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General laws of funding for scientific citations: how citations change in funded and unfunded research between basic and applied sciences


Figure 1.

Expected increase % in the citations of papers by increasing of 1% funded articles published in journals. Basic sciences have bars with stripes; the other bars with full color indicate applied sciences (cf., also, Table 2)
Expected increase % in the citations of papers by increasing of 1% funded articles published in journals. Basic sciences have bars with stripes; the other bars with full color indicate applied sciences (cf., also, Table 2)

Figure 2.

Scaling factor α indicates how expected citations change in papers by increasing 1% papers in journals. Scaling factor α also suggests the magnitude of Matthew effect (in brief, intensity of credit) of articles in journals with number of citations in journals. The magnitude of scaling factor is rather similar in applied and basic sciences for funded and unfunded papers, suggesting the invariant property of funding in diffusion of science.
Scaling factor α indicates how expected citations change in papers by increasing 1% papers in journals. Scaling factor α also suggests the magnitude of Matthew effect (in brief, intensity of credit) of articles in journals with number of citations in journals. The magnitude of scaling factor is rather similar in applied and basic sciences for funded and unfunded papers, suggesting the invariant property of funding in diffusion of science.

Figure 3.

Estimated relationship of cumulative citations (2016-2021 period) on funded papers (2016) in basic sciences.
Estimated relationship of cumulative citations (2016-2021 period) on funded papers (2016) in basic sciences.

Figure 4.

Estimated relationship of cumulative citations (2016-2021 period) on unfunded papers (2016) in basic sciences.
Estimated relationship of cumulative citations (2016-2021 period) on unfunded papers (2016) in basic sciences.

Figure 5.

Estimated relationship of cumulative citations (2016-2021 period) on funded papers (2016) in applied sciences.
Estimated relationship of cumulative citations (2016-2021 period) on funded papers (2016) in applied sciences.

Figure 6.

Estimated relationship of cumulative citations (2016-2021 period) on unfunded papers (2016) in applied sciences.
Estimated relationship of cumulative citations (2016-2021 period) on unfunded papers (2016) in applied sciences.

The search string for extracting documents.

Fields Search String in Web of science category (WC) Sample, number of papers in 2016
Chemistry WC=((“Chemistry, Analytical” OR “Chemistry, Applied” OR “Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear” OR “Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear” OR “Chemistry, Medicinal” OR “Chemistry, Multidisciplinary” OR “Chemistry, Organic” OR “Chemistry, Physical”)) 183,027
Physics WC=((“Physics, Applied” OR “Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical” OR “Physics, Condensed Matter” OR “Physics, Fluids & Plasmas” OR “Physics, Mathematical” OR “Physics, Multidisciplinary” OR “Physics, Nuclear” OR “Physics, Particles & Fields”)) 127,409
Medicine WC=((Medicine, General & Internal” OR “Medicine, Legal” OR “Medicine, Research & Experimental” OR “Physiology”)) 55,419
Biology WC=(“Biochemistry & Molecular Biology”)) OR (“Biology”) OR (“Biophysics”) OR (“Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology”) OR (“Evolutionary Biology”) OR (“Cell Biology”) 124,245
Computer Science WC=((“Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence” OR “Computer Science, Cybernetics” OR (“Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture” OR (“Computer Science, Information Systems” OR (“Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications” OR (“Computer Science, Software Engineering” OR (“Computer Science, Theory & Methods”)) 49,633
Economics WC=(“Economics”) 19,003
Engineering WC=((“Engineering, Aerospace”) OR (“Engineering, Biomedical” OR (“Engineering, Chemical” OR (“Engineering, Civil”) OR (“Engineering, Electrical & Electronic” OR (“Engineering, Environmental” OR (“Engineering, Geological” OR (“Engineering, Industrial”)) OR (“Engineering, Manufacturing”)) OR (“Engineering, Marine” OR (“Engineering, Mechanical” OR (“Engineering, Multidisciplinary” OR (“Engineering, Ocean” OR (“Engineering, Petroleum”)) 71,387
Environmental Sciences WC=((“ Environmental Sciences”) OR (“Environmental Studies”) OR (“Oceanography”)) 67,424
Astronomy & Astrophysics WC=(“ Astronomy & Astrophysics”) 19,990
Mathematics & Statistics WC=((“Mathematics, Applied”)) OR (“Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications” OR (“Statistics & Probability”)) 55,798
Sociology WC=(“Sociology”) 5,019
Geology WC=((“Geology”) OR (“Mineralogy”)) 4,942
Zoology WC=(“ Zoology”) 12,262
Psychology WC=((“Psychology, Applied”) OR (“Psychology, Biological”) OR (“Psychology, Biological”) OR (“Psychology, Clinical”) OR (“Psychology, Developmental”) OR (“Psychology, Educational”) OR (“Psychology, Experimental”) OR (“Psychology, Mathematical”) OR (“Psychology, Multidisciplinary”) OR (“Psychology, Multidisciplinary”) OR (“Psychology, Psychoanalysis”) OR (“Psychology, Social”)) 35,779
Total 831,337

Estimated power law relationship between citations and number of articles in journals per funding status between basic and applied sciences

Fields of research Sources α_OLS (SD) α_SMA Pearson Coeff. r Δ k R2 N, journals
Basic sciences (BAS)
Chemistry Funded 1.25*** 0.04 1.35 0.92 3.54*** 0.84 527
Unfunded 0 94*** 0.05 1.27 0.74 12.20*** 0.57 526
Physics Funded 1.17*** 0.05 1.28 0.90 4.60*** 0.82 382
Unfunded 1.02*** 0.06 1.26 0.81 7.27*** 0.66 382
Astronomy & Astrophysics Funded 1.22*** 0.01 1.30 0.93 4.47*** 0.88 63
Unfunded 0.98*** 0.05 1.30 0.75 7.90*** 0.57 60
Mathematics & Statistics Funded 1.09*** 0.04 1.30 0.84 4.66*** 0.70 654
Unfunded 1.03*** 0.04 1.31 0.78 4.61*** 0.61 653
OLS and SMA estimation in all Basic Sciences Funded 1.24*** 0.02 1.34 0.91 0.10 1.20*** 0.84 1,628
Unfunded 1.06*** 0.02 1.34 0.78 0.28 1.78*** 0.62 1,622
Sources α (SD) k R2 N
Applied sciences (APS)
Engineering Funded 1.24*** 0.04 1.36 0.91 4.17*** 0.82 431
Unfunded 1.11*** 0.06 1.46 0.76 6.13*** 0.58 437
Environmental Sciences Funded 1.19*** 0.03 1.28 0.92 6.42*** 0.86 464
Unfunded 1.14*** 0.04 1.33 0.85 7.83*** 0.72 464
Medicine Funded 1.25*** 0.05 1.37 0.91 5.10*** 0.83 364
Unfunded 0.71*** 0.05 1.00 0.71 25.79*** 0.50 373
Biology Funded 1.27*** 0.03 1.27 0.90 4.24*** 0.81 894
Unfunded 0.94*** 0.03 1.22 0.77 12.90*** 0.59 866
Psychology Funded 1.18*** 0.03 1.30 0.90 8.43*** 0.81 572
Unfunded 1.11*** 0.04 1.38 0.80 8.80*** 0.64 586
Economics Funded 1.38*** 0.05 1.57 0.87 3.48*** 0.76 364
Unfunded 1.16*** 0.07 1.60 0.72 5.11*** 0.52 372
Sociology Funded 1.48*** 0.07 1.65 0.89 3.33*** 0.80 131
Unfunded 1.13*** 0.08 1.50 0.75 6.35*** 0.56 136
Geology Funded 1.46*** 0.06 1.51 0.96 1.99*** 0.93 77
Unfunded 1.32*** 0.08 1.52 0.86 3.46*** 0.75 77
Zoology Funded 1.24*** 0.06 1.35 0.92 3.20*** 0.85 176
Unfunded 1.07*** 0.06 1.35 0.79 5.15*** 0.62 56
Computer Science Funded 1.19*** 0.04 1.37 0.87 5.92*** 0.75 518
Unfunded 1.17*** 0.04 1.42 0.82 6.12*** 0.68 520
OLS and SMA estimation in all Applied Sciences Funded 1.23*** 0.01 1.34 0.90 0.11 1.68*** 0.83 3,994
Unfunded 1.04*** 0.01 1.30 0.79 0.26 2.22*** 0.63 4,005
Total 11,125

Number of documents and citations in research fields according to the funding status, categorized in basic and applied sciences

Field Sources Journals In 2016 Papers in 2016 % Citations 2016-2021 %
Basic sciences (BAS)
Chemistry Funded 527 155,501 84.96 3,993,618 90.32
Unfunded 526 27,526 15.04 427,631 9.68
Physics Funded 382 104,041 81.65 2,144,540 88.82
Unfunded 382 23,368 18.35 269,907 11.18
Astronomy & Astrophysics Funded 63 17,421 87.15 414,861 93.15
Unfunded 60 2,569 12.85 30,513 16.85
Mathematics & Statistics Funded 654 38,681 69.33 367,409 74.65
Unfunded 653 17,117 30.67 124,795 25.35
Total Basic sciences 386,224 7,773,274
Average value in Basic sciences Funded 80.77 86.74
Unfunded 19.23 15.77
Applied sciences (APS) Sources Journals In 2016 Papers in 2016 % Citations 2016-2021 %
Engineering Funded 431 48,805 68.36 961,499 73.74
Unfunded 437 22,582 31.64 342,488 26.26
Environmental Sciences Funded 464 52,262 77.51 1,273,308 82.05
Unfunded 464 15,162 22.49 278,441 19.95
Medicine Funded 364 33,494 60.00 904,980 80.00
Unfunded 373 21,925 40.00 219,956 20.00
Biology Funded 894 105,872 85.21 2,555,930 90.58
Unfunded 866 18,373 14.79 265,972 9.42
Psychology Funded 572 20,202 56.46 399,767 60.80
Unfunded 586 15,577 43.54 257,670 39.20
Economics Funded 364 8,944 47.06 167,290 55.48
Unfunded 372 10,059 52.94 134,287 44.52
Sociology Funded 131 2,035 40.54 34,158 48.68
Unfunded 136 2,984 59.46 36,020 51.32
Geology Funded 77 3,888 78.68 71,782 85.25
Unfunded 77 1,054 21.32 12,425 14.75
Zoology Funded 176 9,380 76.50 95,128 81.86
Unfunded 56 2,882 23.50 21,069 18.14
Computer Science Funded 518 33,157 66.80 682,237 71.15
Unfunded 520 16,476 33.20 276,582 28.85
Total Applied sciences 11,125 445,113 8,990,989
Average value in Applied sciences Funded 65.712 72.96
Unfunded 34.288 27.24
Częstotliwość wydawania:
4 razy w roku
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Computer Sciences, Information Technology, Project Management, Databases and Data Mining