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Laboratory Test Methods for Assessing the Abrasivity of Rocks and Soils in Geotechnology and Mining Applications



Figure 1

Wear of tools in geotechnology and mining engineering. The most typical devices for each field are shown (adapted from [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]).
Wear of tools in geotechnology and mining engineering. The most typical devices for each field are shown (adapted from [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]).

Figure 2

Tribological system (schematic).
Tribological system (schematic).

Figure 3

CERCHAR-type testing apparatus (adapted from [17]).
CERCHAR-type testing apparatus (adapted from [17]).

Figure 4

West-type testing apparatus (adapted from [17]).
West-type testing apparatus (adapted from [17]).

Figure 5

Steel pin. (a) Before the test. (b) After the test (d is the wear flat) (adapted from [18]).
Steel pin. (a) Before the test. (b) After the test (d is the wear flat) (adapted from [18]).

Figure 6

The two halves of the sample disc with test scratches (1–5) after Brazilian tensile test. (a) Rough surface. (b) Smooth surface (adapted from [20]).
The two halves of the sample disc with test scratches (1–5) after Brazilian tensile test. (a) Rough surface. (b) Smooth surface (adapted from [20]).

Figure 7

Measurements of pin wear. (a) Side view (d is the distance between the edges of the worn surface). (b) Top view (d1 and d2 are diameters of the worn pin, measured from two orthogonal directions) (adapted from [17]).
Measurements of pin wear. (a) Side view (d is the distance between the edges of the worn surface). (b) Top view (d1 and d2 are diameters of the worn pin, measured from two orthogonal directions) (adapted from [17]).

Figure 8

LCPC abrasivity testing device with main components (adapted from [18]).
LCPC abrasivity testing device with main components (adapted from [18]).

Figure 9

Schematic representation of metal impeller before and after the LCPC test: 1 new impeller, 2 not abrasive, 3 abrasive/very abrasive, 4 very abrasive and 5 extremely abrasive (adapted from [21]).
Schematic representation of metal impeller before and after the LCPC test: 1 new impeller, 2 not abrasive, 3 abrasive/very abrasive, 4 very abrasive and 5 extremely abrasive (adapted from [21]).

Figure 10

Correlation between LAC and CAI [21].
Correlation between LAC and CAI [21].

Figure 11

NTNU/SINTEF abrasivity device (adapted from [22]).
NTNU/SINTEF abrasivity device (adapted from [22]).

Figure 12

Test specimen for rock abrasivity test AV and AVS (adapted from [23]).
Test specimen for rock abrasivity test AV and AVS (adapted from [23]).

Figure 13

Test specimen for soil abrasivity test SATTM (adapted from [23]).
Test specimen for soil abrasivity test SATTM (adapted from [23]).

Figure 14

RIAT device (adapted from [24]).
RIAT device (adapted from [24]).

Figure 15

Gouging abrasion test apparatus. (a) Front view. (b) Side view (adapted from [2]).
Gouging abrasion test apparatus. (a) Front view. (b) Side view (adapted from [2]).

Figure 16

Wear contact between tool and rock sample (adapted from [2]).
Wear contact between tool and rock sample (adapted from [2]).

Figure 17

Rock sample after testing (schematic). Numbers 1–6 represent individual scratches from the test (adapted from [2]).
Rock sample after testing (schematic). Numbers 1–6 represent individual scratches from the test (adapted from [2]).

Main parameters of the CERCHAR abrasivity test.

Parameters Value
Load (N) 70
Stylus hardness (HRC) 55 ± 1
Test scratch length (mm) 10
Sample material Rock (freshly broken surface)
Test duration (s) 1 10
Test result CERCHAR abrasivity index (CAI)

Main parameters of the gouging abrasion test.

Parameters Value
Impact energy (J) 300
Wear tool hardness (HRC) 40–42
Test scratch length (mm) 78
Sample material Rock (smooth surface)
Test result Gouging abrasion index (Gi)

Main parameters of the LCPC abrasivity test.

Parameters Value
Rotational speed (min−1) 4,500
Sample material Soil/granular material
Grain size of the sample (mm) 4–6.3
Sample mass (g) 500 ± 2
Test duration (min) 5
Test result LCPC abrasivity coefficient (LAC)
LCPC breakability coefficient (LBC)

Classification of LCPC abrasivity coefficient (LAC) in relation to the CERCHAR abrasivity index (CAI) [21].

LAC (g/t) CAI (0.1 mm) Abrasivity term
0–50 0–0.3 Not abrasive
50–100 0.3–0.5 Not very abrasive
100–250 0.5–1.0 Slightly abrasive
250–500 1.0–2.0 (Medium) abrasive
500–1,250 2.0–4.0 Very abrasive
1,250–2,000 4.0–6.0 Extremely abrasive

Main parameters of the RIAT [24].

Parameters Value
Thrust (N) 1,250
Rolling velocity (min−1) 40
Test duration (min) 30
Disc hardness (HRC) 50 ± 1
Sample material Rock (smooth surface)
Test result RIAT abrasivity index (RIATa)
RIAT indentation index (RIATi)

Classification of the CERCHAR abrasivity index (CAI) [17].

Mean value of CAI Classification/abrasivity description
0.1–0.4 Extremely low
0.5–0.9 Very low
1.0–1.9 Low
2.0–2.9 Medium
3.0–3.9 High
4.0–4.9 Very high
≥5 Extremely high

Classification of rock and soil abrasion on tungsten carbide (AV) and cutter steel (AVS, SATTM) test specimen [22].

Abrasion AV (mg) AVS (mg) SATTM (mg)
Extremely high ≥58.0 ≥44.0
Very high 42.0–57.9 36.0–44.0
High 28.0–41.9 26.0–35.9 ≥22.0
Medium 11.0–27.9 13.0–25.9 7.0–22.0
Low 4.0–10.9 4.0–12.9 ≤7.0
Very low 1.1–3.9 1.1–3.9
Extremely low ≤1.0 ≤1.0

Main parameters of the NTNU/SINTEF abrasivity tests.

Parameters Value
Load (N) 100
Rotational speed (min−1) 20
Material mass flow (g/min) 80
Test duration (min) 5 1 1
Sample material Crushed rock powder Crushed rock powder soil
Grain size of the sample (mm) <1 <1 <4
Test specimen material Tungsten carbide Cutter ring steel Cutter ring steel
Test result AV value AVS value SATTM value