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Pollination Studies on Both Floret and Capitulum Levels in an Oil Seed Crop, Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass.



Pollination is one of the most fascinating aspects of insect-plant interactions. The extent of interdependence is regulated by phenology and floral characters (Ram & Mathur, 1984) and their selection can shape the evolution of floral characters (Andersson, 2008). However, pollen dispersal patterns often reflect pollinator foraging behaviour and may not optimize the quality or quantity of mating in plant species (Campbell & Dooley, 1992). Hence, the foraging behaviour of the pollinator has implications for a plant's fitness (Randall et al., 2009). Even in self-compatible species, the tendency of pollinators to visit several flowers of a single plant in a sequence increases the opportunity for self-pollination among flowers and results in increased selfing rate (Harder & Barrett, 1996; Snow et al., 1996; Karron et al., 2009). In self-incompatible species, the foraging behaviour of pollinators plays a vital role in seed set. Pollen-pistil interaction is a fundamental process leading to self-incompatibility (SI) (Edlund et al., 2004; Takayama & Isogai, 2005; Hiscock & Allen, 2008), which has been widely studied in several plant families including Asteraceae (Takayama & Isogai, 2005). It is estimated that 63% of species are SI, 10% are pseudo-self-incompatible and 27% self-compatible in Asteraceae (Ferrer & Good-Avila, 2007). However, pollinator foraging behaviour is influenced by floral resources and rewards that determine pollinator visitation rate and pollen dispersal (Murawski, 1987).

Niger, Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass. (Asteraceae) is an important edible oil seed crop and constitutes about 50% of Ethiopian and 3% of Indian oilseed production (Robbelen et al., 1989; Getinet & Sharma, 1996; Weiss, 2000). It is valued because of its high linoleic acid content in oil (55–80%) (Getinet & Teklewold, 1995) and it reduces the risk of coronary heart disease (Farvid, 2014). Niger with its complex floral biology is believed to exhibit variation in floral reward to modulate flower visitors. Insect pollinators and their foraging behaviour in relation to flower phenology of G. abyssinica need a thorough investigation for planning effectively managed bee pollination in order to optimize yields.

The publications from India have focused on the effect of bee pollination on seed yield in Niger (Gebremedhn & Tadesse, 2014; Painkra & Shrivastava, 2015; Sandipan et al., 2017; Kachhela & Pastgia, 2018; Rojeet et al., 2018). Studies on floral biology are limited to the determination of pollen germination (Veera Kumar, Gangappa, & Mahadevu, 2006). Self-incompatibility mechanism in Niger was reported by Chavan (1961), Mohanty (1964), Sujatha (1993), Veera Kumaret al. (2006), Patil & Duhoon, (2006), Geleta & Bryngelsson (2010). In the present study, for the first time we have attempted to examine detailed floral biology and interaction with pollinators at capitulum and floret levels in G. abyssinica. Our aim was to fully understand pollination biology and the role of flower insect visitors in the reproduction success of this plant. We hypothesized that self-incompatibility operates at the floret level but not at the capitulum level, and that cross-pollination by bees enhances seed set.


The study was conducted at the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra (GKVK), Bangalore (13°N & 77°35’E; 930m above MSL), Karnataka, India. The study area was located in the Eastern Dry Zone of Karnataka State in south India. The climate of the area is typically semi-arid with a hot summer season followed by monsoon rains of low intensity and volume with a mild winter season. The experimental details are as follows: plot size- 3 acre; variety- KBN1; seed rate- 6 kg; spacing- 30 cm × 10 cm; plant density- 400,000; fertilizer- 35 kg N, 25 kg P2O5, 12 kg K2O and 25 kg S per 3 acre.

The meteorological parameters viz., maximum and minimum air temperature (°C), relative humidity (%), and rainfall (mm) were recorded from the Automatic Weather Station located within 500 m radius of the experimental area in the UAS, Bangalore, India. The study was carried out from October to February. The mean maximum and minimum air temperature was 29.4 and 25°C, respectively. The morning relative humidity ranged between 82 and 98%, whereas the mean precipitation was 2.25 mm during the study period.

Floral biology

A total of thirty capitula were tagged and bagged with fine transparent muslin cloth bags to prevent insect visitation. The bags were removed carefully and the different phenological events were observed. While recording the observations bee visits to the tagged capitula were restrained considering the possibility of pollen deposition on the unopened anthers by foraging activity that may have resulted in wrong interpretation of anther dehiscence data. Each capitulum consisted of five or six rows of disc florets which followed centripetal succession for anthesis. Every day seven to ten florets per capitulum were opening, and these were used for the observing of the time of anthesis, anther dehiscence, stigmatic lobes opening and floral longevity (n=30 capitula).

To record the stigma receptivity, a set of disc florets (n=130 florets; 5 florets/capitulum) were emasculated early in the morning before 06.00 h. Hand pollination was done at hourly intervals with a camel hair brush from 6 am to 6 pm using pollen from a neighbouring G. abyssinica plant. Similarly, stigma receptivity of ray florets (female flowers) were studied. Based on the preliminary results, the procedure was repeated at hourly intervals to record the time of peak stigma receptivity. Hand-pollinated pistils were fixed in Carnoy's fixative (absolute ethanol: chloroform: acetic acid; 6:3:1) twenty four hours after pollination. Pistils were cleared and stained according to methods proposed by Huang et al. (2004) and Veereshkumar et al. (2017). The percentage of germinated pollen grain was scored for receptivity. Pollen viability was estimated using 1% acetocarmine (Stanley & Linskens, 1974).

Quantity of nectar produced in the flowers, was estimated using calibrated capillary tubes (1mm diameter with 1 microliter volume). Nectar volume was measured at two-hour intervals (n=10 florets) from morning 6 am to 6 pm with a method adopted from Shrishail et al. (2011). Every time, nectar was estimated from the same florets.

Fully opened florets opened on the same day (n=10) were brought to the laboratory and examined for detailed floral structure (Veereshkumar et al., 2021). The floral parts were measured and photographed using a stereo binocular microscope (Leica M205C with auto-mountage and Leica DFC450 camera).

Flower visitors

Pollinator abundance was recorded during 25, 50, 75, and >90 % of floral density in the field. Each sampling day was divided into three time intervals of four hours each from 06.00 to 18.00 h. Samplings were done through visual counting of flower visitors for 15 minutes per predetermined transect of 1m2 area, and this was repeated thrice in an hour with a five-minute gap between two subsequent transects. Thus, we had three samples/hour and a total of thirty-six samples/sampling day. This was repeated twice during 25, 50, 75 and >90% of floral abundance in the field (Laroca & Orth, 2002; Belavadi & Ganeshaiah, 2013; Revanasidda & Belavadi, 2019; Veereshkumar et al., 2019). The percentage of flower abundance was calculated by number of plants produced flowers/m2 area (Belavadi & Ganeshaiah, 2013). The most frequent flower visitors of Niger were recognized during the sampling and further observed for their foraging behavior as described by Mattu et al. (2012), Belavadi & Ganeshaiah (2013), Sushil et al. (2013). Time spent by an individual bee per floret and capitulum (n=30 bees) and the number of capitula and florets visited by a single bee (n=30 bees) per five minute were recorded. The total number of visits received per floret were also recorded and observed, and capitulum for whole day and the average time lag between two subsequent bee visits were recorded before and after the peak stigma receptivity (n=30).

Number of pollen deposited: A set of capitulum were tagged and bagged early in the morning at 06.00 h to prevent bee visitation (n=30 capitulum). Each capitulum was unbagged and observed until an insect contacted a stigma. Insect species was recorded and then the stigma was carefully removed from the top of the style using fine-pointed forceps (Dafni, 1992). The collected stigma was transferred to 2 ml plastic vials and brought to the laboratory. Stigmatic surface was observed under stereo binocular microscope to count the number of pollens deposited by bees per visit.

Role of pollination in seed set

A field experiment was performed with seven pollination treatments (T1–T7) to determine the mating system of Niger and the role of flower visitors in seed set. T1) Florets compatibility: hollow polythene tube (7 mm diameter, 2 cm length) (Supplementary Fig.1) was placed on individual florets in a capitulum before the anther dehiscence. Pollen from the respective floret was dusted on stigmatic surface with the help of a camel hair brush (n=30). T2) Capitulum compatibility: florets within a capitulum were randomly pollinated using pollen from other florets of the same capitulum and were covered with butter paper bags (n=30 capitula). T3) Compatibility of capitula from same branch: capitula from the same branch were tagged and hand pollinated with the pollen from other capitula of the same branch (n=30). T4) Compatibility between capitula from different branches: capitula were hand pollinated with the pollen from a capitulum of different branch of the same plant (n=30). T5) Compatibility between capitula from different plants: capitula were hand pollinated with pollen of another plant (n=30). T6) Caged plants: Plants were caged with a nylon mesh net to prevent pollinator visits (n=30) T7) Open pollination: capitula were allowed for open pollination (n=30). Flowers treated with different sources of pollen were in the same stage of development. We recorded the percentage of seed set in each pollination treatment.

In the experiment of controlled bee visits, Apis cerana and A. florea (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 bee visits per capitulum) (n=30 each) were allowed to perform a fixed number of visits on tagged capitula and the percentage of seed set was recorded. A set of capitula were bagged randomly and then were later exposed individually to a single natural visit of Apis cerena. After the visitation, they were bagged again with nylon mesh to prevent further bee visitations and allowed for seed set. Similarly, for another set of capitulum, A. cerana was allowed to visit two times the same capitulum. Likewise, three, four and five visits were allowed to a set of capitulum and recorded percentage of seed set (n=30 capitula each). During the process, other flower visitors were chased away with the help of a sweeping net. This experiment was performed similarly with A. florea.

Statistical analysis

The data are presented as Mean±SE in the results. The abundance of flower visitors was further subjected to a simple correlation coefficient analysis with prevailing weather conditions and the capitula abundance (Thriveni, 2019). The percentage of seed set was calculated as described by Revanasidda & Belavadi (2019). Before ANOVA was performed, arcsine transformation (percent data) was used to normalize the data. One-way ANOVA was used for the analysis of data on the percentage of seed set influenced by pollination treatments. An analysis of the transformed data was conducted, and the untransformed means±standard error are presented (supplementary). Two-way ANOVA was used to analyse the number of bee visits, bee species and their interactive effects on percent seed set using PROCGLM (SAS version 9.3, 2011; SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). When ANOVA indicated a significant F-value (α<0.05), the pollination treatment effects were further separated using Tukey's post hoc test.

Flower structure and floral biology

Niger is an annual herb and produced 22±0.14 (Mean±SE) primary branches (n=30 plants) with an average of 25±0.18 capitula per branch (n=100 branches) (inflorescence of Asteraceae containing set of florets). Each plant produced 336 to 729 capitula, each capitulum is 1.5 to 2.2 cm in diameter (Fig. 1A), yellowish in color and with 5–6 rows of disc florets which followed centripetal succession for anthesis. There were 41–58 disc florets in a capitulum surrounded by a row of ray florets (7–12) and five green bracts. The disc florets were hermaphrodites with five yellowish orange united petals, five anthers and a centrally located style originating from the ovary, and the stigma was densely hairy. Each floret measured 11.90±0.08 mm (n=30) in length, each disc floret was surrounded by a green ligule and ray florets were pistillate, measuring about 16.61±0.43 mm (n=30) in length. The longevity of each capitulum, ray floret, and disc floret was 8.66±0.11, 6.63±0.10, and 2.47±0.09 days (n=30), respectively. Capitulum, disk floret and floral phases are represented in Fig. 1A–E. Anthesis occurred between 06.00 and 08.00 h (peak between 06.30 and 07.30 h), afterwards, the anther lobe projected outside and extended up to 2.89±0.28 mm (n=30) within three to four hours and then dehiscence (Fig. 1C) started eight to eleven hours after anthesis (between 14.00 to 17.00 h with peak dehiscence between 15.00 to 15.30 h). The style extended beyond the anther lobe up to 2.41±0.20 mm (n=30) within two hours of anther dehiscence and then the stigmatic lobes split open to form a bilobed surface (Fig. 1D). It was also observed that if a floret was not pollinated, the lobes of stigma curved further downwards to expose a greater surface area for pollinators (Fig. 1E).

Fig. 1

Capitulum and floret phenology of Guizotia abyssinica. A) Capitulum: a-ray floret, b-opened disc florets, c-unopened disc florets; B) Floret bud of disc floret; C) Opened disc floret with anther dehiscence (arrow); D)Stigmatic lobes opening (arrow); E) Elongation of stigmatic surface (arrow).

Stigma became receptive nine hours after anthesis and lasted for 24–25 hours. The peak receptivity with 68.2% pollen germination was observed twenty-eight hours after anthesis between 10.00 and 14.00 h on the following day. Pollen grains remained viable for up to twenty-eight hours after anther dehiscence from 14.00 h (day one) to 18.00 h (day 2). Nectar cavity was located at the base of the style (Fig. 2A), and the peak nectar secretion (0.28±0.08 μl per floret (n=10)) coincided with peak stigma receptivity (Fig.7). Ray florets did not produce nectar. Illustrations of floral biology are given in Fig. 3.

Fig. 2

Pollen germination, nectar cavity and seed set in Guizotia abyssinica A) Nectar cavity (arrow) inside the tube; B) No seed set in capitulum; C) Seed set (arrow) in ray floret

Fig. 3

Floral biology of Niger, Guizotia abyssinica (* indicates peak).

Flower visitors

A total of eighteen insect species representing six families visited Niger flowers (Supplementary Tab. 1). Hymenopterans were the most abundant (93.05%) followed by Diptera (6.16%) and Lepidoptera (0.79%). Among flower visitors, Apis cerana and A. florea constituted 90.34%, and so only these two species were observed for foraging behavior. These bees commenced their activity around 07.30 h; A. cerana had two peaks of activity, one between 10.00–11.00 h and the other between 16.00–17.00 h, while A. florea had a single peak of activity between 11.00–14.00 h (Fig. 4). The abundance of bees was positively correlated with capitulum abundance (r=0.99) and maximum air temperature (r=0.89), while it was negatively correlated with relative humidity (r=−0.47) and rainfall (r=−0.92) (Supplementary Fig. 2).

Fig. 4

Abundance of Apis cerana and A. florea on Guizotia abyssinica throughout the sampling day.

The mean time spent per floret and capitulum by A. cerana was 1.35±0.04 and 9.63±0.69 seconds (n=30) and that by A. florea was 1.83±0.12 and 14.9±0.94 seconds (n=30), respectively (Fig. 5). On average, 23.33±0.37 and 47.50±0.83 visits were received for a single floret and capitulum, respectively, in a day. A single A. cerana forager visited 151±1.89 florets and 29.00±0.77 capitula per five minutes, whereas A. florea visited 135.66±8.62 florets and 26.75±1.03 capitula per five minutes. An A. cerana forager deposited a slightly greater number of pollen grains per visit (8.15±1.05 (n=10 florets)) on the stigmatic surface compared to an A. florea forager (6.90±0.72 (n=10 florets)).

Fig. 5

Time spent on Guizotia abyssinica by Apis cerana and A. florea: A) per floret; B) per capitulum.

The time lag differed between two subsequent bee visits recorded before and after peak stigma receptivity. Bee visitation was more frequent during the peak stigma receptivity. A floret was visited by bee once in every 3.13±1.04 minutes at peak stigma receptivity and once every 8.58±1.26 minutes before and after the peak stigma receptivity. Similarly, the rate of nectar secretion was more (0.28±0.08 μl nectar/disc floret) at the time of peak stigma receptivity compared to before and after the peak stigmatic receptivity period (09±0.02 μl nectar/disc floret) (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6

Nectar and bee visits variation in Guizotia abyssinica before and after stigma receptivity and at the time of stigma receptivity.

Role of pollination in seed set

The percentage of seed set significantly varied among the pollination treatments (F=4285.12, df=6, 203; P<0.001) (Tab. 1). The maximum (78.33±0.14) was recorded in T7 (P<0.05) when flowers were allowed for open pollination, and the lowest was recorded in T6 (0.33±0.67) when the whole plant was caged to exclude pollinator visits. However, no seed set was observed during either floret selfing or capitulum selfing (Fig. 2B).

Effect of different pollination treatments on seed set of Guizotia abyssinica

Sl. No. Pollination treatments Seed set (%)
T1 Selfing of floret 00.00e
T2 Selfing of capitulum 00.00e
T3 Pollination between capitula of same branch 60.53±1.14d
T4 Pollination between capitula of different branch 65.66±0.84c
T5 Pollination between capitula of different plant 73.27±0.84b
T6 Plant caged 0.33±0.67e
T7 Open pollination 78.33±0.14a
F value 4285.12
P value <0.001

Mean±SE followed by same letter do not differ statistically at P>0.05 (post hoc Tukey's HSD test following One-way ANOVA)

The role of A. cerana and A. florea visits on pollination was studied with controlled bee visits (1–5 visits per capitulum). The seed set significantly varied with a corresponding increase in the number of bee visits (Fig. 7) (F=78.17, df=4, 90; P<0.001) and also with the bee species ((F=12.69, df=1, 90; P=0.0006). There was no significant difference between the number of bee visits and bee species (F=0.64, df=4,90; p=0.63).

Fig. 7

Number of bee visits per capitulum (one, two, three, four, and five bee visits) in Guizotia abyssinica and corresponding seed set (%). A) Apis cerana visits; B) A. florea visits.


Flower morphology often exhibits high phenotypic stability within and among plants of the same species or population (Stebbins, 1974) and drives pollination success (Grant, 1949). The capitulum of G. abyssinica has five to six rows of hermaphrodite disc florets surrounded by a row of large female ray florets (Getinet & Sharma, 1996). The ray florets enhance a plant's visual display to their mutual partners and a positive association has been observed between pollination success and the possession of rays (Stuessy et al., 1986). Unlike in the sunflower, ray florets are fertile and set seeds in G. abyssinica (Fig. 2C). To prevent selfing, disc florets exhibited adaptations such as anther lobe projection and extension, style elongation beyond the anther lobe, and split opening of stigmatic lobes. Stigmatic lobes opening after anther dehiscence could be an evolutionary strategy of the plant species to prevent selfing. In self-incompatible species, geitonogamous pollination can reduce seed production because self-pollen interferes with outcrossed pollen-tube growth and increases seed abortion (Snow et al., 1996). In G. abyssinica, geitonogamy operates between capitulum of the same plant but not at the floret level. Floret is self-incompatible and bees must be there to transfer the pollens from one capitulum to another capitulum. To prevent self-pollination, Niger plant has evolved homomorphic pretenders of self-compatibility mechanism (Patil & Duhoon, 2006). The system of incompatibility of the Asteraceae family was confirmed by the dominant relationship of incompatibility genes in this family (Crowe, 1954). Nemomissa et al. (1999) studied the self-incompatibility system in the Ethiopian Niger population. The sporophytic self-incompatibility was believed to be controlled by a single ‘S’ locus which causes the inhibition of self-pollen germination (Prasad, 1990).

Bees are the main pollinators of Niger (Ramachandran & Menon, 1979; Veera Kumaret al., 2006; Gebremedhn & Tadesse, 2014; Sandipan et al., 2017; Kachhela & Pastgia, 2018; Rojeet et al., 2018). Pollinator visitation frequency depends on the quantity and quality of the floral rewards (Herrera, 1989). The activity of bees was more frequent during peak stigma receptivity due to higher nectar secretion compared to before and after peak stigma receptivity. The reproductive success of any bee-pollinated plant depends on the number of bee visits and foraging pattern. On average, seed set increased by 8.82 per cent per bee visit.

A single visit by Apis cerana or A. florea contributed for 26 per cent seed set and with each additional visit to the capitulum the average incremental increase in seed set was 4.48 per cent. This might be due to the initial huge deposition of pollen. Among the floral visitors, Apis species were effective pollinators (Sandipan et al., 2017; Kachhela & Pastgia, 2018; Rojeet et al., 2018). Seed set was observed when pollen was donated from flowers of the same branch, different branches of the same plant or from different plants. Maximum seed set was recorded during open pollination indicating that each capitulum requires a biotic vector and a larger number of visits. Bee pollination has been reported to results in a 22–33% increase in the Niger yield (Panda et al., 1988). Sandipan et al. (2017) reported that the seed yield (401 kg/ha) was highest in open pollinated crop supplemented with Apis mellifera hive compared to without bee hives (287 kg/ha). Interestingly, a very low seed set (1.22 to 2.65%) was recorded when the whole plant was caged without pollinator visitation. This could be due to pseudo-self-incompatibility (Nemomissa et al., 1999), which is dictated by segregating polygenic modifiers of S-gene action (Levin, 1996) or due to a lack of a biotic pollen vector.

G. abyssinica is a highly cross pollinated crop and its reproductive success depends on pollinators. The general yield level of the crop is about 300 kg/ha while the potential yield could be four times more than this (Krishna, 2013). The low yield levels in both India and Ethiopia could be because pollinators are neglected. Hence, introducing bee colonies and conservation of native bees in the vicinity of G.abyssinica fields during its flowering period might greatly improve the yield of Niger. It may be necessary to work out the number of colonies required per ha in the future research.

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2 razy w roku
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Life Sciences, Zoology, other