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Exploring Echo Chambers in Twitter during Two Spanish Regional Elections: An Analysis of Community Interactions


Figure 1:

Tweet distribution grouped by day over collection period (Madrid).
Tweet distribution grouped by day over collection period (Madrid).

Figure 2:

Tweet distribution grouped by day over collection period (Andalusia).
Tweet distribution grouped by day over collection period (Andalusia).

Figure 3:

Graph interaction network of Madrid Dataset. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.
Graph interaction network of Madrid Dataset. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.

Figure 4:

Graph interaction network of Andalusia Dataset. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.
Graph interaction network of Andalusia Dataset. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.

Figure 5:

Heatmap of communities’ active/passive interactions. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.
Heatmap of communities’ active/passive interactions. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.

Figure 6:

Heatmap of Communities’ Active/Passive interactions. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.
Heatmap of Communities’ Active/Passive interactions. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.

Figure 7:

Graph interaction network filtering by quote-type tweets. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.
Graph interaction network filtering by quote-type tweets. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.

Figure 8:

Heatmap of community interaction filtering by RT-type tweet. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español; RT, ReTweet.
Heatmap of community interaction filtering by RT-type tweet. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español; RT, ReTweet.

Figure 9:

Graph interaction network filtering by reply-type tweets. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.
Graph interaction network filtering by reply-type tweets. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.

Figure 10:

Heatmap of community interaction filtering by reply-type tweet. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.
Heatmap of community interaction filtering by reply-type tweet. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.

Figure 11:

Graph interaction network filtering by general-type tweets. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.
Graph interaction network filtering by general-type tweets. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.

Figure 12:

Heatmap of community interaction filtering by general-type tweet. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.
Heatmap of community interaction filtering by general-type tweet. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español.

Figure B1:

Graph interaction network filtering by RT-type tweets. AA, Adelante Andalucía; Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español; RT, ReTweet.
Graph interaction network filtering by RT-type tweets. AA, Adelante Andalucía; Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español; RT, ReTweet.

Figure B2:

Heatmap of community interaction filtering by RT-type tweet. AA, Adelante Andalucía; Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español; RT, ReTweet.
Heatmap of community interaction filtering by RT-type tweet. AA, Adelante Andalucía; Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español; RT, ReTweet.

Figure B3:

Graph interaction network filtering by partisan-both type tweets. AA, Adelante Andalucía; Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español; RT, ReTweet.
Graph interaction network filtering by partisan-both type tweets. AA, Adelante Andalucía; Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español; RT, ReTweet.

Figure B4:

Heatmap of community interaction filtering by partisan–both type tweet. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español; RT, ReTweet.
Heatmap of community interaction filtering by partisan–both type tweet. Cs, Ciudadanos; PP, Partido Popular; PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Español; RT, ReTweet.

Number of interactions between community blocks.

Active user community Passive user community Madrid Count Percentage in active interactions (%) Andalusia Count Percentage in active interactions (%)
Left Left 1,144.414 96,34 701.343 97.51
Right Right 928.546 96,87 677.902 97.53
Right Left 15.189 1,58 9.951 1.43
Left Right 9.524 0,80 7.396 1.03

Twenty most common words on user bios and in tweets on the total dataset (Madrid).

Most common words in user bio (#users) Most common words in tweets (#repetitions)
Vida (10.134) Madrid (450.380)
Madrid (6.477) Ayuso (361.285)
Siempre (6.097) Campaña (197.987)
Mundo (5.899) PSOE (173.369)
Cuenta (5.010) Votar (141.250)
Like (4.757) PP (132.791)
One (4.754) Podemos (124.714)
España (4.740) Vamos (119.522)
Twitter (4.696) Mayo (118.847)
Periodista (4.664) Gobierno (111.340)
World (4.240) Solo (110.208)
Amante (4.206) Hoy (109.700)
Always (3.984) VOX (107.015)
Gusta (3.912) Vota (88.731)
Solo (3.881) Comunidad (87.166)
Cosas (3.759) Libertad (83.192)
Libertad (3.370) Izquierda (75.137)
Mejor (3.517) Impuestos (74.244)
Lover (3.300) Odio (74.118)
Instagram (3.150) Elecciones (69.487)

Twenty most common words on user bios and in tweets on the total dataset (Andalusia).

Most common words in user bio (#users) Most common words in tweets (#repetitions)
Vida (5.570) Andalucía (215.476)
Siempre (3.459) VOX (116.578)
España (3.284) PSOE (100.202)
Mundo (3.280) Moreno (96.101)
Cuenta (2.719) Olona (75.569)
Amante (2.482) Gobierno (67.033)
Política (2.419) Bonilla (66.217)
Libertad (2.399) Andaluces (62.678)
Periodista (2.368) PP (61.614)
Español (2.343) Hoy (56.327)
Social (2.285) Campaña (55.133)
Madrid (2.253) Votar (52.046)
Mejor (2.097) Acto (47.470)
Gusta (2.088) Años (42.184)
Oficial (1.978) Macarena (41.362)
Cosas (1.922) Vamos (39.435)
Derecho (1.853) Elecciones (39.068)
Feminista (1.826) Voto (35.918)
VOX (1.731) Debate (33.515)
Solo (1.722) Juanma (31.736)

Number of interactions with certain active/passive user.

Active user community Passive user community Count Percentage in active community interactions
VOX VOX 535.708 97.74
PA PA 315.092 93.27
PSOE PSOE 292.716 92.02
PP PP 93.031 93.14
AA AA 46.055 87.20
Cs Cs 37.362 94.51
PSOE PA 21.389 6.72
PA PSOE 14.998 4.44
PA AA 4.761 1.41
VOX PP 4.601 0.84
PP VOX 4.497 4.50
AA PA 4.448 8.42
VOX PSOE 3.793 0.69
PSOE VOX 1.811 0.57
PA VOX 1.730 0.51

Coefficients between votes, and community users and interactions (Andalusia).

Political party Popular vote Community #users Coefficient votes/users Community active interactions Coefficient votes/interactions
PP 1,582.412 8.152 194.11 100.830 15.69
PSOE 883.707 10.184 86.77 319.714 2.76
VOX 493.932 37.846 13.05 554.220 0.89
PA 281.688 37.378 7.53 344.830 0.81
AA 167.970 6.289 26.71 54.675 3.07
Cs 120.870 3.487 34.66 37.970 3.18

Number of interactions between community blocks by reply-type tweet.

Active user community Passive user community Madrid Count Percentage in active interactions (%) Andalusia Count Percentage in active interactions (%)
Left Left 18.406 85.79 10.101 89.88
Right Right 15.422 77.87 15.103 89.67
Right Left 3.049 15.39 1.216 7.22
Left Right 1.627 7.58 704 6.26

Separation of tweets by Keyword/Hashtag type (Madrid).

Active user community Type of keyword/hashtag Percentage of active user interactions
Podemos Partisan 22.11
General 67.87
Both 10.02
VOX Partisan 31.47
General 60.14
Both 8.39
PSOE Partisan 43.40
General 41.11
Both 15.49
PP Partisan 47.63
General 26.24
Both 26.13
MM Partisan 19.83
General 70.53
Both 9.64
Cs Partisan 32.04
General 47.63
Both 20,.3

Number of interactions grouping by political blocks.

Community Madrid # Active interactions # Passive interactions Andalusia # Active interactions # Passive interactions
Left 1,187.875 1,184.529 719.219 718.696
Right 958.491 948.635 695.020 692.701

Separation of tweets by keyword/hashtag type (Andalusia).

Active user community Type of keyword/hashtag Percentage of active user interactions
VOX Partisan 68.53
General 20.07
Both 11.40
PA Partisan 43.63
General 35.38
Both 20.99
PSOE Partisan 56.05
General 9.67
Both 34.28
PP Partisan 54.31
General 17.65
Both 28.04
AA Partisan 34.72
General 42.55
Both 22.73
Cs Partisan 40.94
General 31.62
Both 27.44

Most relevant users in each community (higher in-degree) (Andalusia).

Community #1 user (#in-degree) #2 user (#in-degree) #3 user (#in-degree)
VOX @vox_es (65.769) @Macarena_Olona (44.949) @AndaluciaVox (36.838)
PA @AndaluciaSinVOX (37.583) @InmaNietoC (35.234) @JA_DelgadoRamos (31.096)
PSOE @PSOE (33.597) @psoedeandalucia (31.939) @_JuanEspadas (14.100)
PP @ppandaluz (23.798) @JuanMa_Moreno (18.636) @populares (7.497)
AA @AdelanteAND (6.601) @TeresaRodr_ (6.566) @Levantaos_and (1.512)
Cs @CiudadanosCs (10.229) @JuanMarin_Cs (4.059) @Cs_Andalucia (3.890)

Sentiment analysis by active users’ community (Andalusia).

Active user community Sentiment Percentage of active userinteractions
VOX Positive 15.10
Neutral 19.00
Negative 65.90
PA Positive 18.74
Neutral 16.27
Negative 64.99
PSOE Positive 25.35
Neutral 17.43
Negative 57.22
PP Positive 24.25
Neutral 15.16
Negative 60.59
AA Positive 24.09
Neutral 15.14
Negative 60.77
Cs Positive 23.00
Neutral 17.20
Negative 59.80

RT Coverage table.

Dataset RTs captured Max RT value captured RT coverage%
Madrid 2,719.208 4,071.573 66.79
Andalusia 1,413.489 1,755.344 80.52

Number of interactions between community blocks by general-type tweet.

Active user community Passive user community Madrid Count Percentage of active interactions (%) Andalusia Count Percentage of active interactions (%)
Left Left 694.935 94.94 166.326 94.37
Right Right 483.508 95.31 133.027 93.88
Right Left 10.620 2.09 3.638 2.57
Left Right 5.904 0.80 2.938 1.66

Tweet distribution over datasets.

Dataset Extraction period Number of tweets Number of users
Madrid April 18th–May 4th 2021 3,192.462 626.885
Andalusia June 3rd–June 19th 2022 1,622.703 155.018

Number of interactions between community blocks by RT-type tweet.

Active user community Passive user community Madrid Count Percentage in active interactions Andalusia Count Percentage in active interactions
Left Left 1,072.251 97.12 656.953 98.11
Right Right 869.210 98.34 632.619 98.44
Right Left 4.429 0.50 3.805 0.59
Left Right 3.762 0.34 3.673 0.54

Most common words in users’ tweets by community (highlighted words with associated insights) (Madrid).

Ayuso Iglesias PSOE Populares Madrid Madrid
Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Ayuso Cs
Votar VOX Ayuso Ayuso Mónica Hoy
Podemos Pablo Gobierno Libertad García Madrileños
Iglesias Izquierda Votar Iglesias Comunidad Comunidad
Pablo Hoy Hoy España Hoy Gobierno
Ir Votar PP Sánchez Votar Propuestas
Fascismo Ayuso Gabilondo Campaña Monasterio Mejor
Puede Correos Voto Gobierno Covid Candidato
Hoy España Democracia Díaz Rocío Campaña

Number of users in each political community (Madrid).

Community # Users
Podemos 78.464
VOX 71.994
PSOE 12.638
PP 9.818
MM 9.513
Cs 5.247

Most common words in users’ bio by community (highlighted words with associated insights) (Madrid).

Vida España Socialista Popular Madrid Oficial
Mundo Español PSOE Partido Vida Ciudadanos
Siempre Vida Vida Madrid Social Perfil
Feminista Libertad Madrid Oficial Mundo Cs
Social Madrid Política PP Periodista Política
Madrid VOX Mundo Vida Feminista Liberal
Cosas Siempre Feminista España Política Concejal
Podemos Mundo Siempre Política Siempre Madrid
Periodista Amante Social Twitter Cuenta Portavoz
Gusta Cuenta Periodista Concejal Educación Ayuntamiento

Sentiment analysis by active users’ community (Madrid).

Active user community Sentiment % of active userinteractions
Podemos Positive 20.58
Neutral 13.17
Negative 66.25
VOX Positive 20.00
Neutral 14.46
Negative 65.54
PSOE Positive 20.84
Neutral 14.64
Negative 64.52
PP Positive 23.75
Neutral 14.41
Negative 61.84
MM Positive 19.13
Neutral 13.21
Negative 67.66
Cs Positive 24.67
Neutral 16.64
Negative 58.69

#19J 2022 Andalusia election results.

Political party Popular vote Vote% Parliamentary seats
PP 1,582.412 43.13 58
PSOE 883.707 24.09 30
VOX (VOX) 493.932 13.46 14
PA 281.688 7.68 5
AA 167.970 4.58 2
Cs 120.870 3.29 0

Tweet distribution by type (and percentage) over datasets.

Dataset Total tweets (%) Original tweets (%) Retweets (%) Quote tweets (%) Reply tweets(%)
Madrid 3,192.462 (100) 217.995 (6.83) 2,719.208 (85.18) 184.564 (5.78) 70.695 (2.21)
Andalusia 1,622.703 (100) 89.853 (5.54) 1,413.489 (87.11) 86.627 (5.34) 32.734 (2.01)

Number of users in each political community (Andalusia).

Community # Users
VOX 37.846
PA 37.378
PSOE 10.184
PP 8.152
AA 6.289
Cs 3.487

Number interactions (active and passive) for each community (Andalusia).

Community # Active interactions # Passive interactions
VOX 554.220 550.492
PA 344.830 348.668
PSOE 319.714 315.196
PP 100.830 101.641
AA 54.675 54.832
Cs 37.970 40.568

#4M 2021 Madrid election results.

Political party Popular vote Vote% Parliamentary seats
PP 1,620.213 44.73 65
MM 614.660 16.97 24
PSOE 610.190 16.85 24
VOX (VOX) 330.660 9.13 13
Unidas Podemos (Podemos) 261.010 7.21 10
Cs 129.216 3.57 0

Network-directed graph metrics.

Dataset Number of nodes |V| Number of edges |E| Average degree
Madrid 645.098 1,924.054 5.96
Andalusia 157.922 741.337 9.39

Hashtags and keywords captured during the Madrid #4M 2021 electoral campaign period.

Hashtag/keyword Started tracking Comments
#4M 18/4/2021 General hashtag
#4Mayo 18/4/2021 General hashtag
#Elecciones4M 18/4/2021 General hashtag
4M 18/4/2021 General keyword
4Mayo 18/4/2021 General keyword
#EleccionesMadrid 21/4/2021 General hashtag
#DebateTelemadrid 21/4/2021 General TV Debate Hashtag
#HazloXMadrid 18/4/2021 Campaign Slogan PSOE
#VotaPSOE 18/4/2021 Hashtag used by PSOE
#MadridConMonica 18/4/2021 Hashtag used by MM
#PorLoQueDeVerdadImporta 18/4/2021 Campaign Slogan MM
#ElMadridQueImporta 18/4/2021 Hashtag used by MM
#YoConAyuso 18/4/2021 Hashtag used by PP
#VotaLibertad 18/4/2021 Campaign Slogan PP
#ProtegeMadrid 18/4/2021 Campaign Slogan VOX
#VotaSeguro 21/4/2021 Hashtag used by VOX
#QueHableLaMayoria 18/4/2021 Campaign Slogan Podemos
#QueHableLaMayoria4M 18/4/2021 Hashtag used by Podemos
#MadrileñosPorEdmundoBal 18/4/2021 Hashtag used by Cs
#EligeCentro 18/4/2021 Campaign Slogan Cs

Most common words in users’ bio by community (highlighted words with associated insights) (Andalusia).

España Vida Socialista Popular Periodista Oficial
VOX Mundo PSOE Partido Andalucía Perfil
Español Siempre Vida PP Vida Ciudadanos
Vida Feminista Feminista Vida Sevilla Cs
Libertad Podemos Secretario Oficial Política Liberal
Siempre Social Mundo Concejal Feminista Política
Cuenta Antifascista Siempre Derecho Social Concejal
Madrid Republicano Igualdad Madrid Andaluz Portavoz
Mundo Cosas General Portavoz Mundo Periodista
Família Gusta Política Política Comunicación Partido

Most relevant users in each community (higher in-degree) (Madrid).

Community #1 user (#in-degree) #2 user (#in-degree) #3 user (#in-degree)
Podemos @carlosbardem (38.269) @PODEMOS (34.134) @PabloIglesias (27.399)
VOX @IdiazAyuso (58.358) @vox_es (43.518) @madrid_vox (29.407)
PSOE @PSOE (47.999) @equipoGabilondo (14.013) @psoe_m (7.712)
PP @populares (36.242) @ppmadrid (22.973) @ismaelquesada (3.869)
MM @Monica_Garcia_G (13.462) @MasMadridCM (5.426) @ierrejon (4.786)
Cs @CiudadanosCs (21.670) @BalEdmundo (7.527) @Cs_Madrid (6.009)

Number interactions (active and passive) for each community (Madrid).

Community # Active interactions # Passive interactions
Podemos 883.524 842.617
VOX 690.919 689.495
PSOE 284.695 269.129
PP 167.279 158.281
MM 69.656 72.783
Cs 100.293 100.859

Hashtags and keywords captured during the Andalusia #19J 2022 electoral campaign period

Hashtag/keyword Started tracking Comments
#19J 3/6/2022 General hashtag
#19Junio 3/6/2022 General hashtag
#19JAndalucia 3/6/2022 General hashtag
#Elecciones19J 3/6/2022 General hashtag
19J 3/6/2022 General keyword
19Junio 3/6/2022 General keyword
#EleccionesAndaluzas 3/6/2022 General hashtag
#EleccionesAndalucia 3/6/2022 General hashtag
#EleccionesAndalucia2022 6/6/2022 General hashtag
#DebateRTVE 6/6/2022 General TV Debate Hashtag
#ElDebateDecisivo 13/6/2022 General TV Debate Hashtag
#DebateDecisivo 13/6/2022 General TV Debate Hashtag
#AndaluciaAvanza 3/6/2022 Campaign Slogan PP
#JuanmaPresidente 3/6/2022 Hashtag used by PP
#SiVotamosGanamos 3/6/2022 Hashtag used by PSOE
#AndaluciaQuiereMas 3/6/2022 Campaign Slogan PSOE
#VotaPSOE 3/6/2022 Hashtag used by PSOE
#19JAdelante 3/6/2022 Hashtag used by AA
#AdelanteAndalucia 3/6/2022 Hashtag used by AA
#EnDefensaPropia 3/6/2022 Campaign Slogan AA
#AndaluciaEnDefensaPropia 3/6/2022 Hashtag used by AA
#Adelante19J 6/6/2022 Hashtag used by AA
#VotaAdelante19J 13/6/2022 Hashtag used by AA
#VotaTere19J 13/6/2022 Hashtag used by AA
#CambioReal 3/6/2022 Campaign Slogan VOX
#OlonaPresidenta 3/6/2022 Hashtag used by VOX
#VotaMacarenazo 6/6/2022 Hashtag used by VOX
#VotaMacarenaPresidenta 13/6/2022 Hashtag used by VOX
#PorAndalucia 3/6/2022 Campaign Slogan PA
#AndaluciaLiberal 3/6/2022 Hashtag used by Cs
#ElCambioQueFunciona 3/6/2022 Campaign Slogan Cs

Most common words in users’ tweets by community (highlighted words with associated insights) (Andalusia).

VOX Por Andalucía PSOE PP Adelante Andalucía Cs
VOX Moreno Andalucía Andalucía Andalucía Andalucía
Andalucía Andalucía PSOE Andaluces Teresa Cs
PSOE Olona Moreno Presidente Rodríguez Gobierno
Junio VOX Bonilla Populares Adelante Andaluces
Macarena Bonilla Gobierno Años Olona Voto
Campaña PP PP Mayoría Debate Años
Gobierno Juanma Votar Gobierno Campaña Hoy
Andaluces Andaluces Vamos Seguir Vota Cambio
Olona Gente Acto Mejor Hoy Ciudadanos
Acto Sanidad Voto PSOE Candidata Olona

Coefficients between votes, and community users and interactions (Madrid).

Political party Popular vote Community #users Coefficient votes/users Community active interactions Coefficient votes/interactions
PP 1,631.608 9.818 166.18 167.279 9.75
MM 619.215 9.513 65.09 69.656 8.88
PSOE 612.622 12.638 48.47 284.695 2.15
VOX 333.403 71.994 4.63 690.919 0.48
Podemos 263.871 78.464 3.36 883.524 0.30
Cs 130.237 5.247 24.82 100.293 1.30

Number of interactions between community blocks by quote-type tweet.

Active user community Passive user community Madrid Count Percentage in active interactions (%) Andalusia Count Percentage in active interactions (%)
Left Left 53.757 86.08 34.289 89.27
Right Right 43.914 80.01 30.180 84.82
Right Left 7.711 14.05 4.570 12.84
Left Right 3.865 6.19 3.019 7.86

Number of tweets separating by type of keyword/hashtag.

Type of keyword/hashtag Madrid Andalusia
Partisan 664.205 827.771
General 1,979.082 393.090
Both 206.421 303.402
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