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Aspects of the Imaginary of the Romanian Principalities in the Stories of the British Travelers of the 18th Century


[1] See Pe urmele trecutului. Profesorului Nicolae Edroiu la 70 de ani (coord. Susana Andea, Ioan –Aurel Pop) Academia Română – Centrul de Studii Transilvane, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, passim; also see Ştefan Ştefănescu, Ţările Române în secolul al XVIII-lea. Crize politice şi fenomene demografice în volumul Pe urmele trecutului. Profesorului Nicolae Edroiu la 70 de ani (coord. Susana Andea, Ioan –Aurel Pop) Academia Română – Centrul de Studii Transilvane, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, pp. 385-389. For the model of the research methodology also see Klaus Heitman, Imaginea românilor în spaţiul lingvistic german, Polirom, Iaşi, 2014, passim.Search in Google Scholar

[2] Călători străini despre Ţările Române (ed. Maria Holban, M. M. Alexandrescu-Dersca Bulgaru, Paul Cernovodeanu), X/1, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2000, p. 666-672; also see N. Iorga, A History of Anglo-Roumanian Relations, Bucureşti, 1931, passim. Iorga’s work proposes an important informational series regarding the English travellers through the Romanian principalities in the 18th century and the manner in which they “discover” the anthropological and historical space of these states.Search in Google Scholar

[3]. Chishull, Edmund, Travels in Turkey and back to England, Printed by W. Bowyer, London, MDCCXLVII p. 82, https://books.google.ro/books?id=_7R7RJatIdEC&printsec=frontcover&hl=ro&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=snippet&q=wax&f=false. 31.03.2016Search in Google Scholar

[4] Idem, p. 82Search in Google Scholar

[5] Massive boards made of hard wood and used as construction material. The specifications of the author make reference, probably, to an archaic system of ensuring the street pavement in the capital of WallachiaSearch in Google Scholar

[6] Chishull, Edmund, Travels in Turkey and back to England, Printed by W. Bowyer, London, MDCCXLVII p. 82, https://books.google.ro/books?id=_7R7RJatIdEC&printsec=frontcover&hl=ro&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=snippet&q=wax&f=false 31.03.2016 The observations of Chishull are very relevant to the current ethnographic research, as he makes concrete technical indications regarding the urban habitat of the capital of Wallachia, his text being equally suggestive with regard to the specificity of the habitat of the rural areas he passed through during his voyage]Search in Google Scholar

[7]. Chishull, Edmund, Travels in Turkey and back to England, Printed by W. Bowyer, London, MDCCXLVII p. 84, https://books.google.ro/books?id=_7R7RJatIdEC&printsec=frontcover&hl=ro&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=snippet&q=wax&f=false 31.03.2016Search in Google Scholar

[8] Lady Elisabeth Berkeley was born in 1750, being the third child of the Earl of Berkeley. At the age of 17, she married William Craven, who later became lord Craven. The two spouses separated in 1780 after 13 years of marriage despite the fact they had six children. After the separation, the authoress continued to have her husband’s name even after she settled at the Court of Ansbach (in 1786) of the a nephew of Frederic II of Prussia, Christian Friedrich Karl-Alexander, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach, duke of Prussia and Count of Sayn, stating that she would be considered a sister of his (1786), see Călători străini despre Ţările Române, volumul X, partea I, editor in charge Maria Holban, colab. M.M. Alexandrescu, Dersca Bulgaru, Paul Cernovodeanu (editor in carge), Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2000, p. 714.Search in Google Scholar

[9] „The supper was served in a more European manner than I should have imagined; a table upon legs, and chairs to sit on were things I did not expect. The Prince sat at the end of the table, his wife on one side, and I on the other. Mr V - was likewise invited, and sat at my left – Several women sat down to supper with us. The Princess had nine females behind her chair to wait upon her - several silver things, evidently the produce of England, were set upon the table, such as salt-sellers, cruets, etc. etc. but there were four candlesticks that seemed to be made of alabaster, set with flowers composed of small rubies and emeralds, that were very beautiful”. The quotation we have selected depicts in a very relevant manner a sequence of cultural, social sequence of imaginary from the daily life of the boyar elites in the Principalities at the end of the 18th century. See A Journey Through the Crimea to Constantinople: In a Series of Letters from the Right Honorable Elizabeth Lady Craven Craven to His Serene Highness the Margrave of Bandenbourg, Anspach and Bareith, London, Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, Pater Noster Row, MDCCLXXXIX, p. 311 https://books.google.ro/books?oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=y&q=dinner+was+served&id=YOEGAAAAQAAJ&hl=ro&output=text#v=onepage&q=Mr%20V&f=false 31.03.2016Search in Google Scholar

[10] These were to be used in the description of her journey, which was meant to confer her a triumphant image the moment she would settle at the Court of Anspach as elective sister of the Margrave Christian Friedrich whom she would marry after the death of her husband and that of his wife, in 1791.Search in Google Scholar

[11] A Journey Through the Crimea to Constantinople: In a Series of Letters from the Right Honorable Elizabeth Lady Craven Craven to His Serene Highness the Margrave of Bandenbourg, Anspach and Bareith, London, Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, Pater Noster Row, MDCCLXXXIX, p. 311 https://books.google.ro/books?oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=y&q=dinner+was+served&id=YOEGAAAAQAAJ&hl=ro&output=text#v=onepage&q=Mr%20V&f=false 31.03.2016Search in Google Scholar

[12] Ştefan Lemny, Sensibilitate şi istorie în secolul XVIII românesc, Bucureşti, 1990, p. 56Search in Google Scholar

[13] Adrian-Silvan Ionescu, Balurile din secolul al XIX-lea, Bucureşti, Fundaţia Culturală D’ale Bucureştilor, 1997, p. 56Search in Google Scholar

[14] William Wilkinson, Relaţiile despre Principatele Ţării Româneşti şi Moldovei, în Călători străini, coord. Maria Holban, I, (1801-1821), pp. 640-641.Search in Google Scholar