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Identity and Private Transfers of Time and Money


Estimates of the Impact of Geographical Proximity Between Donors and Recipients on Private Transfers Using Panel Data With Unobserved Individual Effects

(1) (1a) (1b) (1c) (2)
Time Transfer Household Help Personal Care Paperwork Help Money Transfer
Extensive Margin
Geographical proximity (ref.: same building)
< 1 km 3.75e-05 −0.00859* −0.0612*** −0.0767** 0.000398
(4.03e-05) (0.00207) (0.00455) (0.0154) (0.000447)
1 to 5 km 8.39e-05 −0.0614*** −0.0453*** 0.00707 0.000167
(9.30e-05) (0.00375) (0.00190) (0.0172) (0.000181)
5 to 25 km 6.22e-05 −0.0622** −0.0507** −0.00752 0.000194
(4.87e-05) (0.0119) (0.00589) (0.0152) (0.000196)
25 to 100 km 9.99e-05 −0.0813* −0.0477** −0.00343 9.21e-05
(7.75e-05) (0.0218) (0.0108) (0.00251) (0.000102)
100 to 500 km −0.00121 −0.0901** −0.0572* 0.0228 −0.00232
(0.00116) (0.0173) (0.0163) (0.0178) (0.00251)
> 500 km 0.000157 −0.0976** −0.0186 −0.0582** 0.000219
(0.000140) (0.0192) (0.0563) (0.00848) (0.000242)
Observations 17,594 11,132 11,132 11,132 5,247
R-squared 0.004 0.058 0.154 0.149 0.010
Number of waves 5 3 3 3 5
Intensive Margin
Geographical proximity (ref.: < 1 km or the same building)
1 to 5 km 0.157 0.277 −0.123** −0.306** 0.0600
(0.0497) (0.111) (0.00968) (0.0190) (0.0213)
5 to 25 km 0.0304 0.127 −0.149 −0.413* −0.0677
(0.0986) (0.139) (0.335) (0.0477) (0.0476)
25 to 100 km −0.196* −0.0425 −0.207 −0.784 −0.111
(0.0193) (0.0732) (0.156) (0.145) (0.0579)
100 to 500 km −0.335* −0.232 0.210 −1.128*** 0.0732
(0.0418) (0.0506) (0.0888) (0.0173) (0.0729)
> 500 km −0.233 0.0261 0.383 −1.577 0.0358
(0.415) (0.590) (1.588) (0.268) (0.207)
Observations 6,249 5,302 672 1,935 1,538
R-squared 0.224 0.264 0.224 0.318 0.375
Number of waves 2 2 2 2 2
IV Yes yes yes yes yes
Controls Yes yes yes yes yes

Effects on Private Transfers (Extensive Margin) From Children Using Cross-sectional Data, by Recipients’ Age Groups

50–59 60–69 70–79 80+
Time Transfer Money Transfer Time Transfer Money Transfer Time Transfer Money transfer Time Transfer Money Transfer
Donor is a confidant 0.0221 −0.00435 0.0454* −0.00542 0.138*** −0.0389*** −0.000411 −0.00410
(0.0436) (0.0294) (0.0266) (0.0163) (0.0527) (0.0105) (0.0464) (0.0285)
Donor is a stepchild −0.00190 0.0203* 0.00105 −0.0131** −0.0137 −0.0144 −0.0433* −0.0432**
(0.0174) (0.0117) (0.00879) (0.00644) (0.0143) (0.00932) (0.0238) (0.0170)
Geographical proximity (ref: same building)
< 1 km −0.000955 0.00888 0.0104 0.00333 0.00999 0.00247 −0.00920 0.0116
(0.0515) (0.00883) (0.0304) (0.0228) (0.0414) (0.0236) (0.0666) (0.0154)
1 to 5 km 0.00670 0.0382** −0.0277 −0.00794 −0.0123 8.69e−05 −0.0104 0.0163
(0.0498) (0.0157) (0.0268) (0.0210) (0.0387) (0.0229) (0.0614) (0.0226)
5 to 25 km 0.0121 0.0243* −0.0306 −0.0256 −0.0165 −0.00380 0.0326 0.00396
(0.0498) (0.0134) (0.0269) (0.0202) (0.0387) (0.0233) (0.0641) (0.0151)
25 to 100 km 0.00476 0.0189* −0.0178 −0.00488 −0.0286 −6.07e−05 0.000879 0.0219
(0.0486) (0.0105) (0.0274) (0.0216) (0.0375) (0.0237) (0.0656) (0.0178)
100 to 500 km 0.000178 0.0429*** −0.0488* 0.00721 −0.0419 0.0142 −0.0373 0.0191
(0.0491) (0.0165) (0.0269) (0.0233) (0.0376) (0.0252) (0.0649) (0.0225)
> 500 km −0.0139 0.0414** −0.0513* −0.00440 −0.0363 0.0201 −0.0366 0.0354
(0.0474) (0.0191) (0.0266) (0.0217) (0.0370) (0.0252) (0.0624) (0.0244)
Contact (ref.: daily)
Several times a week −0.0175 0.0132 −0.00526 −0.0182* −0.0170 −0.00775 −0.00790 −0.0169
(0.0197) (0.0121) (0.0129) (0.00999) (0.0177) (0.0126) (0.0297) (0.0142)
Once a week −0.0252 −0.00401 −0.00120 −0.00423 −0.0320* −0.0106 −0.0514* −0.0102
(0.0217) (0.0128) (0.0140) (0.0116) (0.0173) (0.0131) (0.0298) (0.0181)
Every two weeks −0.0491** 0.00816 −0.0243* −0.00913 −0.0451** −0.0106 −0.0936*** 0.0534
(0.0205) (0.0203) (0.0139) (0.0139) (0.0192) (0.0170) (0.0317) (0.0329)
Once a month −0.0463** −0.0122 −0.0346*** −0.0106 −0.0428** −0.0182 −0.114*** −0.0185
(0.0233) (0.0143) (0.0129) (0.0143) (0.0206) (0.0174) (0.0311) (0.0169)
Less than once a month −0.0663*** −0.0324** −0.0285** −0.0373*** −0.0613*** −0.0222 −0.0941*** 0.00629
(0.0192) (0.0135) (0.0135) (0.0109) (0.0189) (0.0160) (0.0294) (0.0283)
Never −0.0784*** −0.0358** −0.0427*** −0.0414*** −0.0409** −0.0320** −0.120*** −0.0218
(0.0232) (0.0150) (0.0132) (0.0125) (0.0188) (0.0137) (0.0337) (0.0189)
Observations 1,122 1,122 2,432 2,432 1,882 1,882 791 791
R-squared 0.076 0.073 0.070 0.058 0.121 0.058 0.153 0.125
IV yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Donor's characteristics yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Controls yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Percentage of Transfer Donors With Respect to Selected Characteristics in the Longitudinal and Cross-sectional Research Samples

Longitudinal Respondent Cross-sectional Parent-Child Cross-sectional Respondent-Confidant
Time Money Time Money Time Money
Geographical proximity to donor
< 1 km 1.92 0.75 1.92 0.75 50.24 16.47
1 – 5 km 48.29 19.42 48.29 19.42 17.63 17.50
5 – 25 km 17.63 19.05 17.63 19.05 18.16 22.99
25 – 100 km 18.18 23.24 18.18 23.24 8.66 18.00
100 – 500 km 8.71 16.18 8.71 16.18 4.32 17.66
> 500 km 5.28 21.36 5.28 21.36 0.99 8.13
Contact with donor
Daily 44.13 40.81 10.06 4.94 11.25 5.67
Several times a week 33.69 31.63 19.10 13.18 33.55 14.57
Once a week 15.05 17.24 23.48 17.13 22.26 19.84
Every two weeks 4.36 5.72 24.19 19.77 20.96 24.70
Once a month 2.07 3.51 13.68 13.84 7.48 16.60
Less than once a month 0.65 0.96 7.42 16.14 3.30 13.36
Never 0.06 0.13 2.06 14.99 1.21 5.26
Observations 19,182 4,790 1,550 607 2,152 247

Effects on Private Transfers (Extensive Margin) From Children Using Cross-sectional Data, by Recipients’ Country Group

West North South Centre
Time Transfer Money Transfer Time Transfer Money Transfer Time Transfer Money transfer Time Transfer Money Transfer
Donor is a confidant 0.0259 0.00484 0.00168 0.0368 0.0839 −0.00890 0.112** −0.0405**
(0.0289) (0.0177) (0.0276) (0.0282) (0.0531) (0.00699) (0.0458) (0.0177)
Donor is a stepchild 0.0156 −0.000336 −0.00581 −0.00711 0.0122 −0.0211** −0.0274* −0.0241**
(0.0104) (0.00695) (0.0105) (0.00819) (0.0227) (0.00854) (0.0159) (0.0117)
Geographical proximity (ref: same building)
< 1 km −0.0863* −0.0406 0.0989*** 0.0371 −0.00404 0.00516 0.0595 0.0111
(0.0471) (0.0401) (0.0372) (0.0271) (0.0342) (0.00690) (0.0372) (0.0242)
1 to 5 km −0.0609 −0.0341 0.0602*** 0.0165 −0.0458 0.0163* 0.0236 0.00804
(0.0465) (0.0400) (0.0196) (0.0154) (0.0327) (0.00934) (0.0335) (0.0229)
5 to 25 km −0.0800* −0.0503 0.0982*** 0.0157 −0.0411 0.00870 0.0259 −0.00662
(0.0458) (0.0394) (0.0244) (0.0170) (0.0332) (0.00653) (0.0328) (0.0217)
25 to 100 km −0.0890* −0.0336 0.106*** 0.0175 −0.0490 0.0146 0.0190 0.00129
(0.0455) (0.0400) (0.0274) (0.0162) (0.0323) (0.0106) (0.0324) (0.0231)
100 to 500 km −0.103** −0.0439 0.0688*** 0.0191 −0.0551* 0.00742 0.000325 0.0465*
(0.0458) (0.0403) (0.0223) (0.0188) (0.0322) (0.0116) (0.0322) (0.0255)
> 500 km −0.100** −0.0387 0.0707*** 0.0238 −0.0694** 0.0187* −0.0146 0.0356
(0.0459) (0.0402) (0.0227) (0.0219) (0.0305) (0.0105) (0.0323) (0.0278)
Contact (ref.: daily)
Several times a week 0.00451 −0.0209 −0.0155 −0.0155 −0.00301 −0.00526 −0.0233 −0.00599
(0.0135) (0.0133) (0.0349) (0.0161) (0.0125) (0.00767) (0.0198) (0.0152)
Once a week 0.0151 −0.00941 −0.0534 −0.00546 0.000370 −6.94e-05 −0.0505** −0.0206
(0.0136) (0.0145) (0.0332) (0.0167) (0.0146) (0.00972) (0.0200) (0.0162)
Every two weeks −0.0161 −0.0154 −0.0608* 0.0348 −0.0189 0.0268 −0.0862*** −0.0281
(0.0135) (0.0149) (0.0335) (0.0223) (0.0178) (0.0248) (0.0208) (0.0204)
Once a month −0.0120 −0.00991 −0.0685** −0.0122 0.000937 0.00500 −0.0961*** −0.0370*
(0.0139) (0.0157) (0.0329) (0.0167) (0.0247) (0.0197) (0.0201) (0.0189)
Less than once a month −0.0252** −0.0260* −0.0577* −0.00665 −0.0207 −0.00765 −0.0900*** −0.0501***
(0.0120) (0.0135) (0.0336) (0.0185) (0.0152) (0.00821) (0.0203) (0.0188)
Never −0.0316*** −0.0280** −0.0629* −0.0115 −0.0149 0.00153 −0.121*** −0.0607***
(0.0119) (0.0133) (0.0330) (0.0170) (0.0240) (0.0124) (0.0220) (0.0159)
Observations 2,000 2,000 1,216 1,216 1,321 1,321 1,690 1,690
R-squared 0.058 0.032 0.087 0.050 0.125 0.073 0.111 0.064
IV yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Controls yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Estimates of the Impact of Genetic Proximity Between Donors and Recipients on Private Transfers Using Panel Data With Unobserved Individual Effects

(1) (1a) (1b) (1c) (2)
Time Transfer Household Help Personal Care Paperwork Help Money Transfer
Extensive Margin
Genetic proximity (ref.: own child)
Parents −5.52e-06 −0.0347** 0.145*** 0.00710 −0.0285
(6.43e-05) (0.00801) (0.0113) (0.00300) (0.0222)
Siblings −1.27e-05 −0.0156 0.00893 −0.120** −0.0232
(3.58e-05) (0.0145) (0.00329) (0.0180) (0.0174)
Parents-in-law −0.00308 −0.00588 0.0907** −0.0203 −0.0230
(0.00318) (0.0389) (0.0161) (0.0150) (0.0147)
Children-in-law −4.01e-06 0.0157 0.00383 −0.122** −0.0111
(1.24e-05) (0.0128) (0.0118) (0.0135) (0.00866)
Grandchildren 2.30e-05 0.0257 0.00287 −0.158*** 0.00302
(5.54e-05) (0.0117) (0.00825) (0.00541) (0.00625)
Other relatives −0.000602 −0.00165 −0.00867 −0.144** −0.0245
(0.000662) (0.00397) (0.00523) (0.0163) (0.0194)
Friends −0.000357 0.0153 −0.00703 −0.134** −0.00235
(0.000386) (0.00763) (0.00259) (0.0228) (0.00387)
Neighbours −4.17e-05 0.0804** −0.0242** −0.232*** −0.000738
(4.09e-05) (0.0134) (0.00278) (0.0149) (0.0178)
Other unrelated −1.36e-05 −0.0854*** 0.0571 −0.0976 −0.0178
(3.39e-05) (0.00350) (0.0297) (0.0366) (0.0131)
Observations 44,789 23,953 23,953 23,953 13,232
R-squared 0.005 0.049 0.203 0.152 0.055
Number of waves 5 3 3 3 5
Intensive Margin
Genetic proximity (ref.: own child)
Parents 0.522 0.536 0.510 0.977** 0.540**
(0.207) (0.210) (0.336) (0.0707) (0.0338)
Siblings −0.361* −0.410 −0.137 −0.699 0.124
(0.0445) (0.0931) (0.0703) (0.219) (0.140)
Parents-in-law 0.615 0.461* 0.910* 1.473 0.523*
(0.170) (0.0448) (0.106) (0.993) (0.0525)
Children-in-law −0.425*** −0.435** −0.144 −0.555** 0.437
(0.00506) (0.0171) (0.0640) (0.0334) (0.178)
Grandchildren −0.279 −0.424 −0.208 −0.300 −0.318
(0.112) (0.131) (0.0406) (0.305) (0.0681)
Other relatives −0.510 −0.593 −0.533 −0.683** 0.448**
(0.104) (0.149) (0.668) (0.0212) (0.0128)
Friends −0.616* −0.597 −0.610 −0.909 −0.214
(0.0901) (0.119) (0.332) (0.151) (0.340)
Neighbours −0.848** −1.019*** −1.315 −0.560** −0.0553
(0.0148) (0.0141) (0.514) (0.0347) (0.323)
Other unrelated −0.311* −0.0481 0.158 −0.963 0.118
(0.0296) (0.0454) (0.330) (0.229) (0.322)
Observations 10,454 8,684 1,143 3,118 2,336
R-squared 0.245 0.284 0.248 0.373 0.333
Number of waves 2 2 2 2 2
IV yes yes yes yes yes
Controls yes yes yes yes yes

Effects on Private Transfers (Extensive Margin) From Children Using Cross-sectional Data

Time Transfer Money Transfer
Child's education (ref. none)
ISCED 1 0.0520*** (0.0171) −0.0256 (0.0209)
ISCED 2 0.0585*** (0.0120) −0.0206 (0.0206)
ISCED 3 0.0434*** (0.00995) −0.0285 (0.0205)
ISCED 4 0.0503*** (0.0156) −0.0397* (0.0207)
ISCED 5 0.0411*** (0.0104) −0.0115 (0.0209)
ISCED 6 0.0381** (0.0175) −0.0330 (0.0240)
Child is not single −0.00476 (0.00778) −0.00383 (0.00756)
Child works −0.0103 (0.00735) 0.0127*** (0.00426)
Observations 6,227 6,227
R-squared 0.058 0.030
IV yes yes yes yes
Child is a confidant yes yes yes yes
Child is a stepchild yes yes yes yes
Geographical proximity yes yes yes yes
Emotional proximity yes yes yes yes
Contact yes yes yes yes
Controls yes yes yes yes

Effects on Private Transfers (Extensive Margin) Received From Confidants and From Children Using Cross-sectional Data

Confidants Children
Time Transfer Money Transfer Time Transfer Money Transfer
Donor is a confidant - - 0.0536*** −0.00686
- - (0.0199) (0.00967)
Donor is a stepchild - - −0.00378 −0.0102**
- - (0.00644) (0.00456)
Geographical proximity (ref: same building)
< 1 km −0.0187** −0.00224 0.000946 0.000509
(0.00908) (0.00244) (0.0214) (0.0127)
1 to 5 km −0.0326*** −0.00161 −0.0219 0.00249
(0.00916) (0.00265) (0.0200) (0.0123)
5 to 25 km −0.0430*** −0.00119 −0.0194 −0.00968
(0.00908) (0.00270) (0.0200) (0.0119)
25 to 100 km −0.0577*** −0.00316 −0.0231 0.000538
(0.00925) (0.00280) (0.0199) (0.0124)
100 to 500 km −0.0730*** 0.00106 −0.0419** 0.0123
(0.00928) (0.00327) (0.0196) (0.0133)
> 500 km −0.0684*** −0.000851 −0.0457** 0.0105
(0.00955) (0.00382) (0.0194) (0.0132)
Emotional proximity (ref: not very close)
Somewhat close 0.00183 −0.00124 - -
(0.0105) (0.00262) - -
Very close 0.0173* 0.00101 - -
(0.0104) (0.00266) - -
Extremely close 0.0386*** 0.00861*** - -
(0.0109) (0.00305) - -
Contact (ref.: daily)
Several times a week - - −0.00932 −0.0110*
- - (0.00883) (0.00603)
Once a week - - −0.0207** −0.00850
- - (0.00898) (0.00681)
Every two weeks - - −0.0426*** 0.000263
- - (0.00916) (0.00913)
Once a month - - −0.0469*** −0.0158*
- - (0.00932) (0.00811)
Less than once a month - - −0.0523*** −0.0253***
- - (0.00882) (0.00736)
Never - - −0.0666*** −0.0329***
- - (0.00895) (0.00657)
Observations 28,156 28,156 6,227 6,227
R-squared 0.064 0.009 0.058 0.030
IV yes yes yes yes
Donor's characteristics yes yes yes yes
Controls yes yes yes yes

Effects on Private Transfers (Extensive Margin) Received From Related and Unrelated Confidants Using Cross-sectional Data

Related Confidants Unrelated Confidants
Time Transfer Money Transfer Time Transfer Money Transfer
Genetic proximity
(ref: own child) (ref: neighbour)
Child-in-law 0.0429*** 0.00418
(0.0140) (0.00583)
Cousin 0.00776 0.00605
(0.0112) (0.00555)
Other relative −0.00605 0.00351
(0.0117) (0.00575)
Other unrelated −0.0474*** 0.000698
(0.00764) (0.00120)
Geographical proximity (ref.: same building)
< 1km −0.0395** −0.00423 −0.00726 −0.000437
(0.0169) (0.00627) (0.0104) (0.00141)
1 to 5 km −0.0490*** −0.00672 −0.0230** 0.00160
(0.0165) (0.00598) (0.0105) (0.00188)
5 to 25 km −0.0640*** −0.00552 −0.0321*** 0.00181
(0.0162) (0.00600) (0.0105) (0.00201)
25 to 100 km −0.0873*** −0.00954 −0.0406*** 0.00164
(0.0163) (0.00609) (0.0108) (0.00226)
100 to 500 km −0.106*** −0.00350 −0.0495*** 0.00369
(0.0161) (0.00649) (0.0111) (0.00321)
> 500 km −0.0938*** −0.00373 −0.0538*** −0.000459
Emotional proximity (ref: not very close) (0.0166) (0.00714) (0.0108) (0.00329)
Somewhat close −0.0272 −0.00805 0.00646 0.000134
(0.0262) (0.0126) (0.0112) (0.000562)
Very close −0.0115 −0.00552 0.0198* 0.00242***
(0.0261) (0.0126) (0.0112) (0.000725)
Extremely close 0.00581 0.00365 0.0446*** 0.00792***
(0.0265) (0.0127) (0.0121) (0.00203)
Observations 11,097 11,097 17,057 17,057
R-squared 0.012 0.088 0.009 0.051
IV yes yes yes yes
Donor's characteristics yes yes yes yes
Controls yes yes yes yes

Estimates of the Impact of Genetic Proximity on Private Transfers Using Panel Data With Unobserved Individual Effects by Recipient's Country Groups

West and North South and Centre
Time Transfer Money Transfer Time Transfer Money Transfer
Extensive Margin
Genetic proximity (ref.: own child)
Parents - −0.0305 9.33e-05 −0.0256
- (0.0228) (9.86e-05) (0.0240)
Siblings - −0.0149 4.48e-05 −0.0279
- (0.0143) (8.10e-05) (0.0194)
Parents-in-law - −0.0223 −0.0102 −0.0242
- (0.0144) (0.0100) (0.0176)
Children-in-law - −0.00995 3.82e-05 −0.0136
- (0.0116) (6.93e-05) (0.0133)
Grandchildren - 0.0365 9.67e-05 −0.0257
- (0.0289) (0.000170) (0.0144)
Other relatives - −0.0210 −0.00135 −0.0234
- (0.0241) (0.00147) (0.0373)
Friends - 0.00415 −0.00105 −0.0108
- (0.0176) (0.00118) (0.0125)
Neighbours - 0.0617 −7.96e-07 −0.0602
- (0.0516) (4.03e-05) (0.0403)
Other unrelated - 0.00324 9.54e-05 −0.0422
- (0.00216) (9.95e-05) (0.0325)
Observations 23,571 6,118 20,845 7,015
Number of waves 5 5 5 5
R-squared - 0.038 0.008 0.075
Intensive Margin
Genetic proximity
Parents 0.320 3,400 1.018** −387.3
(0.238) (554.7) (0.0652) (141.3)
Siblings −0.350 432.5 −0.247 −366.8
(0.201) (486.5) (0.223) (170.6)
Parents-in-law 0.458** 3,245 0.973 375.1
(0.0141) (1,577) (0.689) (581.6)
Children-in-law −0.413** 11,130 −0.432* −549.0
(0.0101) (7,390) (0.0533) (117.1)
Grandchildren −0.300 −1,894* −0.243** −444.6
(0.225) (242.4) (0.00674) (120.2)
Other relatives −0.454*** 1,673 −0.589 3,923
(3.20e-05) (529.1) (0.254) (1,140)
Intensive Margin
Genetic proximity
Friends −0.511 −507.1* −1.015* −346.7
(0.145) (59.92) (0.0912) (206.1)
Neighbours −0.805* −526.3 −1.048 −1,609*
(0.102) (129.2) (0.238) (236.4)
Other unrelated −0.403 −535.6 0.00544 69.63
(0.0683) (276.6) (0.432) (484.6)
Observations 6,775 1,215 3,526 1,094
Number of waves 2 0.086 2 0.103
R-squared 0.202 2 0.199 2
IV yes yes yes yes
Controls yes yes yes yes

Country Structure of the Longitudinal and Cross-sectional Research Samples

Longitudinal Cross-sectional Cross-sectional
Respondent Parent-Child Respondent-Confidant
Austria 5.90 4.89 4.85
Belgium 8.88 8.14 8.41
Croatia 0.98 3.71 3.54
Czech Republic 7.53 7.50 7.49
Denmark 5.56 5.52 5.51
Estonia 7.16 8.32 8.51
France 7.70 5.72 5.83
Germany 6.62 6.42 6.27
Greece 4.18 7.18 7.00
Hungary 1.20 0.00 0.00
Israel 3.87 3.15 3.18
Italy 7.31 7.56 7.60
Luxembourg 1.20 2.23 2.20
Poland 2.42 2.77 2.78
Portugal 1.46 2.55 2.54
Slovenia 3.98 6.42 5.58
Spain 7.96 8.13 7.96
Sweden 6.46 5.91 5.91
Switzerland 4.41 3.88 3.83

Descriptive Statistics of the Longitudinal and Cross-sectional Research Samples

Longitudinal Cross sectional Cross sectional
Respondent Parent-Child Respondent-Confidant
Respondent's age (years) 66.13 68.50 67.37
Respondent's number of ADLs 0.24 0.48 0.20
Respondent's number of IADLs 0.42 0.88 0.37
Respondent's extended family size 9.21 9.30 9.07
Time transfers (hours per week) 25.16 - -
Money transfers (euro) 2,621 - -
Female respondents 58.25 66.74 65.28
Respondents living alone 26.96 41.60 33.53
Respondents with non-genetic children 11.46 13.00 12.94
Respondents making ends meet
With great difficulty 11.77 14.31 10.11
With some difficulty 27.52 29.01 24.27
Fairly easily 30.41 29.27 26.90
Easily 30.31 27.41 38.72
Time transfers occurrence 22.07 85.45 28.84
Money transfers occurrence 7.60 30.54 10.79
Observations 434,575 25,475 40,699