Otwarty dostęp

Positive Education and Student Development through Communication


Communication, both as a didactic process and as social interaction remains a current issue and an open field for research. It takes place in a subtle way in the world today, through various means and enjoys an active and passive reception from the different categories of public. Taking into consideration the educational impact of mass-media, which exert a growing influence in modern society, educational communication should be given a particular significance, because it must become the all comprehensive tool that will help the taught to integrate, structure, analyze the information already acquired. Didactic communication must be a cooperation between the student and the teacher, allowing the transmission of knowledge, integrating information in a framework of prior acquired knowledge and adding of new knowledge, at the same time enabling personal vision on the issues discussed. An open pedagogical communication, unrestricted by excessive formalism and useless rituals will increase participants' confidence in their ability to solve problems and accomplish tasks.