
Any knowledge is recorded, set in the culture and in the end, communicated. The communicative behaviors are found at the basis of humanization, of the spiritual, psychological and social development of people. To exist as a human being means to communicate, moreover communication is the major factor present in the constitution and transmission of the cultural values and of culture itself. The emergence of the new media confronts us with the challenge of abandoning the old means and of replacing the old values with those of the media culture. The communication society responds to the dream of mankind to create and live in a better world: it guarantees freedom of expression, free information, instantaneity, and all the attributes and illusions of a best possible world. On the other hand, the crisis of confidence faced by the media in the recent years is an important moment and an alarming signal for the media institutions. However, enthusiasm for the online media has increased, especially among the young people who, despite the inconveniences, access the virtual space in greater number year by year. Ultimately, regardless of the criticism surrounding the media culture, the purpose of the creators has always been to communicate the new created values, because only through communication the new forms of culture can emerge and establish themselves as culture.
