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New Pumped Storage Plants as Renewable Energy Sources in Romania


In Romania, there are no pumped storage plants (PSPs) significant from the point of view of the National Power System (NPS). For more than 30 years, one site is expected to achieve 1000 MW PSP, using the existing reservoir Tarnita, on Somes river, as the lower reservoir. Recently, Hidroelectrica launched a study identifying new potential sites for PSPs in the Eastern part of Romania, where there is a huge development for wind farms and where Cernavoda nuclear power plant is located, with 2 units of 700 MW each in operation and other 2 units to be built until 2035. These PSPs will cover the ancillary services and, according to a new Government Ordinance, will enable a better integration of the existing RES into the NPS, and will increase the generation of electricity from RES by their own production of electricity.