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Selected Economic and Social Aspects Resulting from Online Education at the Higher Level



Figure 1:

The distribution of responses regarding with relationship with fellow students and lecturers
Sources: own elaboration
The distribution of responses regarding with relationship with fellow students and lecturers Sources: own elaboration

Figure 2:

The distribution of work effort
Sources: own elaboration
The distribution of work effort Sources: own elaboration

Figure 3:

The distribution of assessment of IT skills according to willingness to participate in online education
Sources: own elaboration
The distribution of assessment of IT skills according to willingness to participate in online education Sources: own elaboration

Figure 4:

The probability of assessment of online courses’ effectiveness according to willingness to take courses online
Sources: own elaboration
The probability of assessment of online courses’ effectiveness according to willingness to take courses online Sources: own elaboration

Figure 5:

The probability of assessment of lecturers’ faculty preparation for online courses according to willingness to take courses online
Sources: own elaboration
The probability of assessment of lecturers’ faculty preparation for online courses according to willingness to take courses online Sources: own elaboration

Figure 6:

The distribution of the degree to which the environmental and technical conditions hinder online learning
Sources: own elaboration
The distribution of the degree to which the environmental and technical conditions hinder online learning Sources: own elaboration

Figure 7:

The distribution of environmental conditions according to accommodation
Sources: own elaboration
The distribution of environmental conditions according to accommodation Sources: own elaboration

Figure 8:

The distribution of the degree to which the environmental conditions hinder online learning according to accommodation
Sources: own elaboration
The distribution of the degree to which the environmental conditions hinder online learning according to accommodation Sources: own elaboration

Figure 9:

The distribution the technical conditions according to accommodation
Sources: own elaboration
The distribution the technical conditions according to accommodation Sources: own elaboration

Figure 10:

The distribution of the degree to which the technical conditions hinder online learning according to accommodation
Sources: own elaboration
The distribution of the degree to which the technical conditions hinder online learning according to accommodation Sources: own elaboration

The distribution of responses regarding the relationship of contacts with lecturers in relation to communications with fellow students

Relationship with fellow students
Relationship with lecturers worse the same better
worse 35.3% 1.5% 0.3%
the same 1.5% 11.4% 1.2%
better 7.6% 5.6% 2.8%

The descriptive statistics of IT skill assessment before and during pandemic

Variables mean median mode number of mode lower quartile upper quartile standard deviation coefficient of variance [%] skewness
Pre-pandemic skill assessment 3.417 3 4 196 3 4 1.063 31.096 -0.252
Skill assessment during the pandemic 3.944 4 4 274 3 5 0.819 20.757 -0.405

The results from the generalized multinomial linear models

Dependent variable (MODEL) Independent variable Wald’s chi-square df p-value
1. Lecture forms preferences IT skills 9.633 2 0.008
Fatigue stationary vs. online 11.579 4 0.021
Effectiveness stationary vs. online 47.233 4 0.000
2. Classes forms preferences Fatigue stationary vs. online 30.396 4 0.000
Effectiveness stationary vs. online 73.598 4 0.000
Concentration stationary vs. online 17.386 4 0.002
Work effort stationary vs. online 12.113 1 0.001
3. Labs forms preferences Fatigue stationary vs. online 19.187 4 0.001
Effectiveness stationary vs. online 36.386 4 0.000
Concentration stationary vs. online 9.672 4 0.046
Work effort stationary vs. online 13.476 1 0.000
4. Consultations forms preferences Fatigue stationary vs. online 18.433 4 0.001
Effectiveness stationary vs. online 33.258 4 0.000
5. Seminars forms preferences Fatigue stationary vs. online 9.531 4 0.049
Effectiveness stationary vs. online 37.483 4 0.000

The distribution of IT skill assessment before and during pandemic

skill assessment during the pandemic
1 2 3 4 5 Sum
pre-pandemic skill assessment 1 0.17% 1.66% 1.16% 0.33% 0.50% 3.81%
2 0.17% 1.49% 10.76% 3.48% 0.33% 16.23%
3 0.00% 0.17% 12.42% 17.55% 0.83% 30.96%
4 0.00% 0.00% 0.17% 23.84% 8.44% 32.45%
5 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.17% 16.39% 16.56%
Sum 0.33% 3.31% 24.50% 45.36% 26.49% 100.00%
Frequenza di pubblicazione:
2 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Law, Public Law, other