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Strategic Conceptual Theories and Sustainable Cooperation Among Stakeholders in E-government, E-participation, and Social Media


Fig. 1

Strategic Diagram 2015–2020 period in SciMAT software.
Strategic Diagram 2015–2020 period in SciMAT software.

Fig. 2

Density visualization map on the three main topics in VosViewer in E-government and social media. Weight: Link.
Density visualization map on the three main topics in VosViewer in E-government and social media. Weight: Link.

Fig. 3

Density visualization map on the three main topics in VosViewer in E-participation. Weight: Link.
Density visualization map on the three main topics in VosViewer in E-participation. Weight: Link.

Fig. 4

Citation network with CitNetExplorer software in e-government.
Citation network with CitNetExplorer software in e-government.

Fig. 5

Citation network with CitNetExplorer software in e-participation.
Citation network with CitNetExplorer software in e-participation.

Fig. 6

Citation network with CitNetExplorer software in Social media related to e-government.
Citation network with CitNetExplorer software in Social media related to e-government.

Fig. 7

Bibliographic coupling author's visualization map on e-government (Weight: Total Link strength).
Bibliographic coupling author's visualization map on e-government (Weight: Total Link strength).

Fig. 8

Bibliographic coupling author's visualization map on e-participation (Weight: Total Link strength).
Bibliographic coupling author's visualization map on e-participation (Weight: Total Link strength).

Fig. 9

Bibliographic coupling author's visualization map on E-government and social media (Weight: Total Link strength).
Bibliographic coupling author's visualization map on E-government and social media (Weight: Total Link strength).

Fig. 10

Co-citation authors visualization map on e-government. (Weight: Total Link strength).
Co-citation authors visualization map on e-government. (Weight: Total Link strength).

Fig. 11

Co-citation authors visualization map on e-participation. (Weight: Total Link strength).
Co-citation authors visualization map on e-participation. (Weight: Total Link strength).

Fig. 12

Co-citation author's visualization map on e-government and social media. (Weight: Total Link strength).
Co-citation author's visualization map on e-government and social media. (Weight: Total Link strength).

Top 10 journals by nº of articles.

E-government E-participation Social media and e-government
Journal Nº art* H-index** Q*** Journal Nº art H-index Q Journal Nº art H-index Q
Government Information Quarterly 290 94 Q1 Government Information Quarterly 28 94 Q1 Government Information Quarterly 45 94 Q1
International Journal of Electronic Government Research 164 28 Q2 Transforming Government People Process and Policy 18 35 Q2 International Journal of Public Administration in The Digital Age 16 1 --
Transforming Government People Process and Policy 126 35 Q2 International Journal of E Planning Research 17 4 Q2 Transforming Government People Process and Policy 16 35 Q2
International Journal of Public Administration in The Digital Age 63 1 -- International Journal of Electronic Government Research 12 28 Q2 Public Management Review 9 60 Q1
International Journal of Public Administration 48 41 Q2 Journal of Information Technology Politics 9 37 Q2 Policy and Internet 6 20 Q1
Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 44 15 Q3 International Journal of Public Administration 8 41 Q2 International Journal of Electronic Government Research 6 28 Q2
International Journal of Information Management 34 99 Q1 International Journal of E Politics 8 - -- International Journal of Public Sector Management 5 53 Q1
Public Administration Review 30 130 Q1 Policy and Internet 6 20 Q1 International Journal of Public Administration 4 41 Q2
Information Development 24 22 Q3 Public Management Review 5 60 Q1 Information Polity 4 34 Q2
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 23 9 Q4 International Review of Administrative Sciences 4 49 Q4 Administration and Society 3 57 Q3

Data collection method.

Retrieval database: Web of Science Core Collection
Retrieval mode: Advanced search
Boolean Logic model: TS= e-governmentTS= e-participationTS= (“social media” AND e-government)
Retrieval time span: 1900–2020
Languages: All
Type of document: Article and reviewExclude: Early access
Data updated to February 2020

Steps of bibliometric analysis.

1. Gather information from the Web of Science database.
2. Pre-processing. Unify elements and clean the database. Part of the process consists of unifying duplicates, authority control, set periods of analysis. Not all software allows you to do this pre-processing of the data. It would need several iterations of searches in WoS with Boolean operators to reduce the search to specific articles on the topic.
3. Choose normalization and visualization measure: In Scimat the Equivalence index is used by the software's author recommendation. In Citespace, we used Cosine as link strength as a default setting. In VOSViewer we used total link strength because it depicts better the relevancy of the units studied for our research purposes.
4. Extraction of the specific network (co-occurrence of words, authors, countries, organizations; bibliographic coupling of authors references; co-citation of authors and reviews)
5. Analysis and interpretation of data: discover thematic network and evolution of term over the time.

Top 10 organization affiliation of authors by nº of articles.

E-government E-participation Social media and e-government
Organization Nº art Organization Nº art Organization Nº art
Brunel University 87 University of Zaragoza 10 Arizona State University 9
Delft University of Technology 68 Brunel University 8 University System of Maryland 9
University of Maryland 52 University of Ljubljana 8 University of Maryland College Park 8
State University Of New York (Suny) Albany 50 State University Of New York (Suny) Albany 7 University of Texas At San Antonio Utsa 7
University Electronics Sci Technology China 48 University of Granada 7 University of Texas System 7
National University Singapore 46 Austrian Academy of Science 6 Centro De Investigación Y Docencia Económicas A C CIDE 6
University Twente 42 Orebro University 6 University of Zaragoza 6
Swansea University 43 University of California System 6 State University System of Florida 6
Universidad De Granada 42 Copenhagen Business School 5 University of Granada 6
Universidad Texas San Antonio 39 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft 5 State University Of New York (Suny) Albany 5

Top 10 authors by nº of articles.

E-government E-participation Social media and e-government
Author Nº art* H-Index** Author Nº art H-Index Author Nº art H-Index
Weerakkody, Vishanth. 37 25 Royo, Sonia 7 12 Jaeger, Paul T. 7 29
Janssen, Marijn. 35 29 Aichholzer, Georg 6 5 Royo, Sonia 6 12
Dwivedi, Yogesh K. 32 52 Zheng, Yueping 5 7 Reddick, Christopher G. 6 20
Irani, Zahir. 25 42 Rodriguez Bolivar, Manuel Pedro 5 18 Bonson, Enrique 5 10
Reddick, Christopher G. 25 20 Oliveira, Tiago 4 23 Bertot, John Carlo 5 23
Jaeger, Paul T. 24 29 Sampaio, RC 4 3 Feeney, Mary K. 5 19
Bannister, Frank. 19 11 Yetano, Ana 4 9 Rodriguez Bolivar, Manuel Pedro 5 18
Bertot, John Carlo. 18 23 Lee, Jooho 4 7 Sandoval-Almazan, Rodrigo 4 7
Rodriguez Bolivar, Manuel Pedro. 18 18 Alcaide Munoz, Laura 4 0*** Ramon Gil-Garcia, J. 4 3
Rana, Nripendra P. 17 28 Vogt, S 4 22 Ingrams, A 4 5

Clusters for citation network in CitNetExplorer Software.

E-government E-participation Social Media
Group 1 Blue Top 10 publication by citation score and intermediate publications Top 10 publication by citation score and intermediate publications Top 10 publication by citation score and intermediate publications
Group 2 Green Social Media Citizen Participation Data
Group 3 Purple E-Participation Social Media Twitter
Group 4 Orange Adoption E-Democracy Facebook
Group 5 Yellow Validation Local Local
Group 6 Brown Satisfaction Trust Transparency

Theories' Analysis in SciMAT.

e-government e-participation Social media
Periods Name Nº of Documents
Before 2009 1321 47 0
2009–2014 2116 176 67
2015–2020 1764 230 212
TOTAL* 5201 453 279
Unit of analysis: Words (Author's words, source's words, and added words)
Data reduction (frequency): 4 2 2
Kind of matrix: co-occurrence
Network reduction: 3 1 1
Normalization method: Equivalence index
Clustering algorithm: Simple centers algorithm (Max network size: 12 Min 3)
Document mapper: Union mapper
Quality measures: H-index and Sum citation
Longitudinal map-evolution map: Inclusion index
Longitudinal map-Overlapping map: Jaccard's index:

Bibliographic coupling of authors parameters in VOSviewer.

E-government E-participation Social Media
Counting method Fractional counting
Reduction method Ignore documents with more than 25 authors
ThresholdMin doc. per author 10 3 2:
ThresholdMin cit. per author 10 3 2
Selected units 39 36 58
Network visualization weight method Total link strength

Co-citation of authors parameters in VOSviewer.

E-government E-participation Social Media
Counting method Fractional counting
ThresholdMin nº citation per author 138 30 20
Selected units 100 33 76
Network visualization weight method Total link strength