Otwarty dostęp

Practical operation and theoretical basis of difference-in-difference regression in science of science: The comparative trial on the scientific performance of Nobel laureates versus their coauthors


Figure 1

Visualized demonstration of the DID regression. Notation is declared in the text.
Visualized demonstration of the DID regression. Notation is declared in the text.

Regression results and CTA tests by applying different matching techniques.

DID regression Model Results
Model Model I Model II Model III
Matching Techniques - CEM PSM

ATT −0.1488 −0.0780 −0.1481
SE 0.0998 0.1307 0.1317

Common trend assumption Fail Pass Pass
p-value 0.0999 0.6836 0.1582

Fixed Effect Controls
Individual Yes Yes Yes
Year Yes Yes Yes

Descriptive statistics for the entire sample (Nobel laureates and their prizewinning-work collaborators).

Prize year Total #Publication Total #Citation
Minimum 1934 10 443
Maximum 2011 1,627 194,896
Mean 1987 245.9 25,662.6
Median 1991 157 13,061
Standard deviation 18.6 266.1 31,571.4
Count 335 335 335

Matching results by applying different matching techniques.

Average citation index c¯i=111t=100cit {\bar c_i} = {1 \over {11}}\sum\nolimits_{t = - 10}^0 {{c_{it}}} before prizewinning

Matching Techniques - CEM PSM

Group Control Treated Control Treated Control Treated
Observations 227 108 80 80 84 108
Mean 4.7083 5.2350 5.0701 5.2869 5.1353 5.2350
Std. dev. 1.4886 1.5034 1.7627 1.6595 1.5821 1.5034
Minimum 0.3519 0.1997 0 0 1.3754 0.1997
Maximum 8.4902 8.2194 8.3668 8.4933 8.4902 8.2194

Statistics for the treatment effects.

Treatment Control Treatment-Control
Prior E(Y01) E(Y00) E(Y01)–E(Y00)
Posterior E(Y11) E(Y10) E(Y11)–E(Y10)
Posterior-Prior E(Y11)–E(Y01) E(Y10)–E(Y00) [E(Y11)–E(Y01)]–[E(Y10)–E(Y00)]
Częstotliwość wydawania:
4 razy w roku
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Computer Sciences, Information Technology, Project Management, Databases and Data Mining