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Impact of financial constraints and financial distress on cash holdings


Variable specification and expected impact of variables on cash holdings

Variable Formula Expected sign of impact on cash holdings
Cash ratio Cash and cash equivalentsTo total assets minus cash and cash equivalents (%) NA
KZ index Kaplan–Zingales index of financial constraints “ + ”
Z-score Altman Z-score of financial distress “-” for normal time“+” for crisis time
Crisis 1 for crisis time (2009, 2020), 0 otherwise “ + ”
Size Natural logarithm of total assets “-”
Profitability Operating profit to total assets (%) “ + ”
Debt ratio Total liabilities to total assets (%) “-”
Asset turnover Sales revenue to total assets (%) “ + ”

Regression analysis results with LnCash as DV and KZ index/Z-score as independent variable

Whole period Whole period
KZ index         0.003 Z-score         0.024***
Crisis         0.025** Crisis         0.025**
Size         0.817*** Size         0.819***
Profitability         0.041*** Profitability         0.041***
Debt ratio       −0.013 Debt ratio           X
Asset turnover         0.055*** Asset turnover         0.056***
R square         0.669 R square         0.669
F statistics 1,479.041*** F statistics 1,778.564***

Descriptive statistics of variables (mean and median) in normal and crisis times

Normal times Crisis times U Mann–Whitney test
Cash ratio     9.3   10.5 −3.227***
    5.7     7.1
KZ index 213.2 268.5 −1.645*
    3.9     4.4
Z-score     7.5     7.2 −0.849
    7.0     7.0
Profitability     1.8     1.4 −1.672*
    3.7     3.4
Debt ratio   50.3   51.9 −0.939
  49.2   50.2
Asset turnover 104.0   99.1 −1.154
  91.8   88.9

Descriptive statistics of the variables included in the research

Variables Mean Median Min Max SD
Cash ratio 9.4 5.9 0.2 45.1 10.3
KZ index 220.8 4.0 −120.2 6,615.9 1,043.7
Z-score 7.5 7.0 −4.8 20.6 4.4
Profitability 1.8 3.7 −5.0 31.5 14.7
Debt ratio 50.5 49.4 8.9 119.8 23.2
Asset turnover 103.3 91.4 8.4 340.5 76.6

Regression analysis results with the cash ratio as the DV and KZ index as the independent variable

Whole period Whole period Whole period Crisis time Crisis time Normal time Normal time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
KZ index −0.072***(1.000) −0.090***(1.009) −0.032*(1.096) −0.046(1.000) −0.003(1.128) −0.078***(1.000) −0.037*(1.085)
Crisis X 0.044**(1.000) 0.050**(1.002) X x x X
Size X X −0.168***(1.118) X −0.126**(1.091) −0.175***(1.123)
Profitability X X 0.083***(1.350) X 0.050(1.459) 0.088***(1.338)
Debt ratio X X −0.184***(1.228) X −0.148**(1.404) −0.191***(1.274)
Asset turnover X X 0.072***(1.206) X 0.085*(1.235) 0.070***(1.203)
R square 0.005 0.042 0.094 0.002 0.057 0.006 0.101
F statistics 22.975*** 65.684*** 76.763*** 1.283 7.234*** 23.257*** 85.226***

Regression analysis results with cash ratio as DV and Z-score as independent variable

Whole period Whole period Whole period Crisis time Crisis time Normal time Normal time
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Z-score 0.373***(1.000) 0.372***(1.019) 0.389***(1.454) 0.338***(1.000) 0.397***(1.537) 0.381***(1.000) 0.388***(1.447)
Crisis X 0.050***(1.001) 0.053***(1.001) X X x X
Size X X −0.114***(1.125) X −0.093*(1.061) −0.118***(1.137)
Profitability X X −0.055**(1.582) X −0.121*(1.712) −0.044*(1.567)
Debt ratio X X X X X X X
Asset turnover X X 0.102***(1.141) X 0.110**(1.140) 0.101***(1.142)
R square 0.139 0.142 0.168 0.114 0.143 0.145 0.173
F statistics 713.217*** 243.569*** 179.212*** 77.705*** 24.926*** 645.321*** 198.399***