
Figure 1.

Statistical results for the twenty statements: (A) Mean responses, statements S1–S20; (B) standard deviations from mean for statements S1–S20; (C) skewness: distribution of responses to statements S1–S20; (D) kurtosis: distribution of mean responses to statements S1–S20.
Statistical results for the twenty statements: (A) Mean responses, statements S1–S20; (B) standard deviations from mean for statements S1–S20; (C) skewness: distribution of responses to statements S1–S20; (D) kurtosis: distribution of mean responses to statements S1–S20.

Figure 2.

Dendrogram obtained using agglomerative hierarchical clustering. NFT, non-fungible token.C1 and C2 refers to cluster 1 and cluster 2 respectively
Dendrogram obtained using agglomerative hierarchical clustering. NFT, non-fungible token.C1 and C2 refers to cluster 1 and cluster 2 respectively

Categories in the questionnaire with the corresponding number of statements

Category Number of statements
Non-fungible tokens 6
Music and the music industry business 8
Investment, arts and music 6

Selected statistics for survey statements S1 and S2

Statement Mean Standard deviation Median Mode Modal frequency Skewness (Pearson) Kurtosis (Pearson)
S1 3.565 0.998 4 4 90 −0.527 −0.329
S2 3.295 1.038 3 4 81 −0.531 −0.284

Descriptive statistics for statements S1–S20

Statistic S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20
Number of observations 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Frequency of min=1 5 14 17 11 27 32 14 9 5 3 9 14 18 13 18 23 27 27 17 18
Frequency of max=5 31 17 13 44 20 16 10 14 15 54 40 30 34 14 11 89 25 15 20 22
Mean 3.565 3.295 3.020 3.800 2.835 2.910 3.440 3.065 3.305 4.050 3.720 3.310 3.335 3.275 3.115 3.005 3.255 2.955 3.395 3.345
Standard deviation (n) 0.998 1.038 1.081 1.054 1.199 1.221 0.875 1.025 0.939 0.835 1.050 1.181 1.238 1.019 1.073 1.056 1.257 1.193 1.104 1.125
Skewness (Pearson) −0.527 −0.531 −0.135 −1.185 0.198 −0.091 1.158 0.009 −0.278 −1.330 −0.954 −0.326 −0.402 −0.541 −0.400 −0.596 −0.519 −0.125 −0.759 −0.622
Kurtosis (Pearson) −0.329 −0.284 −0.821 0.907 −0.932 −1.092 1.834 −0.821 −0.487 2.436 0.330 −0.951 −0.981 −0.326 −0.708 −0.982 −0.919 −1.079 −0.279 −0.448