
Figure 1

Knowledge about COVID-19 among study participants based on a scoring system. The scoring system was developed and modified based on similar previous studies [14, 15]. To assess the participants’ knowledge, 25 questions were included in the second and third parts of the questionnaire with a Yes or No response. For each correct answer, 1 point was allotted, and no points were deducted for the wrong answer. Knowledge of participants is divided into 3 categories: low (<15 points), average (16–21 points), and high (>21 points). COVID-19, Coronavirus disease.
Knowledge about COVID-19 among study participants based on a scoring system. The scoring system was developed and modified based on similar previous studies [14, 15]. To assess the participants’ knowledge, 25 questions were included in the second and third parts of the questionnaire with a Yes or No response. For each correct answer, 1 point was allotted, and no points were deducted for the wrong answer. Knowledge of participants is divided into 3 categories: low (<15 points), average (16–21 points), and high (>21 points). COVID-19, Coronavirus disease.

Distribution of frequency according to correct responses regarding knowledge about dental practice and COVID-19 transmission

Questions n (%) Total n(%) (n = 650)

UG (n = 430) Interns (n = 100) PG (n = 50) Faculty (n = 70)
Would it be correct to say that special concerns are required to be addressed for patients with recent travel history? 400 (93.0) 85 (85) 42 (84) 60 (86) 587 (90.3)
Can prerinsing patient's mouth with antimicrobial mouthwash or 1% hydrogen peroxide help prevent spread of infection? 300 (69.7) 45 (45) 25 (50) 55 (79) 425 (65.3)
Can patients with COVID-19 spread the infection in dental clinics? 385 (89.5) 75 (75) 39 (78) 65 (93) 564 (86.7)
Are you aware of the U.S. DHHS CDC hand hygiene guidelines? 200 (46.5) 65 (65) 37 (74) 55 (79) 357 (54.9)
Are you aware of the WHO hand hygiene guidelines? 230 (53.4) 63 (63) 32 (64) 52 (74) 377 (58.0)
Do PPE like mouth mask, gloves, gowns, and goggles help prevent the spread of COVID-19? 410 (95.3) 74 (74) 42 (84) 69 (99) 595 (91.5)
Are N-95 or FFP2 masks recommended for dental procedures? 355 (82.5) 67 (67) 35 (70) 56 (80) 513 (78.9)
Can washing hands with soap and water for 30 s or using 60% of alcohol-based hand sanitizers, before and after dental treatment, reduce the transmission of COVID-19 infection? 375 (87.2) 69 (69) 37 (74) 64 (91) 545 (83.8)
Do you use extraoral radiography, panoramic radiography in case of emergency treatment? 360 (83.7) 75 (75) 38 (76) 68 (97) 541 (83.2)
Do you ensure that additional precautions are taken while treating patients with aerosol-generating procedures (ultrasound scaler, 3-way syringe, aerator)? 340 (79.0) 79 (79) 39 (78) 58 (83) 516 (79.3)
Do you use rubber dam for isolation or high-volume saliva ejector in case of emergency treatment? 335 (77.9) 65 (65) 42 (84) 61 (87) 503 (77.3)

Source of information about COVID-19

Source Percentage (%)
MOH 15
Social media 29
Television 17
Peer 31
Newspaper 6
Others 2

Distribution of study participants by age and designation

Sex n (%) Total n (%)

UG Interns PG Faculty
Male 200 (46.5) 45 (45) 35 (70) 43 (61.4) 323 (49.7)
Female 230 (53.5) 55 (55) 15 (30) 27 (38.6) 327 (50.3)

Total 430 (66.2) 100 (15.3) 50 (7.6) 70 (10.7) 650 (100)

Distribution of frequency of correct responses to questions concerning attitude regarding COVID-19 transmission in dental practice

Questions n (%) Total n(%) (n = 650)

UG (n = 430) Interns (n = 100) PG (n = 50) Faculty (n = 70)
Should dental health workers inform themselves with information regarding COVID-19? 405 (94.1) 85 (85) 45 (90) 70 (100) 605 (93.0)
Do you agree that information regarding COVID-19 should be disseminated among your peers and other dental health care workers? 398 (92.5) 97 (97) 48 (96) 70 (100) 613 (94.3)
Do you agree that an asymptomatic patient is not infected by COVID-19? 365 (84.8) 75 (75) 43 (86) 64 (91) 547 (84.1)
Do you suggest patients to approach a general physician rather than trusting online sources and social media? 386 (89.7) 89 (89) 45 (90) 61 (87) 581 (89.3)
Do you consider that patients with COVID-19 symptoms must be kept in isolation? 370 (80.0) 78 (78) 43 (86) 64 (91) 555 (85.3)
Do you notify dental patient receiving and diagnosis area personnel regarding COVID-19? 400 (93.0) 89 (89) 42 (84) 65 (93) 596 (91.6)
Will you instruct the dental assistants to adopt PPE and proper hand hygiene methods while performing dental procedures? 410 (95.3) 89 (89) 38 (76) 67 (96) 604 (92.9)
Do you believe sterilization of clinical and nonclinical areas can prevent COVID-19 transmission in dental clinics? 415 (96.5) 92 (92) 45 (90) 65 (93) 617 (94.9)
Do you believe that there is an association between hand hygiene and COVID-19 infection control? 395 (91.9) 88 (88) 42 (84) 63 (90) 588 (90.4)
Do you think hand hygiene prevents the spread of COVID-19 infection to patients? 412 (95.8) 90 (90) 49 (98) 66 (94) 617 (94.9)

Distribution of frequency regarding correct responses to general knowledge about COVID-19

Question n (%) Total n (%) (n = 650)

UG (n = 430) Interns (n = 100) PG (n = 50) Faculty (n = 70)
Do you have sufficient knowledge about novel COVID-19? 385 (89.5) 85 (85) 39 (78) 57 (81) 566 (87.0)
Does SARS-CoV-2 cause COVID-19? 280 (65.1) 20 (20) 25 (50) 51 (73) 376 (57.8)
Is COVID-19 zoonotic by origin? 320 (74.5) 57 (57) 35 (70) 40 (57) 452 (69.5)
Is cough, sneeze, and droplet inhalation through danger triangle of the face the main route of transmission for COVID-19 in humans? 421 (97.9) 96 (96) 47 (94) 68 (97) 632 (97.2)
Which of these viral infections can result in high mortality rates – SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, COVID-19 or HCoV-229E? 150 (34.8) 45 (45) 22 (44) 35 (50) 252 (38.7)
Would it be correct to say that 2 weeks is the median incubation period for COVID-19? 280 (65.1) 60 (60) 44 (88) 61 (87) 445 (68.4)
Would it be correct to say that the elderly are more susceptible for COVID-19? 345 (80.2) 85 (85) 42 (84) 62 (89) 534 (82.1)
Are patients with comorbidity like hypertension, diabetes, respiratory system disease, and cardiovascular diseases at an increased risk for developing COVID-19? 395 (91.8) 90 (90) 45 (90) 68 (97) 598 (92.0)
Do COVID-19 patients develop severe ARDS and cytokine storm? 376 (87.4) 86 (86) 46 (92) 66 (94) 574 (88.3)
Are fever, cough, and shortness of breath main symptoms of COVID-19? 365 (84.8) 75 (75) 43 (86) 63 (90) 546 (84.0)
Is there any vaccination available for COVID-19? 310 (72.0) 65 (65) 32 (64) 60 (86) 467 (71.8)
Can RT-PCR be used for diagnosing COVID-19? 260 (60.4) 54 (54) 35 (70) 55 (79) 404 (62.1)
Can antibiotics be used as the first line of treatment for COVID-19? 230 (53.4) 72 (72) 30 (60) 62 (89) 394 (60.6)
Would it be correct to say that smokers have increased risk of developing COVID-19? 410 (95.3) 84 (84) 39 (78) 55 (79) 588 (90.4)
Częstotliwość wydawania:
6 razy w roku
Dziedziny czasopisma:
Medicine, Assistive Professions, Nursing, Basic Medical Science, other, Clinical Medicine