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One Novel Soft-Starting Control Strategy for Induction Motor Based on Space Voltage Vectors



Three-phase induction motors (IMs) are widely utilized in modern industry such as water pumps, draught fans, grinding millers and so on. Large starting currents will damage IM if it is directly started with power supply. So three-phase anti-parallel thyristor circuits based on voltage-regulation technology are often adopted for the soft start of IM [1], which have small starting current. However, using this way, electromagnetic torque of IM has more sacrifice than the decline of its starting current. Though many papers have proposed several methods to enhance start torque of IM, but they are based on constant-current control or closed-torque control [23]. [4] and [5] propose a novel control strategy of soft start for IM using pulse width modulation(PWM) AC chopper, which uses four insulated gate bipolar transistors(IGBT) to regulate three-phase voltages of IM. This control method is simple and flexible, but the frequency of the three-phase voltages maintains a constant value. The promotion of IM starting torque in papers [2,3,4,5] is limited, because these methods all belong to the voltage-regulation control theory of IM.

Based on the three-phase thyristor circuits, Ginart and his cooperators propose a discrete variable frequency (DVF) theory, which can enhance electromagnetic torque of IM with the same starting current [6]. So, DVF theory is welcomed and further investigated in worldwide. In [7], phase control method of DVF optimal switching is studied, which has a favorable effect on solving switch disturbance but don’t compare with other methods. In [810], one triggering scheme of output equivalent sinusoid voltages based on DVF is proposed, which analyzes the voltage symmetry and acquired available frequency dividing coefficients. It is insufficient that the control method can’t consider the flux of IM when two-phase thyristor circuits are triggered. In [1011], the cause of torque pulsation is studied and the proposed DVF control strategy is based on space voltage vectors, which can decrease the torque pulsation. However, the working principle of space voltage vectors and stator flux of IM isn’t analyzed adequately in these papers. In [12] and [13], the causes of electromagnetic torque shocking and rotor speed shocking are analyzed with torque functions and simulation, and the technique used to suppress electromagnetic torque shocking is based on the closed control strategy of power factor angle compensating. While, there are large harmonic components and torque pulses for these DVF control methods proposed in above papers, which are based on periodic wave control theory. So torque increments of these methods are limited. There are other control methods in [14]–[16] based on AC chopper technology for soft-starting of IM, but they are mainly based on regulation voltage theory which can’t increase starting torque of IM thoroughly.

In context to insufficient information existing in above the papers, based on [1011], this paper proposes one novel DVF control strategy of IM based on space voltage vectors, which is realized with three-phase thyristor circuits. This novel control strategy is built on hexagon space voltage vectors and the stator flux linkage loci are controlled directly. Because the frequency of three-phase voltages is reduced with the decline of the effective value of the voltages. So the stator flux and the starting torque of IM driven by the proposed strategy are larger than the ramp voltage control.

DVF Principle Based on Space voltage vectors
Space voltage vectors based on three-phase thyristor control circuits

According to the principle of space voltage vectors, stator voltage vectors of IM can be written as follows [17]. us=23(uA0ej0+uB0ej2π/3+uC0ej4π/3) {\boldsymbol{u}_{\rm{s}}} = \sqrt {{2 \over 3}} \left( {{u_{{\rm{A}}0}}{{\rm{e}}^{{\rm{j}}0}} + {u_{{\rm{B}}0}}{{\rm{e}}^{{\rm{j}}2\pi /3}} + {u_{{\rm{C}}0}}{{\rm{e}}^{{\rm{j}}4\pi /3}}} \right)

Where uA0, uB0 and uC0 are three-phase stator winding voltages, respectively, and ej0, ej2π/3 and ej4π/3 are unit space vector at the directions of A-phase, B-phase and C-phase stator winding axis of IM, respectively.

Thyristor control circuits of IM have three working states, which are two-phase circuits conducting, three-phase circuits conducting and three-phase circuits non-conducting. Space voltage vector will generate when two-phase windings of the IM are supplied with a power source, which are shown as fig. 1.

Figure 1.

The forming principle of space voltage vectors based on three-phase thyristor circuits. (a) uAB, (b) uAC, (c) uBC, (d) uBA, (e) uCA, (f) uCB.

Because stator current of IM will generate when at least two-phase circuits of thyristor control circuits are triggered. So when T1 and T6 are triggered, voltage space vector defined as uAB which is shown in fig. 1(a) will generate in stator winding space of IM. When T1 and T2 are triggered, voltage space vector defined as uAC in fig. 1(b) will generate. Similarly, uBC, uBA, uCA and uCB are presented in fig. 1(c) to (f). Expressions of following six space voltage vectors are shown here in equations (2) when the initial phase angle of phase-A voltage is equal to zero. {uAB=23Um(cosω1tcos(ω1t2π3)ej2π3)uAC=23Um(cosω1tcos(ω1t2π3)·ej4π3)uBC=23Um(cos(ω1t2π3)ej2π3cos(ω1t+2π3)ej4π3)uBA=23Um(cos(ω1t2π3)ej2π3cos(ω1t))uCA=23Um(cos(ω1t+2π3)ej4π3cos(ω1t))uCB=23Um(cos(ω1t+2π3)ej4π3cos(ω1t2π3)ej2π3) \left\{ {\matrix{ {{\boldsymbol{u}_{{\rm{AB}}}} = \sqrt {{2 \over 3}} {U_{\rm{m}}}\left( {\cos \,{\omega _1}t - \cos \left( {{\omega _1}t - {{2\pi } \over 3}} \right){e^{{{{\rm{j}}2\pi } \over 3}}}} \right)} \hfill \cr {{\boldsymbol{u}_{{\rm{AC}}}} = \sqrt {{2 \over 3}} {U_m}\left( {\cos \,{\omega _1}t - \cos \left( {{\omega _1}t - {{2\pi } \over 3}} \right) \cdot {e^{{{{\rm{j}}4\pi } \over 3}}}} \right)} \hfill \cr {{\boldsymbol{u}_{{\rm{BC}}}} = \sqrt {{2 \over 3}} {U_m}\left( {\cos \,\left( {{\omega _1}t - {{2\pi } \over 3}} \right){e^{{{{\rm{j}}2\pi } \over 3}}} - \cos \left( {{\omega _1}t + {{2\pi } \over 3}} \right){e^{{{{\rm{j}}4\pi } \over 3}}}} \right)} \hfill \cr {{\boldsymbol{u}_{{\rm{BA}}}} = \sqrt {{2 \over 3}} {U_{\rm{m}}}\left( {\cos \,\left( {{\omega _1}t - {{2\pi } \over 3}} \right){e^{{{{\rm{j}}2\pi } \over 3}}} - \cos \left( {{\omega _1}t} \right)} \right)} \hfill \cr {{\boldsymbol{u}_{{\rm{CA}}}} = \sqrt {{2 \over 3}} {U_{\rm{m}}}\left( {\cos \,\left( {{\omega _1}t + {{2\pi } \over 3}} \right){e^{{{{\rm{j}}4\pi } \over 3}}} - \cos \left( {{\omega _1}t} \right)} \right)} \hfill \cr {{\boldsymbol{u}_{{\rm{CB}}}} = \sqrt {{2 \over 3}} {U_{\rm{m}}}\left( {\cos \,\left( {{\omega _1}t + {{2\pi } \over 3}} \right){e^{{{{\rm{j}}4\pi } \over 3}}} - \cos \left( {{\omega _1}t - {{2\pi } \over 3}} \right){e^{{{{\rm{j}}2\pi } \over 3}}}} \right)} \hfill \cr } } \right.

Where Um is the peak value of phase voltage, ω1 is the angular frequency of power sources. Meanwhile, the voltage vector that three-phase thyristor circuits are all triggered is defined as uABC. Similarly, the voltage vector with that three-phase thyristor circuits are all closed is defined as u0. According to the actual conducting circuits, uABC can be compounded with two space voltage vectors in (2).

If the voltage of stator resistance of IM is ignored, the stator flux of IM can be shown as the following [18]. ψ=(u+Rs·i)dtudt \psi = \int {\left( {u + {R_s} \cdot i} \right)dt \approx \int {udt} }

Where ψ is the stator flux of IM, u is the stator voltage and Rs is the stator resistance. If the six space voltage vectors shown in (2) are connected in sequence, then one hexagon space voltage vectors will generate and stator flux linkage loci are also one hexagon as in fig. 2 shown.

Figure 2.

Hexagon space voltage vectors

DVF control principle based on space voltage vectors

Depending on the demand of voltage symmetry, the coefficient dividing the frequency of power voltage should be one, four and seven and so on. In case of starting torque of IM, the frequency f/7 can be chosen as the starting frequency of a heavy load IM. Although, the frequency f/3 of voltage doesn’t meet the symmetry demand, but its third-harmonic component is a power frequency voltage. So the frequency f/3 of voltage has a good effect on the IM in fact. Therefore, voltage with frequency f/3 can also be utilized to drive an IM. Hence frequency division coefficient of power voltage of DVF would be seven, four, three, and one.

Control methods of DVF frequency f/7 based on space voltage vectors can be realized in following way:

First, based on the zero passage of rising edge of phase-A voltage, T1 and T2 are triggered in order to generate uAC, which will trigger angle θ1. When current iAC declines to zero, T1 and T2 will be closed naturally. Then, during next primitive period of power source, based on the zero passage of falling edge of phase-C voltage, T3 and T2 are triggered in order to generate uBC. Their trigger angles are all θ2. Circulating this way, after thyristors are closed every time, next vector of hexagonal space voltage vectors will be generated during the next primitive period of the power source. All of hexagonal voltage vectors are generated once during seven primitive periods of the power source. So voltage with frequency f/7 has waves of DVF based on hexagon space voltage vectors is acquired as fig. 3 shown.

Figure 3.

Frequency f/7 voltage waves of DVF based on space voltage vectors

Voltages with frequency f/4 based on three-phase power frequency sinusoid voltages are positive voltages. And control methods of DVF frequency f/4 are also based on hexagonal stator flux linkage loci. But the difference with the control methods of DVF frequency f/7 is that number of working vectors of the former is half of the latter. So voltage with frequency f/4 can be acquired by selectively reducing voltage vectors of frequency f/7 voltage vectors. The sequences of effective voltage vectors are uAC to uBC to uBA to uCA to uCB to uAB. The stator flux linkage loci will be three continuous sections which consist of ψAC, ψBC, ψBA, ψCA, ψCB, and ψAB. Frequency f/4 Voltage waveforms are shown in fig. 4.

Figure 4.

Frequency f/4 voltage waves of DVF based on space voltage vectors

Sequences of effective space voltage vectors of frequency f/3 are uAC, uBC, uBA, uCA, uCB, and uAB, which are also based on hexagonal stator flux linkage loci, but they are divided into two sets. The first set is continuously triggered, containing uAC, uBC, and uBA while second set is also continuously triggered, which contain uCA, uCB, and uAB. Voltage waveforms of frequency f/3 are shown in fig. 5.

Figure 5.

Frequency f/3 voltage waves of DVF based on space voltage vectors

Based on above control methods and space voltage vectors, soft start control of IM is operated in following methods.

Frequency f/7 is selected as the starting frequency of IM. Before soft start, IM is be excited with one voltage vector in several power frequency periods. In order to acquire suitable stator flux, the pre-excited voltage vector will be the previous of the initial voltage vector of frequency f/7, according to the order of hexagon space voltage vectors. For example, if uAC is the first working voltage vector of frequency f/7, then uAB will be the pre-excitation voltage vector. Time for pre-excitation can be calculated by (3) according to the actual IM parameters.

After pre-excitation, IM is driven with the method of DVF having frequency f/7, then frequency f/4, frequency f/3 and frequency f/1 as shown in fig. 3 to 5. Frequency f/1 is the traditional ramp voltage control.

When the working frequency of IM is changed, the previous voltage vector and the next voltage space vector accord with the sequence of hexagon space voltage vectors as shown in fig. 2. For example, when the working frequency changes from frequency f/7 to frequency f/4, so if uBC is the final voltage vector of frequency f/7 space voltage vectors, then uBA will be the first voltage vector of frequency f/4 voltage vectors. Similarly, when working frequency changes from frequency f/4 to frequency f/3, so if uAB is the final voltage vector of frequency f/4 voltages, then uAC will be the first voltage vector of frequency f/3 voltage vectors. After frequency f/3, IM is controlled by the ramp voltage control.

Stator flux analysis of IM

Space voltage vectors of frequency f/3 for IM is used for the stator flux analysis. Stator windings of IM controlled by three-phase thyristor circuits are shown in fig. 6. When initial conducting circuits are phase-A and phase-B, and stator windings of IM are star connection, then the current in phase-C stator winding is equal to zero. So phase-C stator winding can be located on α axis of the α-β stationary reference frame, and the equations are acquired as the following. isα=0,iA=iB {i_{{\rm{s}}\alpha }} = 0,\,\,{i_{\rm{A}}} = - {i_{\rm{B}}} isβ=23(32iB32iA)=2iA {i_{{\rm{s}}\beta }} = \sqrt {{2 \over 3}} \left( {{{\sqrt 3 } \over 2}{i_{\rm{B}}} - {{\sqrt 3 } \over 2}{i_{\rm{A}}}} \right) = - \sqrt 2 {i_{\rm{A}}} usβ=23(32uA32uB)=2uAB {u_{{\rm{s}}\beta }} = \sqrt {{2 \over 3}} \left( {{{\sqrt 3 } \over 2}{u_{\rm{A}}} - {{\sqrt 3 } \over 2}{u_{\rm{B}}}} \right) = \sqrt 2 {u_{{\rm{AB}}}}

Figure 6.

Circuit model of IM under α-β stationary reference frame

Where isα and isβ are the α-axis stator current and the β-axis stator current respectively under α-β stationary reference frame, and usβ is the stator voltage of α-β stationary reference frame. iA and iB are respectively the current in phase-A and phase-B of IM under A-B-C three-phase stationary reference frame. uAB is the line voltage of phase-A to phase-B stator windings. uAB is shown as the following. uAB(t)=3Umsin(ω1t+α0) {u_{{\rm{AB}}}}\left( t \right) = \sqrt 3 {U_{\rm{m}}}\sin \left( {{\omega _1}t + {\alpha _0}} \right)

Where α0 is trigger angle of T1 and T6.

Based on the model of IM and from (4) to (7) equations, the following equations are acquired by using Laplace transform. {UAB(s)=(Rs+sLs)IA(s)+2sLmIrβ(s)/20=(Rr+sLr)Irα(s)+ωrLrLrβ(s)2ωrLmIA(s)0=(Rr+sLr)Irβ(s)2sLmIA(s)ωrLrLrα(s) \left\{ {\matrix{ {{U_{{\rm{AB}}}}\left( s \right) = - \left( {{R_{\rm{s}}} + s{L_{\rm{s}}}} \right){I_{\rm{A}}}\left( s \right) + \sqrt 2 s{L_{\rm{m}}}{I_{{\rm{r}}\beta }}\left( s \right)/2} \hfill \cr {0 = \left( {{R_{\rm{r}}} + s{L_{\rm{r}}}} \right){I_{{\rm{r}}\alpha }}\left( s \right) + {\omega _{\rm{r}}}{L_{\rm{r}}}{L_{{\rm{r}}\beta }}\left( s \right) - \sqrt 2 {\omega _{\rm{r}}}{L_{\rm{m}}}{I_{\rm{A}}}\left( s \right)} \hfill \cr {0 = \left( {{R_{\rm{r}}} + s{L_{\rm{r}}}} \right){I_{{\rm{r}}\beta }}\left( s \right) - \sqrt 2 s{L_{\rm{m}}}{I_{\rm{A}}}\left( s \right) - {\omega _{\rm{r}}}{L_{\rm{r}}}{L_{{\rm{r}}\alpha }}\left( s \right)} \hfill \cr } } \right.

Where Lm is mutual inductance between stator windings and rotor windings, Ls is stator self-inductance, Lr is rotor self-inductance, Rs is stator resistance, Rr is rotor resistance, IA(s) is the current in phase-A stator winding. I(s) and I(s) are the α axis current and the β axis current of IM under α-β stationary reference frame respectively. ωr is angular frequency of IM. In order to simplify the progress of solving IA(s), ωr is set to be zero. Then IA(s) is solved by using (8). {IA(s)=P(s)/Q(s)P(s)=3Um(scosα0+ω1sinα0)(1+sTr)RsTsTrQ(s)=(s2+ω12)(s2+s(1Tr+1Ts)+1Ts·Tr) \left\{ {\matrix{ {{I_{\rm{A}}}\left( s \right) = P\left( s \right)/Q\left( s \right)} \hfill \cr {P\left( s \right) = {{\sqrt 3 {U_{\rm{m}}}\left( { - s\cos \,{\alpha _0} + {\omega _1}\,\sin \,{\alpha _0}} \right)\,\left( {1 + s{T_{\rm{r}}}} \right)} \over {{R_s}{T_s}T_{\rm{r}}^\prime}}} \hfill \cr {Q\left( s \right) = \left( {{s^2} + \omega _1^2} \right)\left( {{s^2} + s\left( {{1 \over {T_{\rm{r}}^\prime}} + {1 \over {T_{\rm{s}}^\prime}}} \right) + {1 \over {T_{\rm{s}}^\prime \cdot T_{\rm{r}}^\prime}}} \right)} \hfill \cr } } \right.

Where σ=1-L2m/(LsLr), Ts=Ls/Rs, Tr=Lr/Rr, T’s=σTs, T’r=σTr. When Q(s) is equal to zero, then there are four roots that can be acquired from the equation. Two of the four roots are complex conjugate: λ1,2=±jω1, which correspond to steady components of IA(s). Another two roots are signed as λ3 and λ4. The real parts of λ3 and λ4 are negative, which correspond to transient components of IA(s). I(s) are also acquired by using (8). Irβ(s)=6Um(scosα0ω1sinα0)sLmLsLrσ(s2+ω12)(s2+s(1Tr+1Ts)+1Ts·Tr) {I_{{\rm{r}}\beta }}\left( {\rm{s}} \right) = {{\sqrt 6 {U_m}\left( {s\,\cos \,{\alpha _0} - {\omega _1}\,\sin \,{\alpha _0}} \right)s{L_{\rm{m}}}} \over {{L_{\rm{s}}}{L_r}\sigma \left( {{s^2} + \omega _1^2} \right)\left( {{s^2} + s\left( {{1 \over {T_{\rm{r}}^\prime}} + {1 \over {T_{\rm{s}}^\prime}}} \right) + {1 \over {T_{\rm{s}}^\prime \cdot T_r^\prime}}} \right)}}

Based on the stator flux model of IM: ψs=Lsis+Lmir, ψs can be calculated by using (4), (5), (8), (9) and (10), ψs(s)=j(LmIrβ(s)2LsIA(s))=j6Um(scosα0ω1sinα0)((1σ+1Ls)s+1LsTr)σ(s2+ω12)(s2+s(1Tr+1Ts)+1Ts·Tr) \matrix{ {{\boldsymbol{\psi }_{\rm{s}}}\left( s \right) = j\left( {{L_{\rm{m}}}{I_{{\rm{r}}\beta }}\left( s \right) - \sqrt 2 {L_{\rm{s}}}{I_{\rm{A}}}\left( s \right)} \right)} \hfill \cr { = j{{\sqrt 6 {U_{\rm{m}}}\left( {s\,\cos \,{\alpha _0} - {\omega _1}\,\sin \,{\alpha _0}} \right)\left( {\left( {1 - \sigma + {1 \over {{L_s}}}} \right)s + {1 \over {{L_s}{T_{\rm{r}}}}}} \right)} \over {\sigma \left( {{s^2} + \omega _1^2} \right)\left( {{s^2} + s\left( {{1 \over {T_{\rm{r}}^\prime}} + {1 \over {T_{\rm{s}}^\prime}}} \right) + {1 \over {T_{\rm{s}}^\prime \cdot T_{\rm{r}}^\prime}}} \right)}}} \hfill \cr }

Equation (11) can be rewritten by using Laplace inverse transformation as the following. ψs(t)=L1ψs(s)=K1ejω1t+K2ejω1t+K3eλ3t+K4eλ4t \matrix{ {{\psi _s}\left( t \right)} \hfill & = \hfill & {{L^{ - 1}}{\psi _{\rm{s}}}\left( s \right)} \hfill \cr {} \hfill & = \hfill & {{K_1}{e^{ - j{\omega _1}t}} + {K_2}{e^{j{\omega _1}t}} + {K_3}{e^{{\lambda _3}t}} + {K_4}{e^{{\lambda _4}t}}} \hfill \cr }

Where {K1=6Umω1(cosα0+jsinα0)((1σ+1Ls)jω1+1LsTr)σ(2jω1)(jω1+λ3)(jω1+λ4)K2=6Umω1(cosα0jsinα0)((1σ+1Ls)jω1+1LsTr)σ(2jω1)(jω1λ3)(jω1λ4)K3=j6Um(λ3cosα0ω1sinα0)((1σ+1Ls)λ3+1LsTr)σ(λ32+ω12)(λ3λ4)K4=j6Um(λ4cosα0ω1sinα0)((1σ+1Ls)λ4+1LsTr)σ(λ42+ω12)(λ4λ3) \left\{ {\matrix{ {{K_1} = {{\sqrt 6 {U_{\rm{m}}}{\omega _1}\left( { - \cos {\alpha _0} + j\sin {\alpha _0}} \right)\left( { - \left( {1 - \sigma + {1 \over {{L_s}}}} \right)j{\omega _1} + {1 \over {{L_s}{T_{\rm{r}}}}}} \right)} \over {\sigma \left( {2j{\omega _1}} \right)\left( {j{\omega _1} + {\lambda _3}} \right)\left( {j{\omega _1} + {\lambda _4}} \right)}}} \hfill \cr {{K_2} = {{\sqrt 6 {U_{\rm{m}}}{\omega _1}\left( { - \cos {\alpha _0} - j\sin {\alpha _0}} \right)\left( {\left( {1 - \sigma + {1 \over {{L_s}}}} \right)j{\omega _1} + {1 \over {{L_s}{T_{\rm{r}}}}}} \right)} \over {\sigma \left( {2j{\omega _1}} \right)\left( {j{\omega _1} - {\lambda _3}} \right)\left( {j{\omega _1} - {\lambda _4}} \right)}}} \hfill \cr {{K_3} = {{j\sqrt 6 {U_{\rm{m}}}\left( {{\lambda _3}\cos {\alpha _0} - {\omega _1}\sin {\alpha _0}} \right)\left( {\left( {1 - \sigma + {1 \over {{L_s}}}} \right){\lambda _3} + {1 \over {{L_s}{T_{\rm{r}}}}}} \right)} \over {\sigma \left( {\lambda _3^2 + \omega _1^2} \right)\left( {{\lambda _3} - {\lambda _4}} \right)}}} \hfill \cr {{K_4} = {{j\sqrt 6 {U_{\rm{m}}}\left( {{\lambda _4}\cos {\alpha _0} - {\omega _1}\sin {\alpha _0}} \right)\left( {\left( {1 - \sigma + {1 \over {{L_s}}}} \right){\lambda _4} + {1 \over {{L_s}{T_{\rm{r}}}}}} \right)} \over {\sigma \left( {\lambda _4^2 + \omega _1^2} \right)\left( {{\lambda _4} - {\lambda _3}} \right)}}} \hfill \cr } } \right.

The stator flux function is acquired by the same method, when uAC and uBC are working. Similarly, u0 is working, then stator current of IM is equal to zero, and the rotor current of IM is shown as following. ir(t)=ir0et/Tr {i_{\rm{r}}}\left( t \right) = {i_{{\rm{r}}0}}{e^{ - t/{T_{\rm{r}}}}}

When u0 is working, fig. 5 shows that max value of t3 is 23.3ms and minimum value of t3 is 13.3ms. When trigger angle becomes equal to ninety degrees, t3 is 16.7ms. For a common fifteen kilowatt IM, rotor time constant is approximately equal to 300ms which is much larger than t3. So, based on these parameters and the stator flux model of IM: ψs=Lsis+Lmir, stator flux ψs can be calculated by using the following equation. ψs(t)=Lmir0et/Tr=ψ0et/Tr=0.955ψ0 {\psi _{\rm{s}}}\left( t \right) = {L_{\rm{m}}}{i_{{\rm{r}}0}}{e^{ - t/{T_{\rm{r}}}}} = {\psi _0}{e^{ - t/{T_{\rm{r}}}}} = 0.955{\psi _0}

Where, ψ0 is the initial value of ψs. Equation (15) shows that the decrement of stator flux is very small and can be neglected when u0 is working.

Using the same method, stator flux can be calculated when IM is also driven by frequency f/7 control method or frequency f/4 control method of DVF.

Experiment Validation

The simulation model is built by Matlab software. Parameters of IM used in the model are shown as the following: PN=15kW, UN=380V, nN=1460r/min, IN=29.5A, fN=50Hz, Lm=64.19mH, Rs=0.2147Ω, Rr=0.2205Ω, J=0.602 kg·m2, L=L=0.991mH. Load rate of IM is 60 percent. Simulation results are shown in fig. 7 to 12.

Figure 7.

Voltage and current for frequency f/7. (a)Line Voltage. (b) Phase Current.

When IM is driven by control method of DVF with frequency f/7, its line voltage and phase current are shown in fig. 7. The simulation results in fig. 7 show that the period of the line voltage is 0.14ms, and phase current has four continuous conducting sections in time of 0.14ms. So the simulation results in fig. 7 verify the principle of control method of DVF with frequency f/7.

Line voltage and phase current of the IM driven by control method of DVF with frequency f/4 are shown in fig 8(a) and fig 8(b) respectively. Fig 8(a) shows that the period of the line voltage is 0.08ms and fig 8(b) shows that phase current has three continuous conducting sections in one frequency f/4 period. The simulation results in fig. 8 verify the principle of control method of DVF with frequency f/4.

Figure 8.

Voltage and current for frequency f/4. (a) Line Voltage. (b) Phase Current.

Similarly, line voltage and phase current for frequency f/3 of DVF are shown in fig. 9. Fig. 9(a) shows that the period of the line voltage is 0.06ms and fig. 9(b) shows that phase current has two continuous conducting sections in time of 0.06ms. The simulation results in fig. 9 verify the principle of frequency f/3 control method of DVF.

Figure 9.

Voltage and current for frequency f/3. (a) Line Voltage. (b) Phase Current.

Stator flux of IM driven by the proposed strategy and the ramp voltage control are shown in fig. 10. The results show that the stator flux amplitude of IM driven by the proposed strategy is larger than the flux under the traditional ramp voltage control. The reason is that the frequency of voltage of DVF decreases, but the frequency of voltage of ramp voltage control is a constant value, in the process of soft starting of IM.

Figure 10.

Induction motor stator flux track. (a) ramp voltage. (b) frequency f/7 (c) frequency f/4. (d) frequency f/3.

Stator current and rotor speed of IM based on the proposed strategy are shown in fig. 11. The result in fig. 11(a) shows that the currents includes four sections which successively corresponded to frequency f/7 current, frequency f/4 current, frequency f/3 current and ramp voltage regulation current. Meanwhile, rotor speed of IM, shown in fig. 11(b), increases accordingly to the proposed control strategy. The simulation results verify the principle of space voltage vectors control of DVF.

Figure 11.

Responses of IM driven by the proposed method. (a) Stator current. (b) Rotor speed.

Contrary to this, stator current and rotor speed of IM driven by ramp voltage control are shown in fig. 12. The results show that rotor speed increases quickly and the value of starting current is very large, which all conform to the principle of ramp voltage soft-starting of IM.

Figure 12.

Responses of IM driven by the traditional method. (a) Stator current. (b) Rotor speed.

Comparing fig. 11 and 12, the current in fig. 11 is smaller than the current in fig. 12, and the rotor speed increases softly. So, the proposed control strategy can acquire better starting performance than ramp voltage control for IM.


For further verifying the performance of the proposed strategy, one experimental set of IM based on three-phase thyristor circuits and STM32F103RC microcontroller is designed as shown in fig. 13. The parameters of IM are same to the parameters used in the simulation model. The experimental results are shown in figs. 14–17.

Figure 13.

Experimental system of IM driven by three-phase thyristor circuits

Fig. 14 shows the experimental results of IM driven by frequency f/7 of the proposed control strategy. Fig. 14(a) shows the voltage of phase-A to phase-B, while fig. 14(b) shows the current in phase A of IM. They correspond to fig. 7 (a) and fig. 7(b) respectively. The experimental results show that the period of the voltage is 0.14ms, and the current has four conducting sections in the period. The experimental results in fig. 14 are in accordance with the simulation results in fig. 7.

Figure 14.

Voltage and current for frequency f/7. (a) Line Voltage (b) Phase Current.

Fig. 15 shows the experimental results of IM driven by frequency f/4 of the proposed control strategy. The experimental results in fig. 15 correspond to the simulation results in fig. 8. Fig. 15(a) is the voltage of phase-A to phase-B and fig. 15(b) is the current in phase-A of IM. The experimental results show that the period of the voltage is 0.08ms, and the current has three conducting sections in the period. The experimental results in fig. 15 are in accordance with the simulation results in fig. 8.

Figure 15.

Voltage and current for frequency f/4. (a) Line Voltage. (b) Phase Current.

Fig. 16 shows the experimental results of IM driven by frequency f/3 of the proposed control strategy. The experimental results in fig. 16 correspond to the simulation results in fig. 9. Fig. 16(a) is the voltage of phase-A to phase-B and the fig. 16 (b) is the current in phase-A of IM. The experimental results show that the period of the voltage is 0. 06ms, and the current has two conducting sections in the period. The experimental results in fig. 16 are in accordance with the simulation results in fig. 9.

Figure 16.

Voltage and current for frequency f/3. (a) Voltage waveform. (b) Current waveform.

Fig. 17 demonstrates the rotor speeds of IM driven by the proposed strategy and the traditional ramp voltage. Fig. 17 (a) shows that the rotor speed responds to the proposed strategy. Fig. 17 (b) also shows that rotor speed responds to the ramp voltage control. Meanwhile, fig. 17(a) corresponds to the simulation result in fig. 11 (b), and fig. 17(b) corresponds to the simulation result in fig.12 (b).

Figure 17.

Rotor speeds of IM. (a) The proposed method. (b) The traditional method

Another experimental results show that the effective value of starting current of IM driven by the proposed strategy with sixty percent load is one hundred and twenty four amperes (124 amps). Whereas when the motor is driven by the ramp voltage control with the same load, the effective value of starting current is one hundred and fifty four amperes (154 amps). The starting current with the proposed strategy decreases by nineteen percent comparing with the traditional strategy.


This paper studies the principle of space voltage vectors based on three-phase thyristor circuits, and proposes the control strategy of DVF based on hexagon space voltage vectors. The study results show that frequency f/7, frequency f/4 and frequency f/3 of power sources can be used to drive IM. The experimental results also show that starting current of a fifteen kilowatt IM driven by the proposed strategy decreases by nineteen percent as comparing to the traditional ramp voltage control with the same load, and rotor speed accurately changes according to the proposed strategy. So, the proposed control strategy of DVF based space voltage vectors is effective for soft starting of IM.

Częstotliwość wydawania:
4 razy w roku
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Computer Sciences, other