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A Causal Configuration Analysis of Payment Decision Drivers in Paid Q&A


Figure 1

Research model of payment decision drivers based on HSM.
Research model of payment decision drivers based on HSM.

Figure 2

A Snapshot of Paid Q&A Page.
A Snapshot of Paid Q&A Page.

Figure 3

Fuzzy XY plot for testing proposition 5.
Fuzzy XY plot for testing proposition 5.

Figure 4

Testing model 1 of the subsample using data from the holdout sample.
Testing model 1 of the subsample using data from the holdout sample.

Variable Description.

Dimension Variable Definition
Consequent variable Pay_Numi The increase in the number of paid questions knowledge contributor i has answered within one month
Antecedent variables in the systematic processing route Effective_RatingScorei The effective average rating score that knowledge contributor i got during one month
AvgLikes_Numi The average number of likes for each public answer knowledge contributor i shared for free during one month
Antecedent variables in the heuristic processing route Consulting_Numi The number of consultations that knowledge contributor i has answered at the start of observation period
Network_Centralityi The network centrality (sum up out-degree and in-degree) of knowledge contributor i at the start of observation period
Info_Integrityi The personal information integrity of knowledge contributor i
Honor_Labeli The number of honor labels that knowledge contributor i owns
Public antecedent variable Pricei The consulting fee that knowledge contributor i asks for

Analysis of necessary conditions for the presence of payment decision.

Conditions Consistency Coverage
Effective_RatingScore+AvgLikes_Num 0.868 0.452
Consulting_Num+Network_Centrality+Info_Integrity+Honor_Labels 0.994 0.455
Effective_RatingScore 0.752 0.474
AvgLikes_Num 0.643 0.538
Consulting_Num 0.823 0.768
Network_Centrality 0.664 0.575
Info_Integrity 0.742 0.464
Honor_Labels 0.706 0.487
Price 0.633 0.575
Outcome variable: Pay_Num

Calibration of variables.

Variable full membership (fuzzy score=0.95) cross-over point (fuzzy score=0.5) Full non-membership (fuzzy score=0.05)
Pay_Num 101.000 3.000 1.000
Effective_RatingScore 5.000 4.875 3.857
AvgLikes_Num 1652.340 186.378 15.725
Consulting_Num 1446.000 94.000 13.000
Network_Centrality 475946.000 81021.000 7288.000
Info_Integrity 7.000 6.000 4.000
Honor_Labels 5.000 1.000 0.000
Price 199.000 48.000 5.000

Configurations for achieving low/medium intention in payment decision.

Condition Configuration

1 2 3 4 5
Perceived Usefulness Effective_RatingScore
Perceived Crebitility Consulting_Num
Knowledge Information Price
Raw Coverage 0.284 0.138 0.153 0.166 0.213
Unique Coverage 0.090 0.021 0.047 0.024 0.045
Consistency 0.993 0.999 0.994 0.999 0.996
Solution Coverage 0.444
Solution Consistency 0.993

Selected studies on payment decision in paid Q&A.

Scholar Method Conclusion
1. Perspective: knowledge contributors’ ability and credibility
Zhao, Zhao, Yuan, & Zhou (2018) Negative binomial panel regression Knowledge contributors’ reputation, ability and personal information integrity play a positive role on askers’ willingness to pay while price plays a positive regulatory role.
Yan, Leidner, Benbya, & Zou (2019) Granger causality test Knowledge contributors’ structural capital and relational capital, such as personal information integrity and followers, have a positive influence on askers’ payment decision.

2. Perspective: askers’ perception about answers
Morris (2010) Survey study Answering speed and quality of answers can be valued as influencing factors when making payment decision.
Zhang, Hu, & Fang (2019) Semi-structured interviews Askers participate in paid Q&A for answerers’ heterogeneous resources, credible answers and cognition of questions.

3. Perspective: price
Harper et al. (2008) Field study Higher price will lead to askers’ trust in answer quality, which will encourage their payment intention.
Zhang, Zhang, & Zhang (2019) Text mining; Hierarchical OLS regression The influence of price on askers’ motivation in making payment decision might differ according to their knowledge levels. Expert askers are less sensitive to price.

Correlations of variables.

Pay_Num Effective_RatingScore AvgLikes_Num Consulting_Num Network_Centrality Info_Integrity Honor_Labels Price
Pay_Num 1.000
Effective_RatingScore −0.014 1.000
AvgLikes_Num 0.060 0.034 1.000
Consulting_Num 0.542 −0.024 0.097 1.000
Network_Centrality −0.027 0.032 0.477 0.022 1.000
Info_Integrity −0.089 0.131 −0.044 −0.014 0.054 1.000
Honor_Labels −0.158 −0.003 −0.024 −0.148 0.238 0.073 1.000
Price −0.115 0.098 0.132 −0.025 0.396 0.151 −0.140 .000

Complex configurations indicating high intention in payment decision for the subsample.

Models from Subsample for High Intention in Payment Decision Raw Coverage Unique Coverage Consistency
1. ~Effective_RatingScore*~AvgLikes_Num*Consulting_Num*~Network_Centrality*~Info_Integrity*~Honor_Lables 0.230 0.058 0.800
2. ~Effective_RatingScore*Consulting_Num*~AvgLikes_Num*~Network_Centrality*~Honor_Lables*Price 0.218 0.034 0.825
3. ~Effective_RatingScore*AvgLikes_Num*Consulting_Num*~Network_Centrality*Info_Integrity*~Honor_Lables*Price 0.175 0.046 0.904
4. Effective_RatingScore*~AvgLikes_Num*Consulting_Num*~Network_Centrality*Info_Integrity*Honor_Lables*~Price 0.265 0.130 0.852
solution coverage 0.468
solution consistency 0.837

Summary statistics of variables.

Variable Count Mean Std. Min Max
Pay_Num 95 22.074 77.262 1.000 696.000
Effective_RatingScore 95 4.745 0.427 2.000 5.000
AvgLikes_Num 95 486.745 689.375 3.950 3899.620
Consulting_Num 95 379.358 1171.699 3.000 10673.000
Network_Centrality 95 134364.421 163643.105 387.000 805492.000
Info_Integrity 95 6.032 1.165 2.000 7.000
Honor_Labels 95 1.726 1.469 0.000 6.000
Price 95 57.105 53.393 1.000 268.000

Configurations for achieving high intention in payment decision.

Condition Configuration

1 2 3 4 5
Perceived Usefulness Effective_RatingScore
Perceived Crebitility Consulting_Num
Knowledge Information Price
Raw Coverage 0.250 0.301 0.293 0.220 0.212
Unique Coverage 0.061 0.064 0.031 0.026 0.019
Consistency 0.829 0.855 0.861 0.903 0.901
Solution Coverage 0.515
Solution Consistency 0.823
Częstotliwość wydawania:
4 razy w roku
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Computer Sciences, Information Technology, Project Management, Databases and Data Mining