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The state of development of artificial intelligence in polish industry: opinions of employees


Figure 1

Areas of AI implementationSource: Own study.
Areas of AI implementationSource: Own study.

Number of Respondents by Organization

Industry Number of Indications
Fuel and energy 40
Chemical 346
Food 31
Other (assembly, construction) 127
Electromechanical 74
Wood and paper 9
Cement 34
Lightweight (including clothing) 47
Mineral 23
Metallurgical 30

Technology Management Feedback

Technology management in my enterprise Very low (%) Low (%) Average (%) High (%) Very high (%) I do not know (%)
In my company, the development of technology in our industry is analyzed 4.7 5.4 16.2 27.3 32.3 14.1
My company effectively introduces product and technological changes in our industry 4.3 7.2 21.2 30.5 26 10.8
My company conducts research and development on new technologies 7.1 6.8 16.7 25.5 33 10.9
All departments focus on innovation of their solutions, processes and products 7.9 10.4 22.3 27.4 19.8 12.2
The implementation of new technologies including AI systems is part of my company's development strategy 6.4 5.9 18.5 25.4 25.1 18.7

Rating in research-intervals

Very low Low Average High Very high I do not know
0%–20% 30%–40% 50%–60% 70%–80% 90%–100% I do not know

Employee Opinions About AI

General perception of AI development in enterprises Very low (%) Low (%) Average (%) High (%) Very high (%) I do not know (%)
Modern technologies, including AI, help in work and facilitate it 1.3 4.6 15.9 36.4 39.3 2.5
Modern technologies, including AI, are most often intuitive to use and easily digestible 4.1 12.7 28.9% 34.3 14.5 5.5
The development of modern technologies, including AI, causes job cuts and redundancies 10.1 8.7 26.7 29.3 21.3 3.9
The development of AI is inevitable as it brings many benefits (e.g., optimizes costs and strengthens competitive advantage) 1 4.7 15.9 30.9 45.5 2
AI deployment increases process speed and efficiency 1.1 3.7 14.6 39.2 39.2 2.2
The development of AI in enterprises means an increase in the level of employee surveillance 11 9.6 23.3 24 26.1 6
Companies should ensure that employees have the skills to work with AI systems 2 2.8 15.6 29 48.1 25
The professions in which AI will most often replace humans will be those that require repetitive and routine activities. 4.1 4.9 13 31.5 43.5 3
As AI develops, new jobs will be created, but it will be harder to find skilled workers 8.9 7.4 24.8 30.4 22.5 6
AI systems should be developed on the basis of consistent and transparent formal and legal regulations 2.2 3.5 12.1 22.9 56.5 2.8

Perception of AI Development in My Enterprise

Perception of AI development in my enterprise Very low (%) Low (%) Average (%) High (%) Very high (%) I do not know (%)
The AI systems used in my company are safe and reliable 5.6 6.7 20.4 27.3 11.2 28.8
The implementation of AI systems in my enterprise has changed the way technologies are managed 5.4 6 22.1 25.4 12.5 28.6
In my company, employees are consulted before new technologies are implemented, including systems using AI 20.9 12.9 18 18.5 12.7 17
The AI systems used in my company contribute to increasing the efficiency of processes and the speed of their implementation 5.1 6.2 21.4 27.5 20 19.8
AI systems can support my work in the enterprise 7.1 4.8 17.9 32.9 29.8 7.5
I am open to cooperation with AI systems that are functioning or will be implemented in the enterprise 3.2 3.9 14.2 28.8 46.9 3
In my company, activities are undertaken to provide substantive support for employees in the field of acquiring knowledge about AI systems 15.8 10.9 18.8% 23 10.9 20.6
I am not afraid of losing my job due to the development of AI systems in the enterprise 8 5.5 16.7 26.9 37.4 5.5
I am happy to participate in the processes/projects of implementing new technological solutions in the company 3.9 3.5 14.6 25.2 45.8 7
In the event that AI takes over some of my current tasks, I am ready to change my current professional duties 5.7 4.1 19.6 29.6 34.3 6.7