 to 16 (5.3 to 21)-4060
PA ()6.1±1.26.4±±1.7 (-5.3±29)-0.7 to 0.1 (-11 to 0.6)-3.73
TBW (L)33±6.936±5.70.64**0.71***-2.6±5 (-8.5±14)-3.7 to -1.6 (-11 to -5.6)-127.1
ECW (L)14±3.217±3.10.38**0.51**-2.6±3.1 (-18±19)-3.3 to -2 (-21 to -14)-8.83.5
ICW (L)19±4.219±3.70.68**0.68**-0.01±3.2 (-0.7±17)-0.7 to 0.6 (-4.1 to 2.8)-6.36.2
FFM (kg)38±9.749±7.90.65**0.85***-11±8.2 (-27±20)-13 to -9.3 (-31 to -23)-275.1
FM (kg)34±1623±130.32**0.58**11±8.2 (45±44)9.5 to 13 (36 to 54)-527

Statistics of BIS vs SFBIA data in non-CKD BMI stratified subgroup

Underweight subjects (n=40)
95% limits of agreement
Data analysedBISSFBIAICCrBiasa (%)b95%CI Biasc (%)dLowerUpper
R (ohm)848±74596±103-0.02-0.12252+134 (35.5+18.9)209 to 294 (29 to 42)-10513
Xc (ohm)86±9.363±9.5-0.03-0.1223+14 (31.1+18.1)19 to 28 (25 to 37)-4.651
PA ()5.8±0.56.1± (-4.8+12.6)-0.5 to -0.05 (-8.9 to -0.7)-1.81.2
TBW (L)27±3.930±4.10.38**0.47**-3.4+4.1 (-11.7+14.3)-4.7 to -2 (-16 to -7.1)-114.7
ECW (L)11±1.414±2.20.20*0.47**-2.9+2 (-22.8+14.8)-3.6 to -2.3 (-28 to -18)-6.80.9
ICW (L)16±2.616±1.90.45**0.44**-0.4+2.5 (-3.1+14.8)-1.2 to 0.4 (-7.9 to 1.7)-5.24.4
FFM (kg)34±6.343±4.80.26*0.59**-9.1+5.1 (-24.4+13.9)-11 to -7.5 (-29 to -20)-191
FM (kg)14±45±4.40.07*0.27*8.8+5.1 (81+202.4)7.2 to 10 (15 to 147)-1.119
Normal weight subjects (n=120)
95% limits of agreement
Data analysedBISSFBIAICCrBiasa (%)b95%CI Biasc (%)dLowerUpper
R (ohm)718±99621±97-0.02-0.0597+141 (14.6+20.6)71 to 122 (11 to 18)-180374
Xc (ohm)82±9.663± (25.8+16.9)16 to 21 (23 to 29)-5.343
PA ()6.6±0.85.9± (11.1+14.1)0.5 to 0.9 (8.6 to 14)-12.5
TBW (L)35±7.332±4.40.51**0.62**2.1+5.7 (4.9+16.7)1.0 to 3.1 (1.8 to 7.9)-9.113
ECW (L)14±2.616±2.40.58**0.66**-1.3+2.1 (-9.4+14.3)-1.7 to -0.9 (-12 to -6.8)-5.42.7
ICW (L)20±4.817±20.27*0.56**3.4+4 (16.2+19.4)2.7 to 4.1 (13 to 20)-4.411
FFM (kg)43±1147±5.60.52**0.71***-3.6+8.5 (-10.9+20)-5.2 to -2.1 (-15 to -7.2)-2013
FM (kg)21±7.118±6.50.21*0.25*3.6+8.3 (18.8+50.4)2.1 to 5.1 (9.8 to 28)-1320
Overweight subjects (n=118)
95% limits of agreement
Data analysedBISSFBIAICCrBiasa (%)b95%CI Biasc (%)dLowerUpper
R (ohm)650±78547±1020.010.02102±128 (18±22)79 to 126 (14 to 22)-148352
Xc (ohm)77±962±8.30.01-0.0215±12 (21±18)12 to 17 (18 to 24)-9.639
PA ()6.8±0.86.6±±1.2 (3±18)-0.03 to 0.4 (-0.4 to 6.3)-2.22.6
TBW (L)38±7.737±60.52**0.52**0.8±6.8 (1.4±18)-0.4 to 2.1 (-1.8 to 4.7)-1314
ECW (L)16±2.817±2.80.65**0.70***-0.9±2.2 (-6.1±13)-1.4 to -0.6 (-8.4 to -3.7)-5.23.3
ICW (L)22±5.120±3.50.30**0.34**1.8±5.1 (7.4±23)0.9 to 2.8 (3.1 to 12)-8.112
FFM (kg)45±1355±8.90.31**0.46**-9.5±12 (-21±24)-12 to -7.4 (-26 to -17)-3213
FM (kg)34±9.224±5.7-0.07*-0.13*9.6±11 (31±41)7.5 to 12 (24 to 39)-1332
Obese subjects (n=108)
95% limits of agreement
Data analysedBISSFBIAICCrBiasa (%)b95% CI Biasc (%)dLowerUpper
R (ohm)596±77482±530.070.19114±85 (20.8+14.8)98 to 130 (17.9 to 23.6)-52280
Xc (ohm)71±9.361±6.9-0.01-0.019.8±12 (14.5+17.4)8 to 12 (11.2 to 17.9)-1333
PA ()6.8±0.87.2±0.60.01-0.05-0.4±1 (-5.7+15.3)-0.6 to -0.2 (-8.7 to -2.8)-2.51.7
TBW (L)42±8.242±5.40.70***0.77***-0.6±5.4 (-2.4+12.5)-1.6 to 0.4 (-4.8 to 0.01)-119.9
ECW (L)18±3.119±2.90.79***0.82***-0.8±1.9 (-4.5+9.7)-1.2 to -0.4 (-6.4 to -2.7)-4.42.8
ICW (L)24±5.323±2.40.53**0.69**0.2±4 (-0.9+16.6)-0.5 to 1 (-4.1 to 2.3)-7.68.1
FFM (kg)46±12.964±8.10.26*0.71***-18±9.2 (-36.4+20.5)-20 to -16 (-40.3 to -32.5)-36-0.5
FM (kg)52±11.533±6.70.16*0.61**19±9.1 (43.3+18.7)17.2 to 20.7 (39.7 to 46.9)137