
Food industry enterprises (FIEs) are important players in the agricultural sector and use insurance as the tool to protect the business. The actual issue is determining the influence of insurance. The paper is devoted to the analysis of the influence of insurance on key indicators of the activity of FIEs from the viewpoint of use of insurance by the insurance market participants. The investigation methodology is based on the concept of ‘competitiveness’ of an enterprise explaining the ability to operate profitably and meet the competition. The aim of the work is to analyze the relationship between insurance costs and indicators of efficiency and competitiveness of Ukraine’s FIEs. Hypotheses concerning the propensity of FIEs with higher competitiveness to use insurance and influence of insurance on key indicators of FIEs activity have been formulated and tested. Economic-statistical analysis and correlation-regression analysis have been performed due to Microsoft Office 2013 software packages. The hypothesis about the existence of dependence between the competitiveness of FIEs and the portion of money allocated by FIEs for insurance is confirmed only for FIEs with high efficiency of business activity.