Otwarty dostęp

Forms of COVID-19 state aid by beneficiary size in Poland in 2020


Figure 1

Number of decisions and the budget of coronavirus state aid approved by the European Commission in 2020.Source: author’s calculations based on the European Commission decision (https://ec.europa.eu/competition-policy/state-aid/coronavirus_en).
Number of decisions and the budget of coronavirus state aid approved by the European Commission in 2020.Source: author’s calculations based on the European Commission decision (https://ec.europa.eu/competition-policy/state-aid/coronavirus_en).

Figure 2

Forms of COVID-19 State aid approved by the European Commission in 2020.Source: see Figure 1.COVID-19, coronavirus disease-2019.
Forms of COVID-19 State aid approved by the European Commission in 2020.Source: see Figure 1.COVID-19, coronavirus disease-2019.

Figure 3

Structure of coronavirus state aid budgeted and used in Poland in 2020 (billions of EUR).Source: Own calculations based on the data of the European Commission and the OCCP.Decisions of the European Commission on Polish State Aid measures.COVID-19, coronavirus disease-2019; OCCP, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
Structure of coronavirus state aid budgeted and used in Poland in 2020 (billions of EUR).Source: Own calculations based on the data of the European Commission and the OCCP.Decisions of the European Commission on Polish State Aid measures.COVID-19, coronavirus disease-2019; OCCP, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

Figure 4

Coronavirus state aid value and number of cases in Poland in 2020.Note: A – grants and subsidies; C – soft loans; and D – guarantees and collaterals.Source: Author’s calculations based on the data of the OCCP.
Coronavirus state aid value and number of cases in Poland in 2020.Note: A – grants and subsidies; C – soft loans; and D – guarantees and collaterals.Source: Author’s calculations based on the data of the OCCP.

Figure 5

Structure of state aid granted in relation with COVID-19 in Poland in 2020 by type and beneficiary size.Note: A – grants; C – soft loans; and D – guarantees. Internal circle: cases of state aid; external circle: value of granted state aid.Source: Author’s calculations based on the data of the OCCP.COVID-19, coronavirus disease-2019; OCCP, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
Structure of state aid granted in relation with COVID-19 in Poland in 2020 by type and beneficiary size.Note: A – grants; C – soft loans; and D – guarantees. Internal circle: cases of state aid; external circle: value of granted state aid.Source: Author’s calculations based on the data of the OCCP.COVID-19, coronavirus disease-2019; OCCP, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

Figure 6

Structure of state aid granted in connection with COVID-19 in Poland in 2020 by beneficiary size.Note: Internal circle: cases of granted state aid; external circle: value of granted state aid.Source: Author’s calculations based on the data of the OCCP.COVID-19, coronavirus disease-2019; OCCP, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
Structure of state aid granted in connection with COVID-19 in Poland in 2020 by beneficiary size.Note: Internal circle: cases of granted state aid; external circle: value of granted state aid.Source: Author’s calculations based on the data of the OCCP.COVID-19, coronavirus disease-2019; OCCP, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

Figure 7

Share of beneficiaries of coronavirus state aid in different forms of soft loans in 2020.Source: Author’s calculations based on the OCCP data.OCCP, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
Share of beneficiaries of coronavirus state aid in different forms of soft loans in 2020.Source: Author’s calculations based on the OCCP data.OCCP, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

Figure 8

Share of coronavirus state aid beneficiaries in different types of grants and subsidies in 2020.Source: Author’s calculations based on OCCP data.OCCP, Office of competition and consumer protection.
Share of coronavirus state aid beneficiaries in different types of grants and subsidies in 2020.Source: Author’s calculations based on OCCP data.OCCP, Office of competition and consumer protection.

Figure 9

Value of state aid granted in the form of guarantees to large and medium-sized enterprises (in millions of EUR).Source: Author’s calculations based on OCCP data.OCCP, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
Value of state aid granted in the form of guarantees to large and medium-sized enterprises (in millions of EUR).Source: Author’s calculations based on OCCP data.OCCP, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

Share of economic entities by size in key economic indicators in Poland in 2020

Enterprises Share in the total business population Share in employment Share in GDP generation
Total 100% 100% 100%
Micro 96.1% 38.4% 19.60%
Small 2.9% 11.7% 13.00%
Medium 0.8% 16.9% 20.30%
Large 0.2% 32.9% 47.10%

Structure of state aid granted in the form of soft loans in connection with COVID-19 in Poland in 2020

Aid Enterprises Share in a given form

Micro Small Medium Large

Share in the value of aid, % Share in the number of state aid cases, % Share in the value of aid, % Share in the number of state aid cases, % Share in the value of aid, % Share in the number of state aid cases, % Share in the value of aid, % Share in the number of state aid cases, % Share in the value of aid, % Share in the number of state aid cases, %
Repayable advance C1.5 41.7 83.6 38.5 14.3 19.8 2.1 0.0 0.0 86.01 16.15
Conditionally waived loans C1.4 99.3 99.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 13.64 83.69
Preferential loan C1.1 17.9 68.2 12.0 24.7 4.7 4.3 65.4 2.8 0.34 0.07
Deferred tax payment C2.1 6.6 59.2 4.8 18.6 8.1 9.5 80.4 12.8 0.00222 0.05
Distribution of tax payments in installments C2.2 42.0 45.5 0.2 18.2 2.1 18.2 55.7 18.2 0.00098 0.0005
Postponement of the payment date C2.4 63.5 84.7 32.1 10.9 3.9 3.6 0.5 0.7 0.00080 0.0127
Payment in installments C2.5 67.2 83.5 9.6 12.1 17.0 2.2 6.2 2.2 0.00073 0.0042
Postponement of payment of tax arrears with interest C2.1.2 50.8 84.2 14.0 6.0 8.4 3.8 26.8 6.0 0.00033 0.0231
Postponement of the payment of the overdue fee C2.4.1 1.9 93.3 0.0 0.0 98.1 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.00020 0.0007
Spreading the payment of tax arrears with interest in installments C2.3.1 55.2 75.6 2.5 17.1 40.8 2.4 1.5 4.9 0.00011 0.0019
Payment in installments of the overdue fee C2.5.1 33.7 66.7 66.3 33.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00003 0.0001
Total 49.5 96.7 33.2 2.6 17.0 0.4 0.3 0.2 100.0 100.00

COVID-19 state aid measures offered to entrepreneurs in Poland in 2020

Measures Donors
Support instruments created on the basis of resources from European funds offered, both those from the previous financial perspective and the then current one, namely, for 2014–2020:  Guarantees  “Liquidity loans” that were written off at later stages. Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (Bank of National Economy), Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, and other institutions implementing the EU funds
Exemption from the duty to pay social security contributions“Work suspension” benefits ZUS
Grants to cover the current running costs of a business to microenterprises and small-sized companiesGrants to protect existing jobs Regional and county labor offices
Subsidizing salaries and wages of disabled employees and workersRefunds of costs of the adjustment of workplaces to the needs of disabled workersHiring employees who assist disabled workersTraining disabled workers State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled People (PFRON)
Subsidies to entertainment industry Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Subsidizing the running costs of a business to sole proprietorships that do not have employeesSubsidizing employees’ remuneration and social security contributions to SMEsSubsidizing employees’ remuneration and social security contributions to NGOs and organizations of public benefit Regional and local authorities (governors, strarosts, mayors, and heads of villages and municipal councils)
Exemption from property taxExemption from rent and long-lease payments, as well as from rent for use Local authorities
Suspension of charges (property tax, rent for spaces that were leased from local authorities, or other civil law liabilities) Local authorities

Structure of state aid granted in the form of grants or subsidies in connection with COVID-19 in Poland in 2020

Aid Enterprises Share in a given form

Micro Small Medium Large

Share in the value of aid, % Share in the number of state aid cases, % Share in the value of aid, % Share in the number of state aid cases, % Share in the value of aid, % Share in the number of state aid cases, % Share in the value of aid, % Share in the number of state aid cases, % Share in the value of aid, % Share in the number of state aid cases, %
Fee cancellation A2.10 63.9 92.4 34.7 7.5 1.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 61.85 90.32
Grants A1.1 53.1 92.9 22.1 5.1 22.5 1.6 2.3 0.3 37.77 9.51
Tax exemption A2.1 26.4 76.0 22.2 16.7 19.7 5.0 31.6 2.3 0.27 0.12
Bank loan interest subsidies A1.2 5.5 33.5 32.6 35.4 40.4 23.8 21.6 7.3 0.05 0.01
Reduction in the amount of the fee A2.4 32.3 80.0 23.4 10.4 12.2 6.3 32.1 3.4 0.04 0.02
Fee waiver A2.5 55.8 81.5 25.9 11.5 11.3 4.1 7.0 2.9 0.02 0.01
Failure to collect a toll A2.7 39.8 78.6 15.3 14.3 37.8 2.4 7.1 4.8 0.0016 0.00
Refund A1.4 76.1 88.9 23.9 11.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0008 0.00
Tax deduction A2.2 25.3 62.5 35.8 25.0 27.5 4.2 11.4 8.3 0.0004 0.00
Reduction or reduction reducing the tax base or the amount of tax A2.3 66.3 75.0 28.3 15.6 5.4 9.4 0.0 0.0 0.0003 0.00
Cancellation of late payment interest A2.11 50.9 80.1 24.5 8.4 17.5 5.3 7.2 6.2 0.0002 0.00
Failure to collect tax A2.6 64.2 80.0 35.8 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0001 0.00
Total 59.7 92.4 29.9 7.3 9.4 0.3 1.0 0.0 100.00 100.00