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Impact of Public Transportation on European Countries’ Development: a Spatial Perspective


Figure 1.

Standard Deviation Map Display for Public Transport and Development
Standard Deviation Map Display for Public Transport and Development

Figure 2.

Local Spatial Autocorrelation for Development
Local Spatial Autocorrelation for Development

Figure 3.

Bivariate Spatial Autocorrelation for Public Transport and Development
Bivariate Spatial Autocorrelation for Public Transport and Development

Appendix 1.

Moran's I Pseudo P-Value for Development
Moran's I Pseudo P-Value for Development

Appendix 2.

Bivariate Moran's I Pseudo P-Value for Public Transport and Development
Bivariate Moran's I Pseudo P-Value for Public Transport and Development

Multiple OLS Regression Between Public Transport and Development

Variables Log GDP/Cap
Transport 0.0731**
C 7.6408***
Greenhouse 0.1220***
Education 0.116*
Attractiveness 0.2936
Log Roads 0.1747*
Adjusted R-Squared 0.43
F-Statistic 4.98***
Multicollinearity 17.99
N 27

Diagnostics for Spatial Dependence

Diagnostics for Spatial Dependence Log GDP/Cap
Moran's I (errors) 1.3554
Prob (0.17)
Lagrange Multiplier (lag) 1.5050
Prob (0.21)
Robust LM (lag) 6.3663
Prob (0.11)
Lagrange Multiplier (errors) 0.1421
Prob (0.71)
Robust LM (errors) 5.0035
Prob (0.02)
Lagrange Multiplier (SARMA) 6.5084
Prob (0.03)

Descriptive Statistics

Variables GDP/Cap Transport Sustainability Education Attractiveness Log Roads
Mean 4.41 13.13 7.92 57.24 0.18 1.97
Median 4.37 12.9 7.3 53.6 0 1.98
Standard Error 0.05 0.71 0.51 3.41 0.08 0.13
Standard Deviation 0.26 3.68 2.64 17.7 0.39 0.67
Skewness 0.41 0.34 1.62 0.56 1.72 −0.61
Kurtosis −0.33 0.17 4.17 0.96 1.02 0.24
N 27 27 27 27 27 27

SARMA Regression Model Between Public Transport and Development

Variables Log GDP/Cap
Transport 0.0087***
C −4.5844
Greenhouse 0.0925***
Attractiveness 0.1129
Education 0.0011
Log Roads 0.1809**
Weighted Dependent Var. 1.2699***
Lambda −1.0000
Pseudo R-Squared 0.58
N 27

Variables Description

Variable Alias Variable Name Description
Log GDP/Cap Development Economic development is the endogenous variable of the study, and it's represented by a country's logged GDP/cap value
Transport Public Transportation Public transportation represents the exogenous variable of the study and was calculated as total volume of km travelled by road and rail transportation by the average citizen of the country in the year of reference
Greenhouse Sustainability Used as a control variable for sustainability, the greenhouse variable represents the total CO2 emissions per capita
Education Education A proxy variable was used to represent education, namely the graduates in tertiary education by age groups per 1000 of population between the ages of 20 and 29
Attractiveness Country Attractivity Attractivity of the country is a dummy variable that takes the value 1 for the 5 most attractive countries in the EU in terms of investments
Log Roads Infrastructure As a proxy to represent a country's infrastructure, the logged value of the total km of roads was used


Variables GDP/Cap Transport Sustainability Education Attractiveness Log Roads
GDP/Cap 1 0.265306 0.678325 0.050464 0.345262 −0.11932
Transport 0.265306 1 0.215899 −0.44597 0.054979 −0.75423
Sustainability 0.678325 0.215899 1 −0.17053 0.246438 −0.23339
Education 0.050464 −0.44597 −0.17053 1 −0.1022 0.437435
Attractiveness 0.345262 0.054979 0.246438 −0.1022 1 0.005346
Log Roads −0.11932 −0.75423 −0.23339 0.437435 0.005346 1

Spatial Weight Matrix Discrimination

Weight Matrix type Moran's I Pseudo P-Value Moran
W1010km 0.318 0.004
W1250km 0.209 0.006
W2nearest 0.699 0.001
W4nearest 0.536 0.001
W5nearest 0.487 0.001