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The Effects of Simulated and Real Microgravity on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells



Under the various extraterrestrial phenomena present in spaceflight, astronauts undergo alterations to the vascular system and health in general (Blaber et al., 2010; Vernice et al., 2020). Spaceflight introduces cardiovascular deconditioning and physiological effects similar to aging (Demontis et al., 2017). As the vascular system is critical to healthy homeostasis across various major organ systems in the body, understanding the effects of the spaceflight environment on the various cells that comprise the vasculature is critical when considering the future of humans in space. Microgravity is one such component, which has been demonstrated to have effects across a number of cell populations via in vivo and in vitro experiments. While previous reviews have provided a summary of various cell types critical to human health, including endothelial cells (Maier et al., 2015) and macrophages (Ludtka, Silberman, et al., 2021; Sun et al., 2021), as well as the vasculature in general, there has been no previous review of the effects of microgravity on smooth muscle cells specifically to our knowledge. In particular, we focus on vascular smooth muscle cells since they are the focal point of existing experimental literature as well as being a key component of the overarching cardiovascular system, which is notably impacted by microgravity on an organismal level.

This review evaluates the literature covering vascular smooth muscle cells in microgravity over the last several decades, with a focus on recent developments. With the heightened public and research interest in spaceflight, as well as the further cross-validation and availability of various microgravity models, it is timely to collate and assess the major findings in the field regarding smooth muscle cells as a critical player in human health in space. Thus, we provide an organized compilation of the relevant research, as well as contextualizing it regarding existing microgravity models and experimental design considerations. As such, we aim to highlight similar findings and provide comparisons across the numerous reports using various cell types, microgravity models, and time points in order to provide an overview of the extent of existing literature in this research space.

Microgravity Models

Microgravity has been used as an experimental condition for numerous in vivo and in vitro studies, including for human, animal, plant, and bacterial responses. While some gravisensitive mechanistic insights have been gained for various cell populations, a critical limitation to investigations remains the limited access to spaceflight experiments. As a result, methods to simulate or achieve microgravity and its effects outside of actual spaceflight have become an alternative. As such, a key distinction across the microgravity models commonly used in research is simulated versus true microgravity systems. To validate these various models against one another, as well as against the gold standard of true spaceflight, numerous reviews and studies have been previously published in the literature (Clary et al., 2022; Herranz et al., 2013; Wuest et al., 2015). NASA recently had a comprehensive overview of microgravity methods and their predictive utility prepared (Williams, 2023). Simulated microgravity methods are useful analogs for a number of reasons, including their relative accessibility, cost, and ease of logistics compared to true microgravity approaches. Additionally, they simplify the isolation of the variables affecting the experimental population, as certain extraterrestrial factors cannot be removed for actual microgravity systems (e.g., hypergravity from launch/reentry and cosmic radiation). For benchtop in vitro experiments, the primary methods for microgravity simulation are 2D or 3D clinorotation and random position machines (RPM). 2D clinorotation is achieved via rotation along a singular axis. For instance, the rotating wall vessel (RWV) system originally developed by NASA rotates a fluid column with the rotational axis parallel to the ground (Figure 1A); this is also described as rotary cell culture. The rotational speed is optimized based on particle size to keep free-floating cells, cell aggregates, or cells on a scaffold such as microcarrier beads (Figure 1B) at a terminal (sedimentation) velocity, with gravity balanced by shear, centrifugal, and Coriolis forces (Hammond & Hammond, 2001). This system has previously been used in experiments for a number of cell types relevant to the vasculature, including macrophages (Ludtka, Moore, et al., 2021) and vascular stem cells (Ramaswamy, Dirr, et al., 2016; Ramaswamy, Goins, et al., 2016). In contrast, systems that operate on two rotational axes such as the Gravite 3D clinostat and Airbus/Yuri RPM allow for microgravity simulation using conventional adherent cell culture (e.g., flasks) (Figure 1C, 1D). The differentiating aspect of the RPM is that in addition to a conventional 3D clinostat mode, it can also operate in a random mode with varying angular velocities for each axis. However, gas exchange can prove a difficulty as plug caps are needed to prevent media leakage while samples are rotating on the device. For in vivo experiments, the hindlimb unloading model is common for rodents (Figure 1E) (Globus & Morey-Holton, 2016; Hawliczek et al., 2022), and some studies use the head-down tilt method as a microgravity analog for humans (Watenpaugh, 2016).

Figure 1.

Experimental methods used to simulate microgravity. [A] Synthecon Rotating Wall Vessel (RWV) bioreactor. [B] SMCs on microcarrier beads in preparation for use in the RWV. [C] Gravite 3D clinostat. [D] Yuri/Airbus RPM with two independently driven perpendicular frames. [E] Illustration of hindlimb unloading for rodents; made with BioRender.

True microgravity systems include parabolic flight and suborbital/sounding rockets, which provide weightlessness on the order of seconds to minutes. A limitation of these methods (or potentially, a benefit depending on the intended assessment being made) is the period(s) of hypergravity experienced with launch and reentry. Notably, the sinusoidal path of parabolic flights results in cycles of hypergravity and microgravity. In contrast, suborbital/sounding rocket trajectories offer a longer, continuous period of microgravity and experience hypergravity only at initial launch and reentry. Orbital spaceflight, such as experimentation conducted on the International Space Station and Space Shuttle prior to its retirement, is the gold standard for microgravity experiments. Naturally, this method also includes the consideration of hypergravity from launch as well as exposure to radiation, including galactic cosmic rays and solar radiation. However, these methods can prove more difficult to implement compared to simulation options on the ground. This is due to the costs, logistics, weight and volumetric limitations, and the limited availability of opportunities to have proposed payloads accepted for spaceflight launches.

Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) are stromal cells present in the tunica media of vasculature. The tunica media in the middle layer of blood vessels is flanked by the tunica intima toward the interior lumen of the vessel and the tunica adventitia that comprises the exterior of the vessel (Figure 2). Arteries are more elastic and have a thicker tunica media, internal elastic lamina, and external elastic lamina to accommodate the higher blood pressures they experience relative to veins.

Figure 2.

Illustration of an artery in cross-section, and its constituent layers and components. Made with BioRender.

VSMCs' environment is comprised of both mechanical cues innate to the vascular system (e.g., cyclic stretch, pressure) as well as biochemical markers and signals present in the bloodstream. A major function of VSMCs in this space is the control of vascular tone, a large part of which is determined via interactions with endothelial cells (ECs) that compose the tunica intima of vessels and experience shear stress from direct contact with blood flow. This cellular interplay helps maintain hemodynamic homeostasis by reacting to mechanical and chemical cues within the vessel. VSMC tone is affected by mechanostimulation, Ca2+ signaling, angiotensin II, and nitric oxide, among others (Zieman et al., 2005). For instance, shear stress is a major driver of nitric oxide release by ECs, which then triggers relaxation in SMCs and corresponding vasodilation of the blood vessel. Meanwhile, angiotensin II is converted from angiotensin I in ECs and triggers SMC contraction, leading to vasoconstriction. As noted, the mechanical forces driving many of these reactions differ based on the cell types' location within the vessels. ECs experience shear in the tunica intima, which forms the hemocompatible lining of vessels. Meanwhile, VSMCs experience stretch within the tunica media, which serves as the elastic, resilient banding that helps maintain vessel shape and integrity. As such, it is important to be aware of and intentional about which stimuli are being included or excluded in your experimental design. For instance, the term ‘low-shear modeled microgravity’ (LSMMG) is often used in the literature for RWV systems, and Leguy et al. (2017) recently reported lower calculated shear values from RPM-simulated microgravity compared to previous reports for the RWV.

VSMCs are also a major contributor to vascular pathological developments such as arterial stenosis, sclerosis, and intimal hyperplasia. As such, understanding the underlying mechanisms of VSMC response to various signals, such as the microgravity environment, is critical for human health in general, as well as the development of interventions to mediate these pathologies. Indeed, many of these pathologies result, at least in part, from irregular VSMC proliferation, migration, or phenotypic changes.(Bennett et al., 2016; Lacolley et al., 2012) Additionally, under the pressure of pathological influences like stenosis, sclerosis, and intimal hyperplasia, VSMCs can undergo a phenotypic shift. They dedifferentiate from their contractile, quiescent phenotype and then enter a synthetic, pro-migratory, and pro-proliferative phenotype. This new phenotype also demonstrates increased extracellular matrix deposition. This phenotypic shift can be encouraged by both mechanostimulatory and chemostimulatory factors, as well as cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions in the vasculature (Kang, Fan, et al., 2013). As such, the effects of microgravity, the models used to achieve or simulate it, as well as the experimental design considerations (e.g., in vivo vs. in vitro) can have significant impacts on VSMC phenotype, expression, and behavior.

Microgravity Effects on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

Vascular smooth muscle cells, as key cellular constituents of the vascular system, are responsive to changes in gravity. Depending on the type of experimental conditions (e.g., in vivo vs. in vitro), this may not only result from gravisensitive pathways and molecular mechanisms but also due to changes at the tissue and organ system level. For example, when subjected to microgravity, humans experience a cephalic fluid shift, as the typical vascular mechanisms for maintaining orthostatic blood pressure homeostasis have evolved around the existence of gravity acting on the human body (Tanaka et al., 2017). This fluid shift can lead to intracranial hypertension and correspondingly to spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS) due in part to intracranial and intraocular pressure mismatch (Zhang et al., 2018). Furthermore, central venous pressure is reduced in microgravity, with fluid redistributed from the legs to the head (Lawley et al., 2017). Tanaka et al. (2017) provide a more in-depth review of the impacts of microgravity on the cardiovascular system, such as cardiac atrophy. Based on these systemic effects, it is necessary to consider investigations of VSMC responses both on a cellular and organism level. For example, Hughson et al. noted the thickening of the carotid artery in astronauts, as well as arterial stiffening, cardiovascular deconditioning, and insulin resistance (Hughson et al., 2018). In their recent review, Gao and Chilibeck noted the various deleterious cardiovascular effects seen from spaceflight exposure, including resting and orthostatic tachycardia, impaired cardiac relaxation, reduced upright stroke volume, and microvascular dysfunction (Gao & Chilibeck, 2020).

As microgravity causes these systemic effects that can impact hemodynamics and present pathological symptoms, in vitro cellular studies can also be impacted by these indirect effects. It is also important to highlight the potential interaction that other aspects of spaceflight, like radiation, may have on human biology, confounding attempts to isolate the direct effects of microgravity specifically (Yatagai et al., 2019). In their discussion on the topic, Pietsch et al. (2011) note various microgravity-induced disease states (e.g., osteoporosis and muscle atrophy) on the organism level, while also noting more narrow effects on the cellular level. Numerous mammalian cell types have shown microgravity impacting apoptosis, cytoskeletal rearrangement, differentiation, proliferation, migration, and adhesion (Pietsch et al., 2011). Specifically, VSMCs are responsive to shear stress, stretch, and pressure, so it is important to consider these mechanical forces in the design of microgravity experiments (Haga et al., 2007; Shi & Tarbell, 2011). Additionally, changes to localized tissue function and structure are important to consider, given VSMCs' role in regulating vascular tone. For example, Prisby et al. (2015) report that increased vascular resistance seen in HU rodents results from reduced endothelium-dependent vasodilation, as opposed to increased vasoconstriction response. Similarly, Tarasova et al. (2020) noted that HU impairs sympathetic vasoconstriction, which is consistent with humans post-spaceflight. As vasoconstriction can be impacted by the presence or absence of the endothelium in an exercise and age-dependent manner, it is also important to note the differences in response that might be seen for in vivo vs. in vitro samples when considering microgravity effects (Ghosh et al., 2015).

Therefore, in vivo experiments in microgravity must consider the potential effects of fluid shift and altered localized vascular responses that result from microgravity, should the objective be to isolate microgravity's direct impacts. Similarly, certain simulated microgravity methodologies may introduce shear stress and introduce fluid convention that impacts the intercellular signaling gradient (Poon, 2020). As such, intentionality in experimental design is critical for utilizing appropriate controls and isolating the effects of variables (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

Illustration of microgravity control conditions. [A–C] Comparison of three normal gravity controls to assess the full range of conditions relevant to comparison with simulated microgravity culture. [D] Conditions of an experimental sample in simulated microgravity. Actual spaceflight culture does not have equivalent fluid convection to benchtop reactors. Adapted from Poon 2020.

Additionally, making direct comparisons between the existing literature is complicated by the myriad of microgravity methods, cell types, and study durations used. This also can make it difficult to establish the direct and indirect effects of microgravity across studies, given the impacts on the organism, system, and cellular level previously noted. Table 1 summarizes these aspects of the VSMC microgravity literature: the experimental platform used for simulating or achieving microgravity, cell type(s), microgravity duration(s), primary results, in vivo vs. in vitro, and sex reporting. The effects demonstrated range from proliferation to gene expression and phenotype to RAAS, NOS, and Ca2+ signaling.

Summary of VSMC microgravity literature sorted by experimental platform used.

Experiment Platform Paper Cell Type Time in μG Results of Microgravity In Vivo or In Vitro Reporting of Sample Sex
Clinorotation (simulated μg) Zhang 2014 Bovine aortic VSMC 12 d Alters P2 receptor expression pattern; VSMCs secreted different cytokines under μg, leading to increased (pathogenic) proliferation and migration In Vitro Not specified

Kang 2013 Rat aortic VSMC 24 - 144 h Decreased proliferation and migration, increased cell apoptosis and NO release, and disrupted cytoskeleton; ≥72 h of μg caused contractile phenotype via sm-MHC upregulation Male Only

Kang 2013 Rat aortic VSMC 4 d; 6 d Cell surface HSPG reduced; NOS activated; downregulation of glypican-1, constitutive NOS, and F-actin; Heparinase III and NaClO3 attenuated NOS and F-actin changes Male Only

Random position machine (simulated μg) Grimm 2014 Vascular SMC 21 d VSMCs in coculture with EA.hy926 cells and fibroblasts can form tubular structures in vitro In Vitro Not Specified

Hindlimb unloading (simulated μg) Jiang 2022 Rat cerebral artery VSMC 28 d Induced phenotype switching and proliferation, which could be mitigated by propyl pyrazole triol activation of ERα signaling to reestablish fission-fusion-mitophagy hemostasis In Vivo Male Only

Liu 2021 Rat cerebral artery VSMC 3 w Increased cytoplasmic Ca2+; decreased mitochondrial/sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+; fusion proteins (mitofusin 1/2 [MFN1/2]) downregulated and fission proteins (dynamin-related protein 1 [DRP1] and fission-mitochondrial 1 [FIS1]) upregulated Male Only

Zhang 2020 Rat cerebral artery VSMC 28 d Increased proliferation and migration, modulated by T-type CaV 3.1 channel's regulation of calcineurin/NFATc3 pathway Not Specified

Zhang 2020 Rat cerebral artery VSMC 7 - 28 d Mitochondria oxidative stress & ER stress caused phenotypic shifts in VSMCs via PERK-elFα2-ATF4 and PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathways; mitoTEMPO helped alleviate these effects Male Only

Hindlimb unloading (simulated μg) Su 2020 Rat cerebral and mesenteric artery VSMC 4 w Increased proliferation and reduced apoptosis, acid sphingomyelinase protein, and ceramide content in cerebral artery SMCs; opposite effect in mesenteric artery SMCs In Vivo Male Only
Kang 2019 Rat common carotid artery, abdominal aorta, and femoral artery VSMC 3 w For VSMCs & ECs: all NOS isoforms downregulated in aorta, iNOS and eNOS upregulated in carotid artery; VSMC apoptosis reduced in aorta and carotid In Vivo Female Only
Jiang 2018 Rat basilar and femoral artery VSMC 4 w VSMC volume, arterial wall thickness, and p-FAK Y397 and p-Src Y418 expression increased in basilar artery, decreased in femoral artery Male Only
Ghosh 2016 Mouse skeletal muscle artery VSMC 13 - 16 d Reduced vasodilatory response to exogenous NO; reduction increased by radiation exposure Male Only
Dabertrand 2012 Rat hepatic portal vein VSMC 8 d Decreased expression in ryanodine receptor subtype 1; calcium signaling pathway adaptation to pressure via regulation of ryanodine receptor subtype 1 expression Male Only
Xue 2011 Rat cerebral and mesenteric artery VSMC 28 d Increased sarcoplasmic reticulum CaL channel and ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ release functions in cerebral SMCs; decreased in mesenteric VSMCs Male Only
Xue 2007 Rat cerebral and mesenteric artery VSMC 3 d; 28 d Increased L-type Ca2+ channel density and protein expression in cerebral artery VSMCs; decreased channel density and protein expression in mesenteric artery VSMCs Male Only
Coinu 2006 Rat aortic VSMC 24 h Induced partial arrest in cell cycle (at G2M) and increased expression of p14-3-3, HSP70, HSP60 and p21 Male Only
Morel 1997 Rat portal vein VSMC 14 d Ca2+ sensitivity of ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ release channels was unchanged by μg; Ca2+ waves were significantly reduced and [3H]ryanodine binding to vascular membranes was inhibited Male Only
Spaceflight (real μg) Scotti 2024 Human aortic VSMC 3 d Down-regulation of markers of contractile, synthetic, and osteogenic phenotypes, including α-SMA, matrix metalloproteinases, and bone morphogenic proteins In Vitro Not Specified
Sofronova 2015 Mouse basilar artery 30 d Reduced vasoconstriction via voltage-gated Ca2+ and thromboxane A2 receptors in cerebral arteries In Vivo Male Only
Behnke 2013 Mouse mesenteric artery 13 d; 15 d Reduced maximum vasoconstriction response to norepinephrin, KCl, and caffeine immediately after and 1-day post-spaceflight; downregulated arterial ryanodine receptor-3 mRNA expression In Vivo Female Only
Dabertrand 2012 Rat hepatic portal vein VSMC 8 d Decreased expression in ryanodine receptor subtype 1; calcium signaling pathway adaptation to pressure via regulation of ryanodine receptor subtype 1 expression Both Male Only
Coculture and Tissue Engineering

Microgravity, particularly that achieved via benchtop simulated microgravity systems, has been proposed as a tissue engineering methodology (Aleshcheva et al., 2016). Indeed, Grimm et al. (2014) have noted the formation of tubule-like multicellular constructs from RPM-simulated microgravity via the coculture of HUVEC-like EA.hy926 cells, SMCs, and fibroblasts (Figure 4). Similarly, Low and Giulianotti (2020) reviewed the potential for modeling human disease in microgravity via microphysiological systems. Scott et al. (2022) have recently described the potential research and tissue engineering opportunities that the spaceflight environment may offer for cardiovascular applications, such as for induced pluripotent stem cell–derived cardiomyocytes and organoids. Ren et al. (2023) have likewise recently highlighted in a comprehensive review the potential for microgravity in both tissue construct biomanufacturing as well as disease modeling across a number of tissues, including cardiac muscle. Zhang et al. (2014) conducted indirect coculture experiments with primary bovine aortic VSMCs and ECs using 2D clinostat simulated microgravity. Thus far, the assessment of VSMCs for these purposes has been relatively minimal, especially compared to the amount of literature regarding ECs.

Figure 4.

(A) Phase contrast of coculture of EA.hy926 HUVEC-like cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts at 21 days of RPM simulated microgravity (phase-contrast). (B, C) Sirius Red staining of cocultures of EA.hy926 HUVEC-like cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts at 21 days of RPM simulated microgravity. Adapted from Grimm et al. (2014).


The proliferation of VSMCs is a significant concern for human health, as the pathological proliferation of the VSMCs can result in various cardiovascular conditions (e.g., stenosis and intimal hyperplasia). As such, considering the effects of microgravity on VSMC proliferation is prudent for assessing the potential harmful effects of long-term spaceflight on human health. Correspondingly, a number of studies have reported on VSMC proliferation rates.

Su et al. reported an increase in proliferation and decreased apoptosis in cerebral artery VSMCs in a 4-week rat HU study. (Su et al., 2020) Meanwhile, the opposite effects were seen in small mesenteric artery VSMCs. Zhang et al. (2020) found that simulated microgravity in a 28-day murine HU model resulted in increased proliferation of vascular VSMCs, as well as evidence of dedifferentiation. They also noted that this effect was mediated by the T-type CaV 3.1 channel through the downstream calcineurin/NAFTc3 pathway. In a similar murine HU study, Jiang et al. (2022) documented increased VSMC proliferation and phenotype switching, which could be attenuated via activation of the Erα-NRF1-OMI pathway to restore the disrupted mitophagy homeostasis. Indeed, hormones and their receptors like the estrogen receptor α (Erα) investigated by Jiang may have significant effects on the impacts of the microgravity environment on VSMCs, as Rabineau et al. (2022) noted in their review how the menstrual cycle can impact smooth muscle sensitivity to NO. Another research group reported that clinostat simulated microgravity in combination with EC-conditioned media helped mitigate the anti-proliferative effects of the media on bovine aortic VSMCs. Additionally, microgravity appeared to also increase VSMC migration compared to equivalent normogravity controls. The authors suggested these effects might be modulated through P2 receptor expression, which can also affect NO production and apoptosis signaling (Figure 5) (Y. Zhang et al., 2014).

Figure 5.

Scheme of P2 Receptor Alteration and the Postulated Paracrine Effect in ECs and SMCs under Simulated Microgravity. Expression levels of several P2 receptor were altered in ECs and SMCs under 24 h clinostat-simulated microgravity. P2X7 and P2Y2 expression was differentially altered between ECs and SMCs under simulated microgravity. The change in P2X7 expression in ECs was compensated under SMC-conditioned medium and vice versa. Adapted from Zhang et al. 2014.

In contrast, Kang et al. (2013) reported a significant decrease in murine aortic VSMC proliferation and migration using an in vitro clinostat analog. Likewise, Coinu et al. (2006) reported decreased murine aortic vascular VSMC proliferation (represented by thymidine incorporation) after 24 h in RPM-simulated microgravity in vitro culture. Lv and Ai (2022) note the importance of the YAP/TAZ pathway for VSMC proliferation and apoptosis, as well as its mechanosensitivity. They also note reports of microgravity-induced inhibition of TAZ nuclear translocation, though demonstrated in mesenchymal stem cells (Chen et al., 2016). In their review of the cardiovascular effects of the space environment, Hughson et al. (2018) discuss the reported increase in renin-angiotensin-aldosterone hormones seen in spaceflight, highlighting that two of these – aldosterone and angiotensin II – are known to affect VSMC proliferation as well as resulting arterial stiffness. They further note reports of impacts on VSMC proliferation and migration following radiation exposure, another factor to consider when attempting to understand the effects of spaceflight on biological systems.

Gene Expression & Phenotypic Shifts

Studies assessing gene expression offer the potential to provide mechanistic insight into gravisensitive cellular pathways. This also may assist in identifying useful targets for pharmaceutical intervention to mediate certain effects of microgravity. Several genes and signaling pathways have been previously investigated to assess VSMC expression changes elicited by microgravity.

For example, Coinu et al. (2006) reported increased expression of several genes in response to RPM-simulated microgravity, namely: p14-3-3, p21, Bcl-XL, HSP60, and HSP70. They note the negative impact that p21 and Bcl-XL have on proliferation and p14-3-3's role in cell cycle control. This is consistent with their corresponding data on VSMC proliferation decreases. In a rodent HU model, Liu et al. (2021) demonstrated increased protein and mRNA expression of IP3R as well as fission proteins (DRP1, FIS1). Meanwhile, fusion proteins (MFN1/2) were downregulated. Treatment with mitoTEMPO, an antioxidant that targets mitochondria, mediated these simulated microgravity-induced changes. As such, they suggest that mitochondria oxidative stress regulates calcium ion homeostasis under simulated microgravity, affecting vasoconstriction of cerebral artery VSMCs.

Work by Zhang et al. (2020) also indicates that VSMC mitochondrial oxidative stress is activated by simulated microgravity, based on a rodent HU model. They report that this stress drives VSMC phenotype switching via PERK-elFα2-ATF4 and PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathways. Their protein expression data show an increase in CHOP, GRP78, OPN, and elastin and a decrease in α-SMA, SM-MHC, calponin, and caldesmon. Based on these changes, along with an increase in reactive oxygen species production, Zhang et al. (2020) conclude that microgravity simulation results in a VSMC phenotypic shift from contractile to synthetic. The contractile VSMC phenotype is the quiescent, resting form, but via dedifferentiation, VSMCs can shift into the synthetic, migratory-proliferative phenotype for the purposes of damage repair and vascular wall remodeling. This transition results in loss of contractibility, increased matrix production, and an increase in migration and proliferation (Frismantiene et al., 2018). Jiang et al. (2018) similarly suggest a pro-remodeling phenotype of VSMCs from HU simulated microgravity. They report for basilar artery VSMCs an increase in expression of p-FAK Y397 and p-Src Y418, tyrosine kinases that act as focal adhesion regulators and mediate cytoskeletal remodeling (Colinas et al., 2015). The number of focal adhesions themselves was also increased in basilar artery VSMCs. Meanwhile, the effects were the opposite in femoral artery VSMCs (Jiang et al., 2018). A recent spaceflight study of human aortic smooth muscle cells noted that a number of genes associated with the different SMC phenotypes were down-regulated in microgravity, including α-SMA, matrix metalloproteinases, and bone morphogenic proteins (Scotti et al., 2024). Another recent study suggests that acid sphingomyelinase/ceramide mediates the remodeling of arterial structure seen in simulated microgravity by affecting proliferation and apoptosis, based on 4-week HU rodent data (Su et al., 2020).

Additionally, Baio et al. (2018) reported expression changes in human cardiovascular progenitor cells (CPCs) cultured aboard the ISS; CPCs can differentiate into SMCs as well as ECs and cardiomyocytes. They noted a decrease in the expression of genes associated with mechanotransduction (YAP1, RhoA), while several genes associated with the cytoskeleton were increased (VIM, NES, DES, LMNB2, LMNA) along with those for DNA repair.

Meanwhile, Kang et al. (2013), in rotary culture simulated microgravity, demonstrated a contractile phenotype in rat aortic VSMCs after 72 hours, with upregulation of SM-MHC mRNA and downregulation of vimentin, which are contractile and synthetic markers, respectively. As such, there may be a time-dependent effect on expression during adaptation to microgravity, as well as the differences between in vivo and in vitro studies. The importance of VSMC-EC interactions and crosstalk on both cell types' physiological functions may also contribute to differences in reports, as these interactions between cell types are absent in monoculture experiments.

RAAS and NOS Signaling Effects

On a physiological level, factors other than the direct mechanotransducive effects of microgravity on VSMCs must also be considered. Systemic biochemical cues altered by microgravity can impact VSMC behavior. For instance, RAAS signaling is impacted by microgravity; Hughson et al. (2016) note a significant increase in renin in astronauts from spaceflight, as well as an overall increase in aldosterone. Interestingly, they also report that there is a significant interaction between spaceflight and astronaut sex in this regard. Pathological changes in RAAS can lead to vascular wall hypertrophy and increased arterial stiffness (Abdel Ghafar, 2020). RAAS activation also impacts SMC proliferation and collagen deposition (Zieman et al., 2005).

Correspondingly, Zhang et al. have reported that localized activation of RAAS in carotid and cerebral arteries in HU rodents has a critical role in modulating vascular tone and eNOS/iNOS expression. eNOS expression was significantly increased in the carotid artery, and this effect was mitigated by administration of losartan, an angiotensin II receptor blocker (R. Zhang et al., 2009). Interestingly, this significant increase in eNOS was not seen in cerebral arteries, and separately, Wilkerson et al. reported a decrease in eNOS in middle cerebral arteries in a HU rodent model, as well as increased vasoconstriction and vascular resistance (Wilkerson et al., 2005). 24-hour simulated microgravity rotary culture of rat aortic VSMCs also showed a downregulation of constitutive NOS (NOS1, NOS3) combined with simultaneous activation of NOS.(Kang, Liu, et al., 2013) Notably, NOS1 and NOS3 (i.e. endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)) are Ca2+-dependent. In contrast, NOS2 (i.e., inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)) is Ca2+-independent and did not demonstrate significant changes. In a subsequent section, We discuss microgravity's impacts on VSMC calcium ion channel signaling and their corresponding effects. The above study also suggests that heparan sulfate proteoglycans of the VSMC glycocalyx are gravisensitive and may play a role in the regulation of NOS as well as F-actin modulation (Kang, Liu, et al., 2013). In a follow-up by the same research group using a HU rodent model, the authors noted downregulation of all three isoforms of NOS in the abdominal aorta (grouped VSMCs and ECs) and upregulation of iNOS and eNOS in the carotid artery (Kang et al., 2019). They also demonstrated a positive linear relationship between glycocalyx coverage and NOS1 and eNOS mRNA expression and reduced apoptosis of VSMCs of the aorta and carotid artery. It is also important to note that sex-based differences have been reported in NOS expression of several rodent models, as well as differences in pharmacokinetics for male vs. female HU rats (Kang et al., 2019).

Calcium Channel Signaling

Calcium signaling in VSMCs is critical for the modulation of vascular tone as well as overall vascular function. Specifically, Ca2+ channels impact VSMC sensing and response to mechanical stimuli within blood vessels (e.g., changes in blood pressure). As previously noted, microgravity results in fluid shifts within the human body and disrupted hemodynamics. Additionally, microgravity has been reported to affect mechanotransduction in several cell types. As such, calcium signaling may play an important role in VSMC function in microgravity.

As an example of this, Dabertrand et al. (2012) reported that RyR (ryanodine receptor) protein expression and RyR1 gene expression were decreased in hepatic portal vein VSMCs from rodents after 8 days in spaceflight. Ryanodine receptors are Ca2+ channels in VSMCs involved in vasoconstriction (Berridge, 2008). They also show a corresponding decrease in RyR1 protein and gene expression in VSMCs from rodents after 8 days of HU (Dabertrand et al., 2012). Based on their results, they suggest that VSMCs can adapt Ca2+ signaling pathways to microgravity. In a related study, it was indicated that HU decreases [3H]ryanodine binding in portal vein VSMCs (Morel et al., 1997). Meanwhile, Xue et al. reported increased L-type Ca2+ channel density and protein expression in cerebral artery VSMCs from HU rodents, with a corresponding decrease of these measures in mesenteric artery VSMCs (Xue et al., 2007). Recent data from Liu et al. (2021) also assessed Ca2+ channel changes in cerebral artery VSMCs from 3-week HU rodents. Their results show an increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ and a decrease in mitochondrial/sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+. Additionally, they saw decreased current densities and open probabilities of Kv (voltage-gated) channels and increases in these measures for BKCa (Ca2+-activated) channels, which control K+ homeostasis (Guéguinou et al., 2014). Treatment with mitochondrial antioxidant mitoTEMPO helped restore VSMC Ca2+ distribution, highlighting the potential for interventions to mitigate these effects of microgravity (Liu et al., 2021). Xue et al. (2011) have also demonstrated alterations in calcium channels with a 28-day HU rodent study. They saw an increase in sarcoplasmic reticulum CaL channel and ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ release functions in cerebral artery VSMCs, and the opposite effect in small mesenteric artery VSMCs (Xue et al., 2011). These alterations were no longer present at both 3 days and 7 days after cessation of hindlimb unloading. Another study reported the role of the Cav3.1 t-type calcium channel in the dedifferentiation of VSMCs in HU-simulated microgravity, signaling via the calcineurin/NFATc3 pathway (B. Zhang et al., 2020).

In an experiment evaluating cerebral arteries from mice exposed to 30 days of spaceflight, it was demonstrated that vasoconstriction via the voltage-gated Ca2+ mechanism and thromboxane A2 receptors was reduced.(Sofronova et al., 2015) Another spaceflight experiment evaluating mouse mesenteric arteries across several missions (13 days, 15 days) also saw a diminished vasoconstriction response when subjected to norepinephrine, KCl, or caffeine. The researchers also noted downregulation of arterial ryanodine receptor-3 mRNA expression, though that was for total mRNA as VSMCs were not isolated from arteries for characterizations (Behnke et al., 2013). Locatelli et al. highlight in their recent review that elevated resting cytosolic Ca2+ is a marker of dedifferentiated VSMCs; as such, this may be related to the phenotypic shifts from contractile to synthetic described previously (Locatelli et al., 2022).


Although this review focuses on the effects of microgravity and its experimental analogs, it is also important to note the effects of space radiation. Radiation impacts the cardiovascular system and its constituent cell types in a myriad of ways, as reviews focused on radiation have noted (Davis et al., 2021; Patel, 2020). For instance, radiation has been reported to affect SMC migration, proliferation, phenotype, and Ca2+ ion sensitivity (Heckenkamp et al., 2004; Soloviev et al., 2005). Furthermore, these additional impacts of irradiation on SMCs might contribute toward differences seen in data between actual spaceflight and simulated models, as well as between in vivo and in vitro experiments. Locatelli et al. (2022), in their review, highlight the differences between the HU model and actual spaceflight data, suggesting that various extraterrestrial factors not always considered in simulated microgravity experiments – such as radiation – may play a role in this disparity. While not the direct focus of the current review, Soloviev and Kizub (2019) provide a recent review of the effects of ionizing radiation on both SMCs and ECs, as well as their intercellular interactions. As noted, certain key aspects of SMC function are mediated by EC communication, and thus monoculture in vitro SMC experiments may not capture the effects seen in coculture in vitro and in vivo studies. For example, Soloviev and Kizub note the impact of ionizing radiation on EC production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the relevant responses by SMCs.

Soucy et al. (2011) demonstrated the effect of 56Fe ion radiation in a murine model, noting the increase in ROS and decrease in nitric oxide in the aorta. Importantly, sex-based differences have been reported in ROS production, both for basal and irradiated (rodent) SMCs (Malorni et al., 2008). As many of the studies included in this review either do not report or do not consider sex as a biological variable (e.g., only male animals used), this represents a potential gap in the existing literature. This is particularly relevant given the cell signaling and physiological differences between the sexes (Allen et al., 2023).

Furthermore, microgravity and radiation may have a synergistic effect on the disruption of the vasculature. Data from Ghosh et al. regarding HU experiments paired with total body irradiation indicate that microgravity and radiation have a combined effect on vasodilatory impairment (Ghosh et al., 2016). A recent review also notes the potential interaction of microgravity and radiation effects, focusing on ROS, DNA repair mechanisms, and regulation of gene and protein expression in general (Yatagai et al., 2019). As such, it may be prudent in future experiments, assuming the goal is not to isolate the impact of microgravity alone, also to consider radiation effects to represent the physiological situation in actual spaceflight more holistically.


Microgravity has demonstrated a number of significant effects on VSMC expression and function. In particular, existing literature provides data supporting the impacts of microgravity on VSMC phenotype switching as well as the modulation of several major signaling pathways relevant to VSMCs (e.g., RAAS, NOS, and Ca2+ channels). These previous reports on VSMCs in microgravity utilize a number of different methods and experimental designs. As seen from Table 1, the most common among these appears to be the rodent HU model. For the purpose of assessing VSMCs in simulated microgravity, this model has the benefit of including EC support and intercellular interactions with the VSMCs being evaluated. However, there is a relative dearth of spaceflight and monoculture VSMC research to isolate cell-specific responses to microgravity and validate existing data against true spaceflight as the gold standard.

Furthermore, despite existing literature on the sex-based differences in several of the key aspects of VSMC function, there is very little reporting of sample population sex. Specifically, of the VSMC microgravity literature summarized in Table 1, only 2 (10%) use female-only samples, while 14 (70%) use male-only samples, and 4 (20%) are Not Specified. This is particularly important given the established differences in the vasculature, vascular cells, and overall cardiovascular health outside the context of microgravity.

Additional study of true spaceflight effects and the consideration of sex-based differences would help shed additional light on key aspects of VSMC responses to microgravity and the spaceflight environment. Isolating cell types for characterizations (i.e. separation of VSMCs and ECs together prior to collection of mRNA) could help elucidate cell-specific responses to microgravity. Furthermore, it would be valuable to determine the specific impact of other aspects of spaceflight (e.g., various types of cosmic radiation, long-term isolation) and their interaction with the effects of microgravity. This, in turn, would provide valuable information for human health considerations and potential interventions or mediators of pathological developments from exposure to long-term spaceflight.

Częstotliwość wydawania:
2 razy w roku
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Life Sciences, other, Materials Sciences, Physics